

[d???k]     [d?o?k]    
  • n. 笑話;玩笑
  • v. 說笑話;開玩笑
jokingly joked joked joking jokes



n. (名詞)
  1. 笑柄
  2. 笑料
  3. 容易的事
  4. 笑話
  5. 戲謔
  6. 無需認真對待的事情
  7. 輕松的事
  8. 玩笑
  9. 詼諧
  10. 易如反掌的事
  11. 不足取的東西
  12. 無實質性價值的東西
  13. 空話
  14. 玩笑話
  15. 打哈哈
  16. 兒戲
  17. 荒唐可笑的人
v. (動詞)
  1. 戲弄
  2. 開…的玩笑
  3. 說笑話
  4. 開玩笑
  5. 取笑
  6. 愚弄
  7. 以說笑話取得
  8. 捉弄
  9. 蒙弄
  10. 譏笑
  11. 挪揄
  12. 嬉耍
  13. 惡作劇
  14. 插科打諢
  15. 開…的玩笑
  16. 鬧著玩
  17. 說著玩
  18. 言歸正傳
  19. 說正經的
  20. 你一定是在開玩笑吧
  21. 通過笑話造成某種局面


n. (名詞)
  1. [C][U]笑話,玩笑 thing said or done to cause amusement, laughter, etc.
  2. [S]可笑的人、事物、情形 ridiculous person, thing or situation
v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 開玩笑,戲弄 say or do things to cause laughter or amusement


  1. a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter;

    "he told a very funny joke"
    "he knows a million gags"
    "thanks for the laugh"
    "he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest"
    "even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point"

  2. activity characterized by good humor
  3. a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement
  4. a triviality not to be taken seriously;

    "I regarded his campaign for mayor as a joke"

  1. tell a joke; speak humorously;

    "He often jokes even when he appears serious"

  2. act in a funny or teasing way



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He closed his speech with a funny joke.
  2. I'm sorry but I can't see the joke.
  3. It is no joke.
  4. He can't take a joke.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He's someone I have an occasional chat and joke with.
  2. You must be joking.
  3. Are you joking with us?


用作名詞 (n.)
be beyond a joke
    不是鬧著玩的事; 正經的事 be〔become〕 a serious matter
be no joke
    非常嚴重 be serious
crack a joke
    講笑話,開玩笑 speak funny story
have a joke with
    與(某人)一起以某事取笑 share the pleasure of laughing at sth with sb
practical joke
    惡作劇 prank that makes fun at sb else's expense
sick joke
    試圖使人發笑但作用完全相反的笑話 remark intended to be funny but made in bad taste
take a joke
    經得起開玩笑 accept playful remarks or tricks with good humour
用作動詞 (v.)
joke about (v.+prep.)
    不嚴肅地對待 treat sth not seriously
    joke about sth/v-ing Don't joke about his eyes. 要拿他的眼皮開開玩笑的。 You should not joke about his mistake. 你都應該取笑他的錯誤操作。 They joked about his inaptitude. 其取笑他的傻乎乎。 They joked about being in the play, but they really took it very seriously. 用戶對列席拍電影此事開開玩笑的,但現實上用戶處理那件事情事是太嚴肅的。
joke with (v.+prep.)
    同…一起講笑話; 開…的玩笑 share a joke with sb; have fun with sb; make a joke about sb
    joke with sb I'm not serious; I'm only joking with you. 我并不存在相信,而是我和他辦個開玩笑。 They were joking with each other. 兩人在互不開黃腔。 joke with sb about sth/v-ing He joked with me about this matter. 他拿一件事來取笑我。 They joked with me about my coming late. 他拿我晚了這點事開在開玩笑的。
You must be〔have got to be〕 joking
    一定在開玩笑(用以嘲笑不可信的事) used to express mocking disbelief


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • He looked like a little comic picture waiting for the joke to be written underneath. 出自: K. Mansfield
  • Fred had made a joke and Henry hadn't laughed. 出自: J. Mortimer
  • The taxi was..popular when he first arrived..but had rapidly become a joke car. 出自: attrib.
  • You've got to be joking. 出自: M. Stewart
  • Even from his sick bed he laughed and joked with everyone. 出自:Star Style (Bombay)
  • It's too awful even to joke about. 出自: P. Roth
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