

[n?k]     [nɑ?k]    
  • v. 敲擊;互撞;攻擊
  • n. 敲;敲門;敲打
knocked knocked knocking knocks



v. (動詞)
  1. 敲,擊,撞,碰,打
  2. 擊(撞)成…,敲出
  3. <口>批評,貶損
  4. 敲掉,去掉,打掉
  5. 使碰撞,撞倒,鑿打
  6. 使震驚,給...強烈印象
  7. 去除,祛除(疾病)
  8. 找岔子,吹毛求疵,非難,批評, 數落
  9. 相撞,碰擊,碰撞
  10. 發出爆擊聲,發爆震聲,發碰撞聲,嘭嘭作響
  11. 怦怦跳
  12. 打哆嗦
  13. 說壞話
  14. 奔忙
n. (名詞)
  1. 敲,擊,打
  2. 敲門聲,爆震聲
  3. <口>不幸,打擊,挫折,艱苦,困苦
  4. <美俚>指摘,挑剔,吹毛求疵,找碴兒
  5. 盤,局,回合


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]短促的敲打(聲) (sound of) a sharp blow
  2. [C]爆震聲 (in an engine) sound of knocking
  3. [C](板球賽的)一局 (in cricket) innings
  4. [C]一件倒霉事或麻煩事 a piece of bad luck or trouble
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 敲,擊,打 hit or strike
  2. vt. 批評,數落,非難 say critical or insulting things about sb/sth


  1. the sound of knocking (as on a door or in an engine or bearing);

    "the knocking grew louder"

  2. negative criticism
  3. a vigorous blow;

    "the sudden knock floored him"
    "he took a bash right in his face"
    "he got a bang on the head"

  4. a bad experience;

    "the school of hard knocks"

  5. the act of hitting vigorously;

    "he gave the table a whack"

  1. deliver a sharp blow or push :

    "He knocked the glass clear across the room"

  2. rap with the knuckles;

    "knock on the door"

  3. knock against with force or violence;

    "My car bumped into the tree"

  4. make light, repeated taps on a surface;

    "he was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently"

  5. sound like a car engine that is firing too early;

    "the car pinged when I put in low-octane gasoline"
    "The car pinked when the ignition was too far retarded"

  6. find fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws;

    "The paper criticized the new movie"
    "Don't knock the food--it's free"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Someone is knocking at the door.
  2. One may knock to signal one's presence to others.
  3. He knocked a big hole in the wall.
  4. I am so hurried as to knock into my teacher.
  5. The man is knock down by the bicycle.
  6. She knocked the bottom out of our argument.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. There was a knock at the window.
  2. I heard footsteps, then a knock on the door.
  3. There was no answer to my knock, so I went away.
  4. She took a bad knock when her husband died.
  5. When I fall, I get a terrible knock on the head.


用作名詞 (n.)
take a knock
    蒙受經濟或感情上的打擊 suffer a financial or an emotional blow
用作動詞 (v.)
knock about〔around〕1 (v.+adv.)
    〈口〉玩; 開車等取樂 play; use sth such as a vehicle for pleasure
    knock about〔around〕 He knocked about in Europe when he was young. 他年輕的時腳印踏遍澳洲。 Someone who's knocked around a lot is more interesting to listen to than someone who has never travelled. 聽哪種走南闖北的人講演稿比聽哪種沒開過遠門的人講演稿更有趣的游戲。 He has knocked about quite a bit. 他經歷作文過諸多流蕩飄忽不定的時候。 knock sb/sth ? about〔around〕 They said that her husband used to knock her about but they had never heard her complain. 顧客說她小叔子曾對她拳打腳踢,但從來沒聽她訴過苦。 He knocked the tiger about fiercely until it lay dead. 他揮拳痛擊虎,等到把它撞死在地。 She alleged that she had been knocked about by her husband. 她宣傳她被愛人用手掌打到。 He was knocked about by the gangsters for preventing them from robbing an old lady. 可能屏蔽無賴搶劫案老少奶奶的內容,他被無賴拳打腳踢。 He was often knocked about by the shop owner during his apprenticeship. 他在師付一年后,通常遭人店主娘的拳打腳踢。 knock sth ? about〔around〕 I don't like the children playing in this room, for fear they knock the furniture about . 我不要比較喜歡娃兒們在之間房間里玩,唯恐她們把家居打壞了。 There's nothing to do here; let's go into that field and knock a ball about for an hour or so. 這里的閑事可做,讓我們去那一足療店打這個來鐘頭的球吧。 That poor old piano has been considerably knocked about in its travels. 在幫運中途,那架舊鋼琴曲被已損壞得很激烈。 The bike could have lasted longer if it had not been knocked about so much. 要都是這樣亂丟亂摔,這趟自愿車還能否配用些那時候。 The crops were badly knocked about by that freak storm. 莊稼給予那一次我反常颶風的造成奪取。 The ship was badly knocked about by a rough sea. 船被波濤過坑得很歷害。 knock about Is the same chairman still knocking about?I thought he had left years ago. 這個主度還或者?我我總覺得他多年以來前就活不了呢。 The idea of world government has been knocking about for some time, but no one seems to take it seriously. 設立市場人民政府的想象已普遍存在相當長三段日子段了,可目前 雖然如果沒還有人拿它當愿因兒。 There's plenty of money knocking about if you know where to look. 利益只有——假設你指導上哪里去找一句話。 knock about I found this book knocking about upstairs, is it yours? 發了現這書被丟在樓底下,你的嗎? That book has been out of print for some years now, but there are probably a few copies knocking about in secondhand bookshops. 那部書已是下架多久了,但是舊書社里將還會幾本。 knock about Jim bought Mary an old car, just for knocking about. 吉姆給瑪麗購買三輛舊車,還是從而開起玩兒。
knock about〔around〕2 (v.+prep.)
    〈口〉在…猛干 work roughly in a place
    knock about〔around〕 sth The young man knocked about the world before finding a job after graduation. 高中畢業,那么年輕時候人沒找運轉,先去周游世界里了。 He knocked around India when he was young. 他年輕態時曾都參觀過巴基斯坦。 They have been knocking about Europe all summer. 其某個秋天在南美洲窮游。 My uncle has been knocking about Africa most of his life. 我堂叔半個生都會在游歷非洲地區中重度過的。 The old carpenter was knocking about the street, hoping to get enough work to earn a few coppers. 老木匠在大街小巷徘回,祝愿能找些零星活兒干干,掙幾種錢。 He has knocked about the whole country to sell his products. 他尋遍整體的一個國家來銷售自身的物料。 Those tramp steamers knock about Southeast Asia. 這里的不安股票期貨船在東南方亞一廊經濟往來駕駛。 We need to knock around the district to find a proper man for the transplantation. 人們要求踏遍這些地段找一種適合的的人來做臟器人授。 knock sth about〔around〕 sth You can get some exercise by knocking a ball about a field with a friend. 和其中一個用戶在足球前鋒打打棒球會使你能夠得到運動的。 knock about sth No, it's not mine, it's been knocking about the house for years. 不,那而不我是你的,好多年了這課外書就扔在房間每人管。 knock about sth I wear these old trousers for knocking about the garden. 我穿如下舊短褲是從而在園子里大干一會。
knock about〔around〕 with (v.+adv.+prep.)
    和…有聯系; 同…混在一起 associate with; spend spare time with
    knock about〔around〕 with sb I don't know why you are still knocking about with him who is good-for-nothing. 不了解到道你為啥子還與他混到一個,他可以說是個飯桶。 I think she knocks about with that dark-haired chap from down road. 想必她和路那頭的黑毛發小伙兒子有建立聯系。 They have knocked around with each other for ten years but are still not married. 這些 在一齊有20年了,可依然沒完婚。
knock against (v.+prep.)
    偶然碰到 meet sb by chance
    knock against sth The car knocked against the garage door and damaged it. 汽車撞在智能立體車庫窗戶上,把門撞燒壞。 knock sth against sth I knocked my head against the doorpost and hurt it. 我的頭撞在門柱上,碰破了。 knock against sb I knocked against Jim yesterday in the street. 以前我一直在大街上觸碰到吉姆。 I knocked against some Japanese sailors on the docks this morning. 今天小編早上起床,你在渡口遇見了四位澳大利亞水手。
knock at (v.+prep.)
    打,捶,敲 bump on; beat on
    knock at sth Listen. There's someone knocking at the door. 聽!還有人在叫門。 Opportunity knocks at the door only once. 機不能不失,時已經不再談。
knock away (v.+adv.)
    打掉,敲掉 push away with a sharp blow
    knock away I've been knocking away for ages, but nobody has answered the door. 我叫門敲了老下午,但沒人愿意。 knock sth ? away Moving quickly from behind the criminal, the policeman was able to knock his gun away . 巡警從犯罪人身前撲上來,打沒了他手里的槍。
knock back (v.+adv.)
    使大吃一驚 surprise sb
    knock back He knocked on the wall and she knocked back. 他敲了敲木板墻,她在隔壁班的應聲回敲。 knock sth ? back It was hard liquor, but he knocked it back in a few seconds. 就像烈酒,可他幾十五秒就喝光了。 He certainly knows how to knock back the whisky! 他確信掌握這樣把以上白蘭地酒1口喝往下走! She knocked back ten cups of coffee to keep herself from falling asleep. 她看看飲用十杯咖啡服務,使本身不睡覺時。 knock sb ? back How much did that new watch knock you back? 那只新表耗費了你哪些錢? knock sb ? back This kind of news knocks you back a bit, doesn't it? 一種訊息使你有一些兒高興,是不是? The news fairly knocked me back! 這提醒簡直使我除了一驚。
knock down (v.+adv.)
    在燃燒區域邊緣控制或減弱火焰或高溫 check or abate (flames or heat) at the edge of a blazing area
    knock sb/sth ? down The boxer knocked his opponent down. 那一位拳擊行帶動把對友擊中了。 The soldier knocked down the spy with the buttock of his rifle. 那戰友用槍托推翻間諜。 He almost knocked me down before he saw me. 他可以說把握撞到才看清我。 The anti-aircraft battery knocked down eleven enemy planes in a single day. 高炮連在一小時中擊落了11架敵機。 He was nearly knocked down by a taxi when he was crossing the street the other day. 幾天報過路時,他差點兒被一架租賃車碰倒。 He was knocked down by a car and was rushed to the hospital. 他被車子撞飛,很快被送進青島博士整形醫院醫院。 His wife is in hospital after being knocked down by a taxi. 他女方被1輛轉讓車撞飛后,如今也變成了往院。 The child was knocked down by a lorry and the driver ran away. 學生被大貨車碰倒,客車司機追人了。 Some of the telephone poles were knocked down by the surging water. 某些熱線線桿被奔涌的暴雨沖倒。 knock down The portable device easily knocks down. 這一便攜式傳動裝置特別容易替換。 knock sth ? down Let's knock down the machine first. It'll save shipping costs. 我們都先把機設備打開,這些會控制成本配送加盟費。 Why are they knocking down the wall? 他倆為有什么在墻體拆除? Many old houses in Beijing are knocked down and tall buildings are being built. 深圳多個舊房子被拆除房屋了,比較高大的高層住宅連綿起伏。 The whole block will be knocked down to make room for new buildings. 整塊商業街區將被拆出,盡可能多出好地方造房子毛胚房。 It was a pity that the old theatre had to be knocked down to make way for the widening of the road. 真期待,成了改寬路道那座老劇院得拆開。 The machine has to be knocked down first before you move it into the house. 搬到屋時候,得先把工具拆掉來。 The furniture has been knocked down ready for the buyer to put it together himself. 家裝已拆換開,買主本身即時也可以之后做折裝。 knock sb/sth ? down The man was asking £5 for the dress, but I knocked it down to £4.50. 這件夏天衣服賣主索價五鎊,但我微信砍價后以幾點五鎊購得了。 The man wanted 120 yuan for his bike, but I managed to knock the price down to 100. 當時人的自愿車買價要12零元,就你不是我從而把它砍到10零元。 The storekeeper decided to knock down his remaining winter stock. 淘寶店主選擇減掉剩的冬令存貨。 The price was knocked down to £3. Perhaps he'll knock the price down a little if the glass is broken. 價格多少減到了三人民幣。一旦安全玻璃有損毀,那他還需再降一些。 knock sth ? down The auctioneer knocked the bureau down to a furniture dealer from York. 拍賣會者將寫漢字臺賣給從約克來的家俱商。 The best furniture was knocked down for a low price to the dealer in the second line of seats. 最棒的歐式家具以提價賣給了靠著第二個排的一兩個商。 The vase was knocked down to Smith for $25. 這只花瓶以25澳元拍賣會給了史密斯。 The books were knocked down to me for two pounds. 我以兩元的拍賣成交價將書買走。 knock sth ? down How much does he knock down a week? 他一個禮拜掙許多錢? knock sth ? down He wanted to knock down a bank. 他想打劫銀行卡。 knock sth ? down She does not want to knock down his self-esteem. 她我不想壓他的狂傲之氣。 knock sth ? down They knocked down the suggestion. 你把1條最好推翻了。 The suggestion was knocked down. 這件提倡被否定詞了。 knock sth ? down She knocked down forty dollars at a restaurant. 她在一家人菜館花掉四十澳元。 knock sth ? down They cut down some trees to knock down the fire and prevent it from spreading further. 顧客砍倒沒事些樹以的控制濃煙,使火不是爆發開到。
knock in1 (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉灌輸 try to teach sth by force
knock in2 (v.+prep.)
    逗笑 amuse
    knock sb in sth “Is this new man funny, then?”“Funny! The way he tells these jokes will knock them in the aisles!” “那 這款剛來的人搞笑戲嗎?”“太搞笑戲了。他要講起許多嘲笑來準能逗得人們捧腹哭笑!”
knock into (v.+prep.)
    〈口〉徹底擊敗 defeat completely
    knock sth into sth Can you knock this nail into the wood? 你也能這鋼釘釘進木料里嗎? It takes more skill than it looks to knock the ball into the hole. 要把球踢進洞里看上去算不上些什么,但其實很需求科技。 knock into sb I knocked into my old teacher in the town this morning. 令天早上在鄉上,我遇上了那個老新教師。 knock sth into sth Can't you knock some sense into that stupid boy's head? 難度你不是下下時間讓什么笨孩童開竅? knock sth into a cocked hat You may be only an amateur painter, but your pictures can knock mine into a cocked hat. 固然你是個脫產藝術家,可你的畫卻遠勝于我的。
knock off1 (v.+adv.)
    〈口〉為懲罰而狠打 hit sb especially as a punishment usually as a threat
    knock sb/sth ? off You're not safe on that ladder, a branch could knock you off. 你說站在那折疊梯上不的安全,枝條會給你碰加起來的。 A snowball knocked his hat off. 一名雪球飛進把他的棉帽打下在地。 Just when I put the glass safely down on the table, the cat jumped up and knocked it off. 我剛把塑料杯子穩穩穩當當本市放著茶幾上,貓就跳起來給弄倒了。 Your cigarette ash is very long; please knock it off before it falls on the carpet. 你的煙灰太久了,請彈掉,以防落在地墊上。 knock off When the whistle goes, all the workers knock off for a cup of tea. 哨子一響任何農民工都停穩拿在手上的活兒去泡茶。 Let's knock off now. 在令當我們歇點一下吧。 We've done enough for today,I think we'll knock off. 企業今年做得夠多的了,想必企業該暫停了。 We go to work at seven thirty in the morning and knock off at five thirty in the afternoon. 我們的經常傍晚七點半第一天上班,午后三點半上下班。 knock it ? off 〔情況說明〕 knock off作此解會時常只用于實現體,也常只用于攻擊結構設計。 They were making so much noise that I couldn't sleep, so I told them to knock it off! 顧客吵吵嚷嚷我晚上失眠,由于我是顧客都住嘴! knock sth ? off 〔講解〕 knock off作此解時一般性沒用于開展體。 If you take both dresses,I'll knock £2 off. 你如果三套外套都買,就減價兩元。 The coat is a little dirty. Can you knock 50 yuan off for me? 羽絨服衣服稍微有點臟,你要減價5零元錢嗎? The advertised price was £2.05, but the shopkeeper knocked off the odd pence. 賣價是£2.05,但掌柜把之后的零頭去全掉。 When he received his money he found that five shillings had been knocked off for expenses incurred. 當他接收到錢時,他發現了已扣我去了五先令的的費用。 knock sth ? off Immediately after supper, he sat down and knocked off his composition in half an hour. 一吃過午飯,他便坐坐來,不足半塊天就把作文作文寫好后。 He sat down and knocked off an article for the local paper in about two hours. 他坐著來用兩小時時候時候時候就為各地報紙雜志標出了篇稿件。 That composition was knocked off in about two hours after dinner one evening. 那些樂曲都是天吃好飯后用兩幾小時左右兩再譜過來的。 knock sb ? off One night the guerrillas stole into the city and knocked off the traitor. 一年凌晨,游擊家人們偷偷摸鄉下里,殺死了那位叛徒。 The old man who owned the jewels was knocked off by the thieves. 成為這樣珠寶首飾的老頭子被盜取竊犯處理了。 knock sb/sth ? off Where did you get all those watches?Did you knock them off? 這個電子手表開始哪里來的? 搶的嗎? I heard that they knocked off Smith's shop last night. 聽來說大家咋天搶劫殺人了史密斯的專賣店。 People are saying that he knocked her off for her diamonds. 客戶潮水般傳說游戲他以便搶她的金幣而處理了她。 knock sb ? off You can't knock me off,I've done nothing! 你難以抓我,我哪些也沒干! The criminal was tracked down and knocked off by the police. 哪些犯罪者被公安人員泡到后批捕了。 knock sth ? off I've a pile of work to knock off before I can take my holiday. 在我要去休閑度假剛剛,和二堆積如山東西得干完。 knock sth ? off His wife served him a big helping, but he knocked it off in next to no time. 他丈夫為他盛了滿滿的一碗面,本來沒多會兒他全吃下肚了。 He knocked off two chops and a plateful of vegetables in about ten minutes, and then asked for more. 他在要花費非常的鐘內飯后多份排骨和一碟綠葉菜,之后都要。 It looked a big dish, but it was almost knocked off in no time. 看起就是項目菜,但可以說點一下子把就被掃光了。 knock sth ? off If you don't take back what you said about me,I'm going to knock your head off. 就是不把說你的時候找回,我就不要猛然揍你。
knock off2 (v.+prep.)
    比…好得多 be much better than others
    knock sth off sth I'm sorry,I've knocked the glass off the table and broken it. 對沒有,我將書桌上的玻璃杯碰倒弄碎了。 knock off sth Let's knock off work early and go to the football game. 我們一起盡早收工探望球賽吧。 My health compels me to knock off work. 我的安全狀況使我也得不變慢作業。 knock sth off sth I'll knock £2 off the price of the dress if you'll take both dresses. 兩種外套都有話語我都就把報價削減兩鎊。 knock spots off sb/sth Tom's books knock spots off most writers of crime stories. 湯姆寫的書比多半數犯罪行為小說下載專家的作品選可好了。 My new washing machine knocks spots off the old one. 我的新洗滌機要比那臺舊的好很多。
knock on1 (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉(使)增加 (cause to) increase
    knock sb ? on Hurry up, you're late for your call, you've been knocked on! 快啊,早已經通知模板你登場了! knock on Let's knock on for another half an hour. 我們大家再干半一小時吧。 knock sth ? on It's the interest payments that knock on the price of a house over the years. 該是這些年消費的信用卡分期結賬逾期利息,才使房間的價格多少上浮了。
knock on2 (v.+prep.)
    取消,停止干某事 cancel〔stop〕 doing sth
    knock on sth “Is there anybody there?”said the traveller, knocking on the moonlit door. 天空照在門口,在街上過路的人走入去叩門提問:“房間內別人嗎?” My dog just lies around all day and doesn't even bark when strangers knock on the door—he's not even worth his keep. 我的狗天天睡時,還在不了解人叩門時不叫——不可以養它了。 knock sth on sth I knocked my head on the doorpost and hurt it. 我的頭撞在門柱上,碰破了。 knock sth on the head I used to go out nearly every night but I decided to knock it on the head because I couldn't really afford it. 我此前可以說每天出差,但現下已不其實,所以我實話抽不出現時間。
knock out (v.+adv.)
    引起共鳴 elicit enthusiasm or an emotional response especially deep sympathy or laughter from
knock out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    從…中敲出或擊出(某物) remove by means of a hammer
    knock the daylight out of sb If I find him bullying small children again, and I can lay my hands on him,I'll knock the daylight out of him. 如果得知他再欺侮孩子,而是我可以把他盯住搞笑的話,我就要兇狠揍他餐。 The unseeded player has no chance; the champion will knock the living daylights out of her. 這家非花楸樹種子女選手找不到反敗為勝的就會,在比寒中冠亞軍會把她充分干掉的。 knock sb out of sb Our team was knocked out of the competition in the second game. 在第三輪比賽視頻中我們公司隊被不要了。 knock sth out of sb The way to deal with a young fighter is to hit him hard in the first few minutes, so as to knock the stuffing out of him. 對于一年輕化拳擊手的法是在頭幾十7分鐘里猛打他幾拳,先殺殺他的闖勁。 knock the bottom out of sth When the next speaker produced all those facts, he knocked the bottom out of my arguments. 現今倆位講演稿人提出來大部分論點時,他把你的論點徹底駁倒了。 knock sth out of sth The sudden blow knocked two teeth out of his mouth. 這猛然間的一撞擊拉掉他兩株牙。 The policeman knocked the gun out of the criminal's hand. 警方把犯罪分子口中的槍殺落。 Knock the ash out of your pipe before you refill it. 把煙灰磕而來再裝煙料。 The diamond must have got knocked out of my ring when I dropped it. 把我戒子掉在地表時,鉆石2肯定是被摔丟了。
knock over (v.+adv.)
    快速完成 complete quickly
knock through (v.+adv.)
    打通; 拆除 remove a wall, a partition, etc. in order to enlarge the area of a room
    knock through We'd better enlarge the reading room by knocking through between the two small rooms. 我們都盡量開通的兩個屋子中的隔斷墻,來拓展電子閱覽室的大小。 knock sth ? through We can knock the wall through to make a new entrance. 我會把墻撥通修個新閘道。
knock together (v.+adv.)
    烹調 prepare food by cooking
    knock sth ? together See if you can knock together some sort of box to put it in. 查看你能不能能迅速做一些箱子把它放入去。 The mobile medical team knocked together an operating table. 流動性醫學隊山中訪友搭起了一大張術臺。 I'm no woodworker, but I can knock a bookshelf together when necessary. 我不屬于建筑木工,但一定要時,可是我需要勉勉強強著做一套書柜。 They knocked together a rough box with wooden boards. 這些用木條草樹叢搞成沒事個粗糙,的行李箱。 knock together The two pieces of wood knocked together. 兩個石頭之間激發。 His knees were knocking together. 他擔心得腿胃部打戰。 knock sth ? together You should knock their silly heads together. 以便使兩人搞清楚事理。 The logs were knocked together as they floated down the stream. 圓木順流而下時共同相撞著。 knock sth ? together Hey,Mom, knock something together for us to eat. 嗨,媽,搞點事物給他們吃吧。
knock under (v.+adv.)
    屈服 submit; yield
    knock under Confronting great hardships, the surveyors never knocked under. 在許許多多的經營困苦人前,有些地質勘察人員管理從來沒妥協過。 knock under to sb/sth We refuse to knock under to any difficulties. 你們不向任何人困苦妥協。
knock up (v.+adv.)
    匆匆準備或做某事 prepare or make sth quickly and without much planning
    knock sb ? up Would you mind knocking me up at about six o'clock tomorrow morning as I must catch an early train to Beijing? 請你一定要明兒早起八點鐘兩邊叫門叫醒我真嗎? 而是我有必要碰到去廣州的早大巴車。 Run for the doctor and knock him up. 快速請主任醫師,把他叫下來。 We were knocked up by the police in the middle of the night. 咱們在半夜里被巡警叩門叫醒了。 knock sth ? up Even though they weren't expecting us, they managed to knock up a marvellous meal. 顧客即使沒悟出自己要來,但依然是想盡朱自清匆匆制作了每頓豐盈的飯。 This house was just knocked up. 這住房是早已匆匆施工道路劃線的。
knock up against (v.+adv.+prep.)
    偶然遇見〔到〕 meet sb/sth by chance


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The knock at the door startled Merdelius. 出自: M. West
  • She..gave the prearranged knock on the door. 出自: R. Ingalls
  • He took a bad ankle knock..and it is very swollen. 出自:Press Journal (Aberdeen)
  • What's he that knocks as he would beat down the gate? 出自:Taming of Shrew , Shakespeare
  • If you knocked at every house You wouldn't find a man who could recognise a louse. 出自: M. Baldwin
  • He knocked on the inner door. 出自: D. Adams
  • How tempted I would have been to yield, if opportunity had only knocked. 出自: fig.
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