

[p?t?]     [p?t?]    
  • n. 小片;補丁;眼罩;(貼在傷口的)膏藥;【生態】斑塊
  • vt. 修補;補綴;解決;掩飾
patchable patcher patched patched patching patches



n. (名詞)
  1. 眼罩
  2. 膏藥
  3. 小塊土地
  4. 斑點,斑駁,美人斑
  5. 裹傷布
  6. <英>警察巡邏區
  7. 管轄區
  8. 補釘,補片,金屬補片
  9. 碎片,碎屑
  10. 貼片
  11. <主英>期間,一段時間
  12. 臂章
  13. 傻瓜
  14. 飾顏片
v. (動詞)
  1. 暫時解決,平息,解決
  2. 補綴,修補,臨時修補,補,縫補,打補丁,修理
  3. 拼湊,匆匆制成,草草拼合,草率作成
  4. 暫時遮掩一下修理
  5. 用美人斑裝飾(臉)
  6. 補爐
  7. 臨時性接線
  8. 作為...補片,用作補片
  9. 連通,接通
  10. 臨時包扎(傷口),倉促處理(損傷)
  11. 講和,調停
  12. 用布片拼成


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]補丁,補片 a piece of material placed over a hole or a damaged or worn place to cover or strengthen it
  2. [C]眼罩 pad worn over an injured eye to protect it
  3. [C]斑,塊 part of a surface that is different in color
  4. [C]小塊,小片 small area of sth
  5. [C]小塊土地 small piece of land
  6. [C]地區,地段 area in which sb works
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 補 mend a garment by covering a hole or worn place with a patch
  2. vt. 修理 repair sth especially quickly or temporarily
  3. vt. 調停,解決 settle or resolve (a quarrel, dispute, etc.)


  1. a small contrasting part of something;

    "a bald spot"
    "a leopard's spots"
    "a patch of clouds"
    "patches of thin ice"
    "a fleck of red"

  2. a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation;

    "a bean plot"
    "a cabbage patch"
    "a briar patch"

  3. a piece of cloth used as decoration or to mend or cover a hole
  4. a period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition;

    "he was here for a little while"
    "I need to rest for a piece"
    "a spell of good weather"
    "a patch of bad weather"

  5. a short set of commands to correct a bug in a computer program
  6. a connection intended to be used for a limited time
  7. sewing that repairs a worn or torn hole (especially in a garment);

    "her stockings had several mends"

  8. a protective cloth covering for an injured eye
  9. a piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body
  1. to join or unite the pieces of;

    "patch the skirt"

  2. provide with a patch; also used metaphorically;

    "The field was patched with snow"

  3. mend by putting a patch on;

    "patch a hole"

  4. repair by adding pieces;

    "She pieced the china cup"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The ground is wet in patches.
  2. He reset a patch of land with tomato plants.
  3. She sewed a patch onto the knee of the trousers.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. He would indeed seek to patch things up.
  2. Can you patch up this electric iron?
  3. Do you know how to patch an inner tube?
  4. He patched up a couple of old tires.


用作動詞 (v.)
patch up (v.+adv.)
    調停;講和try to stop quarrelling with sb and be friends again
    patch sth ? up Just to patch the car up will cost 400 dollars. 小車十分簡單地修說一下就得花400美金。 patch sb/sth ? up The doctor will soon patch you up. 中醫越快可能會送給你治理 繃帶包扎好的。 patch sth ? up They have managed to patch up their differences. 其就這樣彌合了出現分歧。



  • A paper patch was slapped over the bullet hole. 出自: R. Kipling
  • He wore..a brown tweed jacket with patches all over it. 出自: R. Dahl
  • He repaired his socks and patched his old shirts. 出自: B. Malamud
  • Two pairs of windows with cardboard patching broken panes. 出自: N. Gordimer





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