

['d??st?fa?]     ['d??st?fa?]    
  • vt. 替 ... 辯護;證明 ... 正當;調整版面
justified justified justifying justifies



v. (動詞)
  1. 證明…正確
  2. 證明...有道理,證明…有理
  3. 【律】提出充分法律證據,為...提供法律根據
  4. 宣誓證明(自己)有財力作保,證明自己財力上有資格作保證人
  5. 【印】整版,裝版,整理...的版面
  6. 各行長度正合適
  7. 證明...是正當的,證明合法,證明正當
  8. 為...辯護,證明...無罪 ,開釋,辯解,對…作出解釋
  9. 是...的正當理由
  10. 【印】使齊行,排整齊
  11. 調整使全行排滿
  12. 證明
  13. 把…釋罪, 宣布…為無罪,赦免
  14. 為所做的事情提供充分的理由
  15. 調整鉛字間隔使齊行,左邊每行排齊


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 為…辯護 be or give a good reason for


  1. show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for;

    "The emergency does not warrant all of us buying guns"
    "The end justifies the means"

  2. show to be right by providing justification or proof;

    "vindicate a claim"

  3. defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning;

    "rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior"
    "he rationalized his lack of success"

  4. let off the hook;

    "I absolve you from this responsibility"

  5. adjust the spaces between words;

    "justify the margins"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. He had to justify himself for his conduct.
  2. Don't try to justify your mistakes.
  3. Nothing can justify your cheating on an exam.
  4. Such action can be justified on the grounds of greater efficiency.
  5. Click on this icon to align or justify text.


justify as(v.+prep.)
    justify sth as sth The playhouse was forced to justify itself as a serious cultural endeavor. 這是大劇院不得當不為本人最為嚴肅認真的文化知識的場所為事由為其有著答辯。
justify by(v.+prep.)
    以…證明…是正當的 make (sth) seem right because of or by means of (sth or doing sth)
    justify sb/oneself/sth by n\u002e/v-ing The prisoner has certainly justified his claims by his actions. 那家戰俘屬實已用我自己的進行體現了他的標準要求是正當行為的。 He failed to justify both by argument and instance the life he had led. 他無法確認辯護和實證來講解他有道理由各樣工作。 The boy justified himself by saying he did not begin the fight. 這類女該為她答辯說,他不會一開始自己動手傷人。 He justified his act by pretending that it was his duty to do so. 他為自個兒的光榮使命辨護,證實有責任義務這般做。 The boy justified himself by saying he did not begin the fight. 那小女孩兒為個人狡辯說他就沒有先是下手大打出手。 The criminal attempted to justify his crime by claiming that he had not been responsible for his actions. 那囚犯稱其對縱火案情況時他的手段也沒有承擔的責任,命令以此脫身罪責。 This criticism is justified by the facts. 犯罪行為證明怎么寫這次更新提出批評是幾乎正確無誤的。 It is amply justified by the result. 后果足夠證明文件其正確無誤。 That judgement seems to have been justified by time. 準確時間幾乎單位證明這種選擇是對的。 Their reasoning was correct, and it was eventually justified by events. 孩子們的邏輯題準確,實際情況已經表明哪一種評判是準確的。
justify in(v.+prep.)
    justify sb/oneself/sth in v-ing/n Can you justfy yourself in saying that? 可以關系證明你加以請假理由本來說嗎? Nothing can justify you in your treating her that way. 未啥理由哦說明書怎么寫你理應這種對付她。 What they said was justified and well-founded. 其一段話是言之有理由、有寬裕表明的。 Are you sure that your comments are justified? 你確信你的意見建議是有大道理的嗎? He is fully justified in doing so. 他只要做是有有力理由哦的。 You are fully justified in refusing the offer. 你充分天經地義由阻止那項意見與建議。 The constable was justified in shooting an escaped criminal in self-defence. 人民警察因為自衛而開槍通緝犯的道德行為獲刑無罪判決。 They were justtified in turning down our proposal. 孩子沒使用讓我們的個人建議是有原理的。 They are perfectly justified in taking these steps. 許多人遵循這個方法是完全性有大道理的。 He is fully justified in leaving the matter untouched. 他對于此事置之愛理不理是仍然有人生的道理的。 With such large losses I would not be justified in leaving matters as they are. 海損如此大,我不會有初衷對這個事置之愛答不理。
justify on the ground(v.+prep.+n.)
    justify on/upon the ground of sth/that-clause He justified his seizure of power on the grounds of an alleged conspiracy. 他借很多人合謀為由說他的篡權是合理合法的。 Such behaviour is amply justified on these grounds. 前提某些申請理由必以詳細說明某些舉動是正當性的。 The plan is justified on the ground that the farm can not be divided. 這是計劃表被表明是適當合理的,其表明在農家樂不分屋。
justify to(v.+prep.)
    向(某人)證明…是對的,正當的 make (sth) seem right to (sb)
    justify oneself/sth to sb What have I done to justify your anger to me? 我想干什么東西傻事惹得你于我鬧脾氣? He tried to justify himself to me by saying that he was late. 我說他來晚了,意圖當以向我辯護。
用作動詞 (v.)
justify by (v.+prep.)
    以…證明,證明(某事)是正當的 make (sth) seem right because of or by means of (sth or doing sth)
    justify oneself/sth by sth/v-ing The boy justified himself by saying he did not begin the fight. 這一女該為自身辨護說,他找不到第一步出手打架。 The prisoner has certainly justified his claims by his actions. 那一個囚徒切實已用自行的統一行動意味著他的耍求是不法的。
justify to (v.+prep.)
    向(某人)證明…是對的,正當的 make (sth) seem right to (sb)
    justify oneself/sth to sb Can you justify your rude behaviour to me? 能夠向我單位證明你的粗野行為表現是有事理的嗎? What have I done to justify your anger to me? 我想干什么樣壞事惹得你一件事鬧脾氣? He tried to justify himself to me by saying that he was late. 我女朋友他來晚了,威脅為此向我狡辯。


~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The difficult task of justifying science in the eyes of the nation. 出自: M. Pattison
  • History..is always written to justify the survivors. 出自: M. West
  • I don't have to justify myself to you. 出自: M. Piercy
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