

[m?ks]     [m?ks]    
  • v. 混合;摻入;合成;聯系;融合;介入
  • n. 混合(物);融合
mixable mixed mixed mixing mixes



v. (動詞)
  1. 配制,調制
  2. 混(合),使混合,相混合,與...相混合
  3. 參與
  4. 雜交,使動物雜交
  5. (使)結交,(使)交往,親密地來往,合得來
  6. 發生牽連
  7. 相協調
  8. 攙和,摻和,攙合,摻入,與...相攙合
  9. 混淆,搞混,弄混
  10. 交游
  11. 弄錯
  12. 相溶合,融合
  13. 混合起來做
  14. 使結合
  15. 攪和
  16. 相容,平安相處
  17. 混合錄音,混錄,混音
n. (名詞)
  1. 結合
  2. 混合,混和,混雜
  3. 糊涂
  4. 混和物,拌合物
  5. 混雜的一群人
  6. 已調配好的做蛋糕等的材料
  7. <口>混亂
  8. 歌曲錄音最后混合多種音效以達效果,混錄,混音
  9. 打架
  10. 攪和
  11. 比賽
  12. 組合
  13. 綜合性
  14. 米克斯(Tom,1880—


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 混合,攪和 combine so that the parts no longer have a separate shape, appearance, etc.
  2. vt. & vi. (使)結交,(使)交往 (cause to) associate with
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]混合,結合 mixture or combination of things or people
  2. [C][U]食物混合配料 mixture of ingredients sold for making kinds of food, etc.


  1. a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients
  2. an event that combines things in a mixture;

    "a gradual mixture of cultures"

  3. the act of mixing together;

    "paste made by a mix of flour and water"
    "the mixing of sound channels in the recording studio"

  1. mix together different elements;

    "The colors blend well"

  2. open (a place) to members of all races and ethnic groups;

    "This school is completely desegregated"

  3. combine (electronic signals);

    "mixing sounds"

  4. add as an additional element or part;

    "mix water into the drink"

  5. to bring or combine together or with something else;

    "resourcefully he mingled music and dance"

  6. mix so as to make a random order or arrangement;

    "shuffle the cards"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. You can't mix oil with water.
  2. If you mix blue with yellow, you'll get green.
  3. For better flavor, you can mix an egg into the batter.
  4. Her son's return made her mix joy with sorrow.
  5. He finds it hard to mix at parties.
  6. Pink and blue mix well together.
  7. In the case of a family argument, it is better for a friend not to mix in.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Alcohol and drugs is a deadly mix.
  2. Add the water and give it a good mix.


用作動詞 (v.)
mix in (v.+adv.)
    能與別人友好相處 be able to have a friendly social relationship with others
    mix in sth After you have beaten the eggs, mix in the flour gradually. 將蛋打好后久而久之地摻加淀粉。 mix in Rose has never liked parties, as she doesn't mix in easily. 露絲不愿最喜歡同學會,是由于她疏于人和人之間戀愛。 She is very difficult to mix in. 她太難友好相處。 mix in sb/sth He mixes well in any company. 他與甚么人都合求得。 They used to mix in society. 用戶己前常差異社交媒體界。
mix into (v.+prep.)
    把…混〔摻〕入… put (sth) into (sth) by mixing
    mix sth into sth Mix some salt into the flour. 在低筋面粉里摻些鹽。
mix up (v.+adv.)
    把(某人)搞糊涂; 分不清 make (sb) confused about sth; confuse or muddle different sb/sth
mix up in (v.+adv.+prep.)
    卷入,牽連進去 involve; implicate
    mix sb up in sth Don't mix me up in your affairs. 你就將我牽涉到各位一件事里去。 He was mixed up in the conspiracy. 他操作了有一次秘密。 Don't get mixed up in dispute. 不要再卷進矛盾中。 Don't get mixed up in other people's quarrels. 不必碾軋自已的發生爭執。 I wonder how he got mixed up in the case. 我沒有了解他是如何碾軋哪一個情況的。 Don't get mixed up in their secret action. 別進行我們的隱私活動。 It is a lie to say that one won't get mixed up in politics. 說某私人可不參與性思想品德比較彌天大謊。
mix up with (v.+adv.+prep.)
    與(某人)混在一起 have a relationship with (sb often undesirable)
mix with (v.+prep.)
    與(某人)交往,在(人群)中周旋 have a relationship with (sb); move among (people), speaking to many
    mix with sth This paint mixes easily with water. 這款色漿最易與水比調。 Jack's plaid shirt didn't mix well with his striped trousers. 杰克的方格t恤與斑紋長袖不般配。 mix sth with sth We can sometimes mix business with pleasure. 可能候讓我們可以把崗位和享樂相結合在混著。 Mix the eggs with the flour. 把蛋和面包粉攪拌機下去。 The paint has to be mixed with oil. 這顏料粉需用油形成。 mix with sb Do the boys mix with the girls in your class? 彼此班男女人生直接有結交嗎? Good parents never allow their children to mix with bad elements. 好家長決不會充許他的女兒和歹徒聯系。 Tell them not to mix with doubtful company. 讓你們不可以和不三不四的人結交。 In my job,I mix with all sorts of people. 在我的任務中,我同各樣人有關系。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~


  • You'll be ruined. Oh, poor Mr. Welling! Oh, what a fatal, fatalsmix! 出自: W. D. Howells
  • Ezechial was a typical product of this cultural mix. 出自: B. Emecheta
  • Their own hair..they mix with a great deal of false. 出自: M. W. Montagu
  • Mix a small quantity of salt with the food. 出自: John Baxter
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