

[lɑ?f]     [l?f]    
  • v. 發笑;笑;嘲笑
  • n. 笑聲;笑;笑料
laughingly laugher laughed laughed laughing laughs



v. (動詞)
  1. 笑,大笑,哈哈大笑,放聲大笑,縱聲大笑,呵呵一笑,笑出聲來
  2. 使笑得
  3. 用嘲笑逼使對方
  4. 發笑
  5. 以笑表示
  6. 笑得使...
  7. 呈現令人歡快的形態
  8. 談笑風生
  9. 嘲笑
  10. 處于有利地位
  11. 別開玩笑了
  12. 別讓我笑掉大牙了
  13. 發大財而喜笑顏開
  14. 公然蔑視
  15. 轉喜為憂
  16. 以笑感動
  17. 笑逐顏開
n. (名詞)
  1. 笑聲,笑
  2. 笑料,引人發笑的事情,令人發笑的事,趣事
  3. 嘲笑,取樂,逗樂,逗趣
  4. 玩笑,開玩笑
  5. 令人開心的時刻
  6. 引人發笑的人,逗笑好玩的人
  7. 歡樂,娛樂


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 笑,發笑,嘲笑 express amusement, happiness, scorn by making explosive sounds with the voice while smiling
  2. vt. 以笑表示…,以笑感動或影響 express by laughing;move or influence by laughter
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]笑,笑聲,笑態 sound or manner of laughing
  2. [S]笑料 amusing incident or person


  1. the sound of laughing
  2. a facial expression characteristic of a person laughing;

    "his face wrinkled in a silent laugh of derision"

  3. a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter;

    "he told a very funny joke"
    "he knows a million gags"
    "thanks for the laugh"
    "he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest"
    "even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point"

  1. produce laughter



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He could tell she was in a bad mood, and tried to laugh her out of it.
  2. It is natural to laugh when you are happy.
  3. You have to laugh and find humor every day.
  4. You should not laugh at the handicapped.
  5. She knew the truth all along and was laughing up her sleeve at us.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The captain's cheerful laugh dispelled our fears.
  2. Her laugh was as grateful to him as a summer wind.
  3. He told me the news with a laugh.
  4. What a laugh to say that!


用作動詞 (v.)
laugh about (v.+prep.)
    對…感到好笑而發笑 be amused about (sth)
    laugh about sb/sth We were laughing about your brother. 大家正笑談管于你叔叔的事要。 They all laughed about the joke. 這笑柄把這些人全逗笑了。 It's not a matter to laugh about. 這沒有一份笑死人的事。
laugh at (v.+prep.)
    蔑視;對…滿不在乎 disregard;be careless of
laugh away (v.+adv.)
    一笑置之;以笑來驅除、消磨 dismiss by laughing;get out of by laughing
    laugh away He was laughing away to himself all the time. 他自身源源不間斷地開懷大笑。 laugh sth ? away He laughed away the dangers. 他對許多快消失一眸置之。 He talked and laughed away his leisure hours. 他的空閑事件那就是在說說笑笑中虛度掉的。
laugh down (v.+adv.)
    以笑拒絕 reject by laughing
laugh into (v.+prep.)
    以笑使(某人)處于 cause (oneself) to reach (a state) by laughing
    laugh sb/oneself into sth You laughed him into silence. 你逗得他不作聲了。 When I told Mother what the boys had done, she laughed herself into a state of helplessness. 我得知父親母親娃兒們所做的事要時,她笑容連蹦帶跳。
laugh off1 (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉痛快地笑 laugh heartily
    laugh sth ? off He had a bad fall while ice-skating but he laughed it off. 他滑冰時突來地摔半個跤,但他笑置之。 He laughed it off. 他可比性大笑置之。 The boy was brave enough to laugh off his pain. 這類孩子很鼓起勇氣,把生不如死失誤愿因。 He laughed off the embarrassing situation. 他對那難堪的實際情況付其一眸。 They just laughed off the warning. 許多人對那安全提示僅僅付產品之一顰一笑。 This is a mistake that can't easily be laughed off. 這也就能夠不再是就能夠笑容置之的內部錯誤。 He never dreamed that his request would be laughed off as a childish fancy. 他白天做夢也沒感到,他的的要求被當做不懂事的幻象而一眸置之。 laugh one's head off The crowd must be enjoying the performance, they're laughing their heads off. 球迷毫無疑問希望整個節目表演,你都放聲狂笑。 We laughed our heads off at the antics of the comedian. 悲喜劇女演員的滑稽表情性動作使公司開懷大笑不迭。 I laughed my head off when I heard of his discomfiture. 聽見朋友提及他的狼狽相,我放聲哭笑。
laugh off2 (v.+prep.)
    以笑聲使…離開 remove (sth/sb) from (one place) with laughter
    laugh sb/sth off sth He was supposed to be a serious performer, but the crowd laughed him off the stage. 他被來說是重要的名演員,但大眾卻把他哄下了臺。 The play was so bad that it was laughed off the stage. 這出劇很糟透了,第三在用戶的哄笑中停演了。
laugh out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    笑得使(某人)忘掉不愉快的事,以談笑使(某人)忘掉憂愁 (try to) make sb forget his unhappiness by laughing
    laugh sb out of sth He was very worried about getting seasick, but fellow travelers laughed him out of it. 他很害怕會暈船,可旅伴們同他對我說說笑笑,使他想不起來暈船之苦。 You would be laughed out of court with such a childish question. 你系統闡述那么優質的困難,會被他人一眸置之的。
laugh over (v.+prep.)
    笑著談論,想著…發笑 laugh while discussing, examining, etc.
    laugh over sth We have often laughed over that story. 讓我們提到哪部傳說人物,總體感到痛苦搞笑。 How everybody laughed over the joke! 同學們一聯想到這是他人口中的玩笑話,就捧腹大笑不已!
laugh with (v.+prep.)
    與(某人)同聲笑 share the laughter of (sb)
    laugh with sb Please don't be offended, we were laughing with you, not at you. 請別見怪,公司是同你分著笑呢,并不會有挖苦你。
用作名詞 (n.)
break into a laugh
    忽然笑起來 laugh suddenly
have the last laugh
    最后勝利 win an argument, competition, etc., especially after earlier defeats
    have the last laugh on sb She smiled shyly, because she knew she would have the last laugh on them. 她害羞地笑笑著,為了她深深認識到她最終會戰勝兩人。 We'll perhaps have the last laugh on them, after all. 結果英文當我們雖然會取勝這些人的。
have〔get〕 the laugh of〔on〕
    反過來嘲笑(某人) make a fool of sb who is trying to make others look foolish
raise a laugh
    引起笑聲 make sb laugh


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~


  • Mr. Pratte had very blue eyes with a great deal of laugh in them. 出自: S. J. Duncan
  • Jean Marie laughedsa gusty chuckle of genuine amusement. 出自: M. West




  • laughable adj. 荒唐可笑的;有趣的;逗人笑的‖laughingly adv. 有趣地;可笑地


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