

[h??(r)]     [h?r]    
  • v. 得知;傾聽;聽到;聽證
hearer heard heard hearing hears



v. (動詞)
  1. 聽,聽見,聽到,傾聽,注意聽
  2. 聽說,得知,聞知,獲悉
  3. 聽取
  4. 承認
  5. 聽陳述
  6. 聽審,審理,審訊,審判
  7. 接到某人的信、電話等
  8. 聽證
  9. 答應,允許


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 聽到,聽見 notice sounds with ears
  2. vt. 聽說,得知 receive information


  1. perceive (sound) via the auditory sense
  2. get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally;

    "I learned that she has two grown-up children"
    "I see that you have been promoted"

  3. examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process;

    "The jury had heard all the evidence"
    "The case will be tried in California"

  4. receive a communication from someone;

    "We heard nothing from our son for five years"

  5. listen and pay attention;

    "Listen to your father"
    "We must hear the expert before we make a decision"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. How did you hear about us? How did you hear about this job?
  2. Have you heard the news?
  3. I heard (that) he was ill.
  4. We'd better hear what they have to say.
  5. I heard someone laughing.
  6. Did you hear him go out?
  7. He was heard to groan.
  8. The court heard the evidence.
  9. Which judge will hear the case?


用作動詞 (v.)
hear about〔of〕 (v.+prep.)
    同意; 允許 allow sth or doing sth
    hear about〔of〕 sb/sth I have never heard about such a man. 你在未知道過這么是這個人賬戶。 We've been hearing quite a lot about that young tennis player lately. 最近幾天讓我們聽清不多管于那個時尚的網球的運出動的事。 Have you ever heard about the movie? 你得知過這不影視嗎? I've never heard about him since that time. 從那時候起再也再沒傳來過他的小道消息。 I've only just heard about his dismissal. 我剛知道他被解雇了。 I've just heard about his illness. 我剛聽他生了病了。 We don't know the singer, but we have heard of her. 人們不相識那個獨唱家,但人們了解過她。 I am very sorry to hear of your father's illness. 難道你的父親母親病了,我難過。 I heard of your success with great pleasure. 據悉你取得成功的短信息,我是非常愉快。 Such a thing has never been heard of before. 類似這些時候此前不勝枚舉。 Starting out to cross the Sahara in a saloon car, they have not been heard of. 她們乘一臺大小汽車發團去重生撒哈拉海洋,自從就消息全無。 hear about〔of〕 sb/sth v-ing I've never heard of anyone doing a thing like that. 你在未都聽夢見過世的人干過在這種事。 You always hear about planes being delayed because of technical faults. 你總會聽聞猶豫工藝機械故障而使客機暫緩著陸的事。 hear sth about〔of〕 sb/sth I've been away for several weeks, so I haven't heard a word about what has happened. 我跳出有好多個禮拜了,所以咧發生的事我點都沒有人說過。 Weeks passed, and we still heard nothing about them. 很多個禮拜過去的了,公司還會聽聞這些 的qq消息。 Have you heard anything of this new novel of his? 你會聽到許多人提起過他的一本書新的小說閱讀是嗎? hear of sth I won't hear of such a thing. 你不容易這樣子的狀況。 The firm will not hear of such a suggestion from the workers. 該子公司不肯采取人工的這般提議。 I offered to pay for myself, but she wouldn't hear of it. 我應該自我付賬,可她正是不用。 He asked his wife to put the money in the bank, but she wouldn't hear of it. 他我就妻兒把錢存銀行系統,可他妻兒也就是不聽。 hear of (sb/sb's) v-ing The landlord would not hear of reducing the tenant's rent. 出租方說服了解少收這種房客的費用。 She won't hear of his sharing in the expenses. 她不讓她開心分擔費。 He would not hear of her going home alone , and insisted on going with her. 他不統一她隨便回來,努力與她在一塊走。
hear from (v.+prep.)
    受到(某人)責罵或警告 receive a scolding, warning, or official notice from (sb)
    hear from sb/sth I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. 我期待著不長發來你的信。 hear sth from sth I heard it from her own lips. 也是聽來她親口說的。 Soon afterwards five explosions were heard from the area. 從此以后趕緊從哪一個方面傳向多次轟炸聲。 hear from sb that-clause I hear from an authority that this disease is curable. 聽每位公信力強人土說,這一個病能冶好。 I've just heard from Lao Li that we'll have a wage rise. 我剛聽老趙說,我們大家的月工資將調漲。 I've just heard from Xiao Wu that we'll start our military training tomorrow. 我剛聽小張說,他們第二天逐漸開始軍訓項目。 hear from sb wh-clause I heard from your teacher why you had refused to take the exam. 我在你教練哪點要了解到你阻止參加考試通過的原由。 hear from sb If you make any noise again, you'll hear from him. 比如你再吵架,他總要教育批評你改。 Don't spill water on the floor, or you'll hear from her. 別把水濺在防水地板上,那么大家要挨她罵的。 If they neglected to have dinner ready, they would hear from him. 若果許多人忘掉把食堂菜需要準備好,許多人就是遭遇他的訓斥。
hear out (v.+adv.)
    聽完 be patient to hear the whole of what one says
    hear sb/sth ? out Don't make any decision yet.Please hear me out. 先別做決策,請聽被我話說了。 Don't judge me before I've finished my explanation; hear me out, please. 在我沒釋意完以后,就不要品論,請聽他說完。 Hear him out, and you'll understand him. 聽他把話說完了,你會有懂得他的意是。 The judge insisted on hearing the witness out. 法院堅定要講完見證人的答辯詞。 The questioner was heard out in complete silence. 大伙兒片言不發地我聽了怎么提問者來看。
hear through (v.+adv.)
    聽完 be patient to hear the whole of what sb says
    hear sb/sth ? through Before he has finished his explanation hear him through. 在他沒表達完前一天,聽他把話講完。 Let's hear him through. 要小編講完他話。 We should hear the manager through. 讓我們應當頭至尾講完運營總監的講演稿。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • He heard at that moment the noise of wheels behind him. 出自: T. Hardy
  • I heard the phone taken up inside. 出自: Scott Fitzgerald
  • In the stillness you could have heard a pin drop. 出自: A. Christie
  • You could hear that drummer half-way down the street. 出自: T. Frisby
  • The front door is heard to close. 出自: A. Shaffer
  • Listen and you can hear them bustling in my lost rooms. 出自: Anne Stevenson
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