

[dr?l]     [dr?l]    
  • n. 鉆孔機;鉆子;反復操練;播種機
  • v. 練習;鉆孔;(軍事)訓練
driller drilled drilled drilling drills



n. (名詞)
  1. 鉆床,鉆機
  2. 【軍】操練 ,訓練
  3. 條播機
  4. 鉆,鉆頭
  5. 演習
  6. 條播溝,溝畦
  7. 條播種子,條播作物
  8. <英口>規定的步驟
  9. 【動】鬼狒
  10. 【紡】斜紋棉布,厚斜紋布
  11. 盤練
v. (動詞)
  1. (軍事)訓練,操練,練習,培訓
  2. 通過練習傳授
  3. 鉆穿,鉆通
  4. 鉆(孔),穿孔
  5. 教練
  6. 使牢記
  7. 做體操
  8. 條播(作為),在(土地)上條播,條播種子
  9. 條植
  10. 在...上(用鋼鉆)鉆孔,打(眼)
  11. 鉆除,鉆出
  12. <美俚>用子彈打穿,槍殺
  13. 作…演習
  14. 反復訓練某人
  15. 向某人反復灌輸


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]鉆頭,鉆床 a tool or machine for making holes
  2. [U]操練,訓練 training and instruction in a subject of for a purpose, especially by means of repeating and following exact order
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 鉆(孔); 鉆除 make a hole or remove sth with a drill
  2. vt. & vi. 操練 train and exercise soldiers, students, etc. under instruction


  1. a tool with a sharp point and cutting edges for making holes in hard materials (usually rotating rapidly or by repeated blows)
  2. similar to the mandrill but smaller and less brightly colored
  3. systematic training by multiple repetitions;

    "practice makes perfect"

  4. (military) the training of soldiers to march (as in ceremonial parades) or to perform the manual of arms
  1. make a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool;

    "don't drill here, there's a gas pipe"
    "drill a hole into the wall"
    "drill for oil"
    "carpenter bees are boring holes into the wall"

  2. train in the military, e.g., in the use of weapons
  3. learn by repetition;

    "We drilled French verbs every day"
    "Pianists practice scales"

  4. teach by repetition
  5. undergo military training or do military exercises



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The dentist's drill made a lot of noise.
  2. Jack used a drill to bore a hole in the wall above the fireplace.
  3. Today's art lesson came to an abrupt end when the gongs sounded for a fire drill.
  4. You'd better set a goal before you start the drill.
  5. There'll be a fire-drill this morning.
  6. You should finish your English grammar drills in the class.
  7. A plow equipped with a double moldboard that turns up the soil on each side of the furrow,often having an attached drill for seed planting.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Listen to the first paragraph, then let them drill in teams.
  2. Let's drill them in English pronunciation.
  3. The workman is drilling in the wall.
  4. We had to drill down 200 feet to find water.
  5. The soldiers drill every morning.


用作動詞 (v.)
drill down (v.+adv.)
    在地面上打洞 make a deep hole in the ground
    drill down We had to drill down 200 feet to find water. 他們得鉆200英寸深性能找見水。
drill in1 (v.+adv.)
    反復教授,灌輸 teach (sth) with force and repetition
    drill sth ? in The speaker tried to drill in his point but the crowd was not interested. 演講人力爭把他的的觀點灌輸式給受眾,既使受眾卻不感喜好。
drill in2 (v.+prep.)
    指導反復練習 instruct and exercise (students) by the repeating of words, actions, etc.
    drill sb in sth The teacher drilled the class in pronunciation of Latin words. 新教師教這家班的大家聯系拉丁英文字的拼讀。 The teacher drilled his students in sentence patterns. 教研員對高中生實施句型培養。 The mother drilled her daughter in all that she should do at the wedding ceremony. 父親母親對孫女在婚慶上該做些些什么通通對其進行訓練學習。 She has been drilled in the art of courtesy. 她學過禮儀常識。 A girl should be drilled in all that she should do. 應學好女該子各種她肯定做的時間。 They are thoroughly drilled in English grammar. 你們在英語圖片日語語法領域面臨從嚴操練。
drill into (v.+prep.)
    反復地將…教授〔灌輸〕給(某人) teach (sth) by force and repetition to (sb)
    drill into sth The violent daylight drills into the room. 熱烈的山林射進次臥里來咯。 He sensed that the eyes of the men were drilling into the back of his neck. 他心存現代人的內心深處猛然地想著他的下巴以后。 drill sth into sb Can't you drill some manners into the boy? 誰說你是不能教這幼兒懂點尊重嗎? I simply don't believe that spoken skills can be drilled into learners in a language laboratory. 我感覺走向不信任在語言的實驗英文室里能把聊天說話的天賦親授給學生黨。 drill into sb that/wh-clause She drilled into the children that they must say “thank you” to their hostess. 她致使反復叮嚀孩紙們要記下來對我是女主人說聲“謝謝你們”。 Parents often try to drill into their children how much they owe them. 當長輩的經常會對著小孩子叨嘮說,大家 對子女恩重如山。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+后置定語 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Loading drill on the five-inch gun. 出自: T. Heggen
  • The days were taken up with a succession of drills and parades and inspections. 出自: S. Hill
  • Just ordinary drills of cabbages. 出自: C. S. Lewis
  • Farmers' wives in white drill overalls. 出自: W. Holtby
  • Purposely drilling out the time, hoping to encline the Senate to favour his designe. 出自: J. Ussher
  • Rabbit-holes drill the bank everywhere. 出自: R. Jefferies
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