

[l?k]     [l?k]    
  • n. 缺乏;無
  • v. 缺乏;不足
lacked lacked lacking lacks



n. (名詞)
  1. 不足,缺(乏),沒有,欠缺,缺少,不夠,匱乏,短缺,無
  2. 缺少的東西,需要的東西
  3. 疏忽
v. (動詞)
  1. 缺乏,不足,沒有,不夠,缺少,短缺,短少,欠缺,不及
  2. 需要,需求
  3. 不懂,一無所長
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 缺乏的,缺少的,不足的


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 缺少;缺乏 be not enough;have less or little
n. (名詞)
  1. [S][U]缺乏,不足,沒有 the state of not having enough of sth


  1. the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable;

    "there is a serious lack of insight into the problem"
    "water is the critical deficiency in desert regions"
    "for want of a nail the shoe was lost"

  1. be without;

    "This soup lacks salt"
    "There is something missing in my jewelry box!"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Her decision seems to show a lack of political judgement.
  2. Lack of sun retards plant growth.
  3. In a cold winter, many wild animals can die from lack of food.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I tell you, people will lack the means to live.
  2. He is good at his job but he seems to lack confidence.


用作動詞 (v.)
lack for (v.+prep.)
    缺少,缺乏have need of sth
    lack for sb/sth She does not lack for friends. 她不缺閨蜜。 He will not lack for advisers. 他會越來越多出計劃策的人。 The children lack for nothing although the parents are poorly dressed. 這一些學生一些 都很缺,即便是顧客的爹媽穿得壞。 I will see that you lack for nothing while you attend college. 我可以使你鉆個學時有樣備齊。 Nothing is lacking for our plan. 按公司的打算,有什么也并不缺了。 They do not lack for funds. 許多人不缺資金量。 You shall never lack for money while I am alive. 我人活一輩子我就要永運沒有缺錢。 Because money was lacking for the project, the committee did not approve this project. 常務編委會是沒有審批這一品牌,正是因為該品牌存在預備費。 She has a wealthy childhood, never lacking for toys or books. 她有個不愁不愁穿的童年時期,根本不缺手里的玩具和書本。 Space lacks for a detailed description of it. 字數非常有限,不會某些詳加描訴。 Time lacks for full explanation. 無時刻做充足的講解。 lack sth for sth He lacks the qualifications for the post. 他不具有扮演相應職務職稱的出場資格。
be lacking
    缺乏;沒有be in short of;be not available
    be lacking Money is lacking. 錢不太。 The necessary chemicals are lacking. 必須的藥劑學藥物缺泛。 These conditions are still lacking. 哪些前提還不應具。 be lacking in sth This evening newspaper is lacking in analytical articles. 這所晚報丟失探討性篇文章。 Even if the play is lacking in conflict, it does have some superb poetry and a wealth of high astounding terms. 整個腳本但是短缺互動,倒和好看的古句和不多令人震驚的妙語。 The room is lacking in colour. 這棟房缺少冷暖色調。 She was lacking in mathematical training. 她貧乏小學數學的訓練。 His reception of us was lacking in warmth. 他到訪我不高熱烈。 He is lacking in responsibility. 他不足工作心。 None of his plans ever comes through because he is lacking in determination. 他的籌劃不會有這個取得成功,這是因為他不會有堅定信念。 Humour is lacking in his speech. 他領導講話沒有幽默感。 He is lacking in technical know-how. 他缺乏性系統生活常識。 He is lacking in manners. 他如果沒有禮節。 She was lacking in wisdom. 她緊缺智慧云。 We are poor, but we are not lacking in spirit. 公司人窮志不窮。 He seems to be lacking in frankness. 他幾乎不率直。 A diet lacking in nutritional value will not keep a person healthy. 貧乏膳食纖維的價值的飲食營養難以能維持人的營養。 Before we had a child we felt that there was something lacking in our lives. 在自己未女兒的同時,總感覺生話中已損壞哪個。 Though lacking in fluency, he spoke to the point. 我男朋友得不字正腔圓但能切中一定要害。
用作名詞 (n.)
by lack of
    不足,因…而沒有 the state of not having enough of sth
for lack of
    缺乏,因…而沒有 the state of not having enough of sth
from lack of
    不足,因…而沒有 the state of not having enough of sth
the lack of
    …不足 the state of not having enough of sth


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • It was a lack of security..which was so worrying. 出自: A. Bell
  • The tranquillity,..convenience and joyfulness, notable lacks at Heathrow. 出自:Punch
  • Peraduenture there shall lacke fiue of the fiftie righteous. 出自:Bible (AV): Genesis
  • Another part that usually lacks on..bikes is the stem..that won't hold bars. 出自:BMX Action
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