

['l?sn]     ['l?sn]    
  • v. 聽;傾聽;聽從;聽信
  • n. 聽;傾聽
listener listened listened listening listens



v. (動詞)
  1. 聽(著),收聽,諦聽,傾聽,聆聽,留神聽,注意聽,聽我說,傾耳靜聽,屏息靜聽,洗耳恭聽
  2. 聽從,服從,遵從
  3. 聽上去,聽起來
  4. 理睬
  5. 聽信,聽取
  6. 竊聽,偷聽,監聽
n. (名詞)
  1. <口>傾聽,聽


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 傾聽;留心聽 try to hear;pay attention
  2. vi. 聽信,聽從 take notice;hear or consider with thoughtful attention


  1. hear with intention;

    "Listen to the sound of this cello"

  2. listen and pay attention;

    "Listen to your father"
    "We must hear the expert before we make a decision"

  3. pay close attention to; give heed to;

    "Heed the advice of the old men"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. She is listening to the radio.
  2. It is boring to listen to the same story.
  3. He should listen to his intimate feelings.
  4. He refused to listen to the old man's counsel.
  5. You should not listen to rumour.


用作動詞 (v.)
listen at( v.+prep. )
    把耳朵貼在…上聽 keep one's ear near to sth in order to hear sth
    listen at sth He likes to listen at the keyhole of others. 他習慣把耳朵里面貼在外人家的鑰匙孔上聽。 He listened at the door for a moment. 他把右耳朵貼在門底下聽了了會兒。
listen for( v.+prep. )
    注意聽,等著聽 pay attention so as to be sure of hearing
    listen for sth/v-ing Time and again, they laid their ears against the track to listen for the sound of approaching wheels. 我們一欠又一個欠地把右耳朵貼進軌道,看看高鐵火車聲,不一定是快來到了。 She sat quite still, listening for her baby's cry. 她祥和地坐下,小心聽新生兒的叫聲。 Please listen for the telephone bell while I am having the meeting in the next room. 我的樓下房里開會發言時,你可以來幫我看看有嗎有電話號。 She is listening for the postman. 她坐等聽郵差來的說話聲。 The children listened for the bell to announce the New Year. 嬰兒們等待聽迎新年的鐘聲。 The sick man listened for the doctor's coming. 患病者渴望成為發出聲音牙醫的迎來。
listen in( v.+adv. )
    監聽,竊聽 listen to a private conversation
    listen in I missed the broadcast,I forgot to listen in. 我想不起來聽電臺廣播,沒想到把這個主持人漏出來了。 People used to listen in regularly before the days of television. 在高清電視顯示原來,人一直收看電臺廣播。 listen in to sth I always try to listen in to the news. 我總愛打算聽小說內容廣播網。 I listened in to the exciting conclusion of the story yesterday. 前一天我收聽廣播了的故事火爆的末尾。 We listen in to Radio Beijing's English programme every evening. 每一刻夜里, 讓我們收看天津臺的英語教育廣播歌唱節目歌唱節目。 Did you listen in to the Prime Minister's speech yesterday evening? 你昨天夜里在線收聽首相的電臺領導講話沒有? My family will listen in to the news at 7:00 . 家里7點鐘關注消息。 listen in on sth I was listening in on the radio. 現在我尚未聽錄音機。 We listened in on the premier's press conference. 當我們從電臺廣播里聽了委員長參加的新聞記者宴請會。 I was listening in on the radio when you called. 你給你打點話時,我正當聽新聞廣播。 listen in If you listen in tonight you'll hear my brother talking about his new play. 要是你今晚是夜晚聽CD機,你將看到我妹妹談他新編得話劇。 listen in It was impossible to discuss anything private over the telephone, as the operator was in the habit of listening in. 在手機 里不能夠談私人企業的神秘,是因為接法員有竊聽手機 的喜歡。 Please speak quietly,I think somebody is listening in. 請小聲點,估計許多人在竊聽。 listen in to sth Someone has been listening in to our telephone conversation. 有許多人老是在竊聽大家的電話交流。 listen in on sth It's rude to listen in on other people's telephone calls. 聽見別個的聯系電話就是不禮儀的。 I think the police have been listening in on my phone calls. 我表示販毒老是在竊聽我的聯系電話。 She likes to listen in on other's private conversation. 她習慣聽見競爭對手背地里的交談。
listen out( v.+adv. )
    聽完 finish listening
    listen out Listening out now,I'll talk to you again tomorrow. 關注結束以后,明兒再與你來電。
listen out for( v.+adv.+prep. )
    期待 wait expectantly for (sth)
    listen out for sth Please listen out for the phone while I'm in the bath. 我沖澡時你可在意電銷。
listen to( v.+prep. )
    聽從 allow oneself persuaded by
    listen to sb/sth The students are listening to their teacher in class. 大學生們在聽數學老師講解。 Will you listen to me when I'm talking to you! 我從對也許話,你認真靜下心來聆聽好有問題! Nobody listened to her while she spoke. 她發言稿時無人聽。 If you take Harry's advice, you'll be sorry that you listen to him. 你得是遵從哈里的工作建議,你必要會愧疚的。 We're going to listen to a report this afternoon. 今年下午三點我門要去聽報告模板。 We listened to the President's inaugural speech on the radio yesterday. 之前各位經由無線wifi電聽了特朗普總統的入職演說。 They listen to the English lessons over the radio every day. 他倆定期都接聽電臺英語教育課。 She would sit for hours listening to the songs of the birds. 她經常蹲坐在什么地方,間斷性好多個小地聽鳥類喝歌。 He was listening to the music. 他目前在聽輕音樂伴奏。 I will listen to any suggestion you make. 你的一切提醒那我樂意聽。 They listened attentively to the criticism of the customers. 我們洗耳恭聽潛在客戶的提意見與建議意見與建議。 Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened, heed only one side and you will be benighted. 兼聽則明,偏信則暗。 listen to wh-clause The boys heard their father's voice but were not listening to what he was saying. 男胎兒子們聽到了許多人父母的響聲,但不回頭看看聽他在說哪種。 Make good use of your time in class. Listening to what the teacher says in class means less work later. 要積極采取課上的時間段。授課充分聽講師授課,已后就就能夠少花勁頭。 listen to sb to/- v He listened to us talk. 他聽企業談話內容。 I listened to her recite the text. 聽完了她背下來課文朗讀。 I often listened to him speak in English. 我有時候聽它用英語英語語言。 He listened to me repeat in detail what Mary had said the day before. 他聽我詳細的重新瑪麗前1天說下。 The child liked to follow his uncle about and talked with him or listen to him ask funny questions. 那幼兒熱愛跟到姐姐到處走,同再說話或聽他問些滑稽表情好笑的困難。 listen to sb v-ing The family were listening to the girl singing at that time. 如今,哪父母在聽那女該子唱歌好聽。 We listened to the band playing last night. 我們的上個月需要在聽了搖滾樂隊演唱。 Sometimes we would sit and listen to her playing the Chinese fiddle, which would make her very happy. 一直候自己坐坐聽她拉二胡,這令她很高興地。 He listened a while to her rubbing clothes on the metal washstand. 他有條陣子在聽她在金屬件洗衣盆地上搓夏天衣服。 listen to sb/sth/wh-clause Soldiers should listen to orders. 退伍軍人大概服從領導下令。 Don't listen to him—he's a very foolish fellow. 要服從他,他是個傻瓜。 You should listen to your parents. 你可能聽家長會來說。 She listens to you and I wish you'd give her sensible advice. 她總聽你語錄,我夢想你給她出點好注意。 If you'd listened to me, you wouldn't be in trouble now. 你有些人有些事若是采納了我的具體意見,目前你不不懂飽受愿意了。 I told him not to go, but he simply wouldn't listen to me. 請叫我他不需要去,可他即是不聽。 Don't listen to such foolish advice. 別聽一些蠢話。 Why don't you listen to what the teacher says? 你為什么在呢不聽教練得話?


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • She was often on the watch, and always on the listen. 出自: G. Manville Fenn
  • 'Did you have a nice talk?' 'I had a long listen'. 出自: P. Bair
  • Listening the lordly music. 出自: Tennyson
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