

['?elt?(r)]     ['?elt?r]    
  • n. 避難所;庇護;庇護所
  • v. 保護;隱匿;庇護
shelterless shelterer sheltered sheltered sheltering shelters



n. (名詞)
  1. 避難所,庇護所,避身之處
  2. 躲避處,隱藏所,掩避室
  3. 遮蔽;保護
  4. 遮蔽物,遮蓋物
  5. 掩蔽部
  6. 庇護者
  7. 掩護物
  8. 百葉箱
  9. 防空洞
v. (動詞)
  1. 躲避
  2. 保護,庇護,包庇
  3. 掩蔽,遮蔽
  4. 隱匿,隱蔽,隱遁
  5. 避難
  6. 掩護
  7. 棲身
  8. 擋住


n. (名詞)
  1. [U] 遮蔽; 保護 being safe from bad weather or danger
  2. [C] 避難所; 庇護所 a place which is safe from bad weather or danger
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 保護 give shelter to; protect
  2. vt. & vi. 隱匿 take shelter


  1. a structure that provides privacy and protection from danger
  2. protective covering that provides protection from the weather
  3. the condition of being protected;

    "they were huddled together for protection"
    "he enjoyed a sense of peace and protection in his new home"

  4. a way of organizing business to reduce the taxes it must pay on current earnings
  5. temporary housing for homeless or displaced persons
  1. provide shelter for;

    "After the earthquake, the government could not provide shelter for the thousands of homeless people"

  2. invest (money) so that it is not taxable



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The refugees' main requirements are food and shelter.
  2. In the storm I took shelter under the tree.
  3. The spectators scuttled for shelter when it began to rain.
  4. People were scrambling madly for shelter.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. These plants must be sheltered from direct sunlight.
  2. This cave served as a hideout for a bearded seal seeking shelter from the harsh Arctic climate.
  3. You can't shelter your brother from blame in the accident.


用作動詞 (v.)
shelter from (v.+prep.)
    掩護,保護 protect sb from sth or doing sth harmful
    shelter from sth They huddled in the shop doorway to shelter from the rain. 大家 擠在商家入戶玄關躲雨。 The climbers had to shelter from the snowstorm in a mountain hut. 爬山男隊員不許不在山里的其中一個小棚中躲開超級雷暴。 shelter sb/sth from sth/v-ing You can't shelter your brother from blame in the accident. 在此次安全事故中,你是沒辦法庇護你的侄兒使用暴力責難。 He is trying to shelter his boss from criticism. 他一再為店老板抵住間接的批判。 The wall sheltered the soldiers from gunfire. 這堵墻攔住了普通攻擊兵士的槍口。 He tried to shelter his friend from knowing of his father's death, but he was too late. 他妄圖不使其的同事了解他的自己的爸爸去逝的qq消息,先為時已晚。 This woollen hat is to shelter your face from the bitter cold. 這頂羊毛絨帽可讓你的臉免受凍。 The trees shelter the house from the wind. 樹給房源擋風。 Is our country's industry sheltered from foreign competition? 目前我國的工業化在與洋寡頭壟斷時會不會有十分的有效保障? These plants must be sheltered from direct sunlight. 要使以上綠色植物免受陽關直曬。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • A covered shelter..to which the mothers and children could retire on showery..evenings. 出自: A. P. Herbert
  • The storms of the law may drive men to the shelter of the gospel. 出自: fig.
  • The vendor..made use of the act for sheltering fraud. 出自: W. Cruise
  • A..centre that shelters battered women. 出自:Times
  • No trees then sheltered the building. 出自: R. Fraser
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