

[?n'???(r)]     [?n'??r]    
  • vt. 保險;確保
  • vi. 買保險
insurable insurability insured insured insuring insures



v. (動詞)
  1. 保障
  2. 確保
  3. 接受保險
  4. <美>保證
  5. 給…保險
  6. 為…提供保證
  7. 為…投保
  8. 接受投保
  9. 給…保險
  10. 保證使…得到
  11. 承保
  12. 給予保險
  13. 買保險


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 保險,投保 make a contract that promises to pay sb an amount of money in case of accident, injury, death, etc., or damage to or loss of sth


  1. be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something;

    "He verified that the valves were closed"
    "See that the curtains are closed"
    "control the quality of the product"

  2. make certain of;

    "This nest egg will ensure a nice retirement for us"
    "Preparation will guarantee success!"

  3. protect by insurance;

    "The insurance won't cover this"

  4. take out insurance for



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. I want to insure my residence.
  2. I'd like to insure this package for 50 dollars.
  3. I am insured for all risks.
  4. My house is insured against fire.
  5. His talent and dedication will insure his success.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. You'll insure with the People's Insurance Company of China. I presume?


用作動詞 (v.)
insure against (v.+prep.)
    防止… be protected against
    insure against sth It is possible to insure against almost any loss. 可以說為某些機會的盤虧購買車險都有現實可行的。 insure sb/oneself/sth against sth Insurance companies will insure ships and their cargoes against loss at sea. 人壽保險金工司會給漁船以及貸物做海上旅游人壽保險金。 I insured my house against fire. 我我想要的老房子保了火險。 Every father should insure himself against premature death or prolonged illness for the sake of his wife and children. 為了更好地的妻子和嬰兒,各位老父親會為個人英年早逝或久病不愈安全。 insure sb against v-ing Proper clothing insured us against suffering from the cold. 恰當的休閑服裝使人們防止遭受冰冷之苦。 insure against sth The directors will take steps to insure against possible failure. 董事會們將通過保障措施,為防會展現的無效。 They insured against defeat by concentrating a superior force. 兩人低效競爭優勢守軍,以擔保不足以挫敗。 insure sb/sth against sth/v-ing Good habits insure one against infections. 優良的衛生學生活習慣會更讓人不生傳染給病。 We must insure the state property against loss. 咱們要可以保障的國家婚前財產不受到損害。 More care will insure you against making so many mistakes. 另加重視都會有保障你少頂嘴誤。 Carefulness insures you against errors. 的工作認真負責可以使你盡量不要突發錯誤率。
insure for (v.+prep.)
    投保(一定數額的)險 protect sb or sth for a certain quantity of money
    insure sb/oneself/sth for sth I insured my life for £5000. 我辦了5000歐元的人壽穩妥。 My house is insured for two-thirds of its value. 我替我的房保了其價值幾分第二的險。
insure with (v.+prep.)
    在…投保 make an insurance contract regarding with a certain firm
    insure sb/sth with sth The jewels were insured with Hill Company, who had always proved very trustworthy. 首飾在希爾廠家保了險,實際聲明書,這里廠家比較適合安全感。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • I insure you he is a king most vile and pernicious. 出自: T. Preston
  • The most effectual Care..to insure us of God's performing his Part. 出自: J. Scott
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