

[m?s]     [m?s]    
  • n. [M-]小姐
  • vt. 想念
  • vt. 錯過;漏掉
missed missed missing misses



n. (名詞)
  1. 小姐(用于姓名或姓之前,對未婚女子的稱呼)
  2. 失敗
  3. 逃脫,幸免
  4. 未擊中,失誤
  5. (內燃機等的)不發火,缺火,失火
  6. 少女,姑娘
  7. <古>娼妓,情婦
v. (動詞)
  1. 沒找到,沒遇到,未趕上
  2. 未達到(某處),未接觸到
  3. 未看到,未注意到,未聽到,未體驗
  4. 未理解,未領會
  5. 惦念
  6. 錯過,失卻
  7. 失(約),缺(勤)
  8. 未擊中,未抓住,打偏
  9. 未得到,未獲得,失敗,未達到目的
  10. 發覺遺失,發現(某人)不在身邊
  11. 未做到
  12. 逃脫,幸免于
  13. 漏掉,略去,省掉
  14. 缺少
  15. 【醫】(婦女)停經


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 未擊中,未抓住,未達到; 未看見,未領會 … fail to hit, catch, see, understand, etc.
  2. vt. 未出席,未趕上; 未能利用,失掉 fail to be present at sth; arrive too late for sth; fail to take advantage of sth
  3. vt. 發現遺失 discover what is lost
  4. vt. 避免 avoid or escape from (sth unpleasant)
  5. vt. 想念,惦記 feel sorry or unhappy at the absence or loss of
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]錯失,不中,未得 a failure to hit, catch, hold, etc., that which is aimed at
  2. [S]小姐 (a title placed before the name of) an unmarried woman or girl
  3. [S]女老師 a woman teacher
  4. [S]小妞,小姑娘 a girl whose size is between that of a child and a woman


  1. a young woman;

    "a young lady of 18"

  2. a failure to hit (or meet or find etc)
  3. a form of address for an unmarried woman
  1. fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind;

    "I missed that remark"
    "She missed his point"
    "We lost part of what he said"

  2. feel or suffer from the lack of;

    "He misses his mother"

  3. fail to attend an event or activity;

    "I missed the concert"
    "He missed school for a week"

  4. leave undone or leave out;

    "How could I miss that typo?"
    "The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten"

  5. fail to reach or get to;

    "She missed her train"

  6. be without;

    "This soup lacks salt"
    "There is something missing in my jewelry box!"

  7. fail to reach;

    "The arrow missed the target"

  8. be absent;

    "The child had been missing for a week"

  9. fail to experience;

    "Fortunately, I missed the hurricane"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Miss Williams can read and write French very well.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. I do miss the children. The house seems as silent as the tomb without them.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. It's the chance of a lifetime. You shouldn't miss it.
  2. He listened attentively so as not to miss a single word .


用作動詞 (v.)
miss by (v.+prep.)
    差…就成功做… lose a chance beyond time, distance, etc.
    miss sb/sth/v-ing by sth The bullet missed me by two inches. 子單只差兩9英寸就射死我了。 They missed the train by three minutes. 顧客晚了5分鐘鐘,沒能遇上普通火車。 We only missed seeing each other by five minutes. 我們大家僅差4一分鐘而沒能見之前。
miss out (v.+adv.)
    不理睬(某人) pay no attention to (sb)
    miss sb/sth ? out Don't miss out your brother when you send round the invitations. 群發請帖時不要再把周圍人給漏了。 Take care to spell every word right.You missed out the “d” from “bridge”. 關注把每位詞都發音有效,你要bridge中的d跳開了。 You may miss out the third paragraph of the article while reading it. 你讀這文標題時可略去第三段。 The typist has missed out a line because of her carelessness. 打字員因為粗心跳開新一行。 I've missed your name out by mistake. 也不當心你把的名稱跳開了。 I read the letter to her, and deliberately missed out certain lines. 被我那封信讀給她聽,有心略去部分話。 His account of the accident misses out one or two important facts. 他寫的安全事故報表漏述好幾個兩種很重要犯罪行為。 I'll miss out the sweet course. 我就愛吃這道甜食了。 miss out If I don't go to the party,I shall feel I'm missing out. 若是 我沒人列席派對,我機會覺著失之交臂好時機。 miss out on sth He missed out on a chance to go to college because of his ill health. 他因身材不易,失掉了上個學的成功的人。 Living in the country,I often feel that I am missing out on the activities of city life. 我住在農村,不斷地覺得沒得時間叁加市區日常的活動內容。 miss sth ? out Jacelin missed out all the fun because of his broken leg. 杰斯林而是腿脛骨骨折而錯沒過了暢享這一切都是我的快樂作文的好機會。 miss sb ? out It was Cage's own fault if she felt missed out at the party; she made no effort to be friendly to people. 只要凱奇喜歡在朋友聚餐上受了不理那真是她他們找的,她對陌生人就沒能友誼地說道過。
用作名詞 (n.)
give a miss
    避開; 不去干某事 avoid; not to do sth
    give sb/sth a miss Why did you give him a miss? 你為那些躲過他? I think I'll give the fish course a miss. 是想避免魚這道菜。 I usually go swimming on Mondays, but I've decided to give it a miss this week. 我常見逢個禮拜一游學游泳,但我就要性本個禮拜不搬到。 I'm tired—I think I'll give the film a miss. 我太勞疲乏——可能不要去看視頻了。 I'll give the sweet course a miss. 這道甜食我并不吃到了。
near miss
    幸免 situation where one just avoids or escape from, some mishap


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 副詞+~ ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ ~+名詞
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