

['p?l??]     ['pɑ?l??]    
  • n. 光澤;上光劑;優雅;精良
  • v. 擦亮;磨光;推敲;完善
  • Polish.
  • adj. 波蘭的;波蘭人的;波蘭語的
  • n. 波蘭語
polisher polished polished polishing polishes



n. (名詞)
  1. 光澤
  2. 光滑
  3. 優美
  4. 擦亮
  5. 波蘭語
  6. 磨光
  7. 完善
  8. 上光劑
  9. 磨光粉
  10. 擦亮劑
  11. 亮漆
  12. 磨擦
  13. 擦亮粉
  14. 亮油
  15. 修養
  16. 推敲
  17. 優雅
  18. 擦光劑
  19. 亮光劑
v. (動詞)
  1. 變光滑
  2. 使精煉
  3. 擦亮
  4. 磨光
  5. 潤飾
  6. 推敲
  7. 拋光
  8. 發亮
  9. 使簡練
  10. 使醇化
  11. 使優美
  12. 修磨
  13. 涂油
  14. 修改
  15. 潤色
  16. 干掉
  17. 殺死
  18. 很快做完
  19. 迅速吃光
  20. 光滑
  21. 文飾
  22. 打光滑
  23. 使精練
  24. 使完美
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 波蘭的
  2. 波蘭(人)的
  3. 波蘭文化的


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)光滑,擦亮 make or become smooth and shiny by rubbing with or without a chemical substance
  2. vt. 文飾 improve in behaviour, intellectual interests, etc.
n. (名詞)
  1. [U]光澤劑,上光蠟,亮漆 a liquid powder
  2. [S]光亮,光滑 a smooth shiny surface produced by rubbing
  3. [S]擦亮,磨光 an act of polishing
  4. [U]優美,高雅,完善 the quality of being polished


  1. the property of being smooth and shiny
  2. a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality;

    "they performed with great polish"
    "I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose"
    "almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art"

  3. a preparation used in polishing
  4. the Slavic language of Poland
  1. of or relating to Poland or its people or culture;

    "Polish sausage"

  1. make (a surface) shine;

    "shine the silver, please"
    "polish my shoes"

  2. improve or perfect by pruning or polishing;

    "refine one's style of writing"

  3. bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state;

    "polish your social manners"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. A hot plate will spoil the polish on this table.
  2. This car polish is an effective shield against rust.
  3. With this polish you can give a good high gloss to the wood.
  4. Now we have a presentable great speaker whose polish reminds me of Will Smith.
  5. We want the game we're working on right now to be as high in quality, polish and playability as anything we've done in the past.
  6. These well trained and elite troops are well equipped with plate armour and lances, making them a fearsome addition to any Polish army.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I polished my buttons with a handkerchief.
  2. The aluminum film retains its high polish much longer than does silver, and it can be repolished, whereas silver can not.
  3. It's an honest book but it hasn't been polished.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. When I awoke, a Polish man came to my room, held my hand and looked at me with friendly eyes.
  2. Well, I think she's either Russian or Polish.
  3. This chapter introduces the vocalic inventory of Polish.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. My spoken Polish is better than my written Polish.
  2. This chapter introduces the vocalic inventory of Polish.


用作動詞 (v.)
polish off (v.+adv.)
    擊倒; 除掉 knock out; get rid of or kill
    polish sth ? off He polished off a whole roast duck in ten minutes. 他相當鐘就吃光一個多只北京烤鴨。 The hungry boys polished off a plateful of ham and then asked for more. 饑餓的孩童很容易就一吃沒事盤火腿,隨后又要沒事些。 After the contest we were all so hungry that we polished off the lunch in only a few minutes. 比賽英文后我國用戶都很餓,不少鐘就把飯吃光了。 Having polished off a slice or two of bread, she started work again. 她歲月如梭總吃二兩錯誤傾向包,又已經事業了。 We can soon polish off that job. 公司能迅速干完那運轉。 She had to polish off her work before going home. 帶回家前她須要快把的工作做了。 Do you think you can polish off these sheets of typing before four o'clock? 你觀點在幾點鐘曾經能夠這兩頁都出完嗎? Mary polished off her homework early so that she could watch TV. 瑪麗為了能讓就可以看網絡電視,很久以前便進而改善完成了家人數學作業。 The cream buns and sausage rolls were polished off in nest to no time. 轉眼間當中,奶油芝士各種面包和臘腸卷就被掃掃而光。 polish sb ? off The boxer polished off his opponent in the first round. 拳擊手在首個斗技就把他的敵方擊暈了。 The villain of the novel is polished off in the last chapter but one. 小說有哪些中的哪一個壞蛋在書上倒數第二名章就被弄死了。
polish up (v.+adv.)
    擦亮 burnish; become bright and clean with polishing
    polish up Our sales technique needs polishing up. 你們的市場銷售枝術所需加強。 polish sth ? up I'm going to New York, so I must polish up my English. 我想要去舊金山,對此我要增加英語英文含量。 In his spare time he did all he could to polish up his German. 他在專業時光勤奮努力深造俄語。 I advise you to polish up your article once more before you send it to the editor. 我勸在把原創文章送交添加原來再潤色一次。 The matter in the easy is satisfactory, but the style needs to be polished up. 這篇原創文章的介紹比較好,但還是需要潤色一下下。 polish sth ? up He polished up the handle of the big front door. 他把防盜門的機身擦一閃一閃。 Jim has a supply of old pennies which he polishes up and passes off to foreign tourists as rare coins. 吉姆有好多舊硬幣的,他把我們擦一下,假冒少見的古硬幣,用這個騙國處自助游者。 The silver will need to be polished up for the dinner party. 因為宴席,這類銀器具需要擦得有光。 These old pieces of brass have been polished up beautifully. 這兩三件古銅器已被擦得發亮燦爛奪目。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~


  • The glossy polish that the best English boarding schools can sometimes provide. 出自: L. Deighton
  • I polish and oil it all the time. 出自: N. Hinton
  • He watched his father's employees polish and dust. 出自: A. Desai
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