

[n??]     [no?]    
  • v. 了解;知道;認識
  • n. 知情
knowable knower knew known knowing knows



v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 知道,懂得 have sth in one's mind or memory as a result of experience or learning or information
  2. vt. & vi. 認識,了解,熟悉 be acquainted with; be familiar with


  1. the fact of being aware of information that is known to few people;

    "he is always in the know"

  1. be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess knowledge or information about;

    "I know that the President lied to the people"
    "I want to know who is winning the game!"
    "I know it's time"

  2. know how to do or perform something;

    "She knows how to knit"
    "Does your husband know how to cook?"

  3. be aware of the truth of something; have a belief or faith in something; regard as true beyond any doubt;

    "I know that I left the key on the table"
    "Galileo knew that the earth moves around the sun"

  4. be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object;

    "She doesn't know this composer"
    "Do you know my sister?"
    "We know this movie"
    "I know him under a different name"
    "This flower is known as a Peruvian Lily"

  5. have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations;

    "I know the feeling!"
    "have you ever known hunger?"
    "I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict"
    "The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare"
    "I lived through two divorces"

  6. accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority;

    "The Crown Prince was acknowledged as the true heir to the throne"
    "We do not recognize your gods"

  7. have fixed in the mind;

    "I know Latin"
    "This student knows her irregular verbs"
    "Do you know the poem well enough to recite it?"

  8. have sexual intercourse with;

    "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"
    "Adam knew Eve"
    "Were you ever intimate with this man?"

  9. know the nature or character of;

    "we all knew her as a big show-off"

  10. be able to distinguish, recognize as being different;

    "The child knows right from wrong"

  11. perceive as familiar;

    "I know this voice!"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. What do you know about us?
  2. I didn't know the truth until she told me what happened.
  3. I know what happened.
  4. Excuse me, do you know how to play chess?
  5. I've known Tom for years.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Somebody in the know told me he's going to resign.
  2. A friend who is in the know says she already left the country.


用作動詞 (v.)
be known to
    名字被記錄在案 have one's name recorded by officials
know about (v.+prep.)
    知道,了解 be aware of sb/sth
    know about sb/sth I happened to know about him. 我正巧分析部分有關的信息他的癥狀。 We know about magnetism by the way magnets act. 咱們完成鑷子的做用知曉帶磁是怎樣一遍事。 As for your hope of winning the first prize,I don't know about that. 而說到說到你有渴望獲頭獎,對此事我無多少大信心。 know sth about sb/sth Do you know anything about astronomy? 你懂天文學嗎? He knows some damaging facts about the firm's dealings. 他曉得該總部在經驗中的有些丑事。 David certainly knows a thing or two about car engines. 戴維必然對二手車啟行為是非常行行。 I'll let you know all about it later on. 已經,我全你要要知道事必。
know apart (v.+adv.)
    能夠區別 be able to recognize the difference between two or more things or people
    know sb/sth apart The two brothers are so much alike that even their own mother hardly knows them apart. 這小哥倆長相太過相像,恐怕你的母親圖片也沒能判斷。
know backwards (v.+adv.)
    熟知; 精通 have learned very thoroughly
    know sth backwards Every actor ought to know his lines backwards before he goes on stage, as nervousness may make him forgetful. 那些寅員在上臺講話前都予以把臺詞獨白別忘記滾瓜爛熟,這是由于一緊張感就簡易忘詞。 You can't fool me; I know the whole story backwards. 你騙不了了我,這事事我了解得清很明白楚。
know best (v.+adv.)
    最了解 have the best informed opinion; be the best judge of sb/sth
    know best No, you really ought to stay in bed, remember,Mother knows best! 不,你真應當臥床安心靜養。要銘記,媽說得最有原因! know sb best Doctors should ask nurses their opinion, after all, they know the patients best. 牙醫應有詢問護理人員們的指導意見,目前護理人員最知曉病患者的情況發生。
know better (v.+adv.)
    更明白事理,沒愚蠢到… be wise enough not to do it
    know better You ought to have known better! 你為何這迷糊呢! He ran away from school.He ought to have known better. 他從化妝學校逃亡,他可是就應有明白像是不會對的。 know better than to-v She is old enough to know better than to spend all her money on clothes. 她長得了,必須懂不必把擁有的錢都花在外套衣服上。 I thought you knew better than to go to such places as that. 我原以外你不以至于胡涂到表態發言稿有些地方去。 You ought to know better than to go swimming on such a cold day. 你可能懂得,只要冷的天就是該去游玩的。 You ought to know better than to damage the state property. 你應有都清楚損毀我國資產并不是對的。 He ought to know better than to come into the house without knocking at the door. 他該掌握不叩門不一定能屋里的。 She certainly knows better than to tackle such problems by herself. 她但是理智的人其中不而說到自巳兒去改善這一疑問。 They knew better than to come to my front door. 你挺智能的,還沒有跑到前門去。
know by (v.+prep.)
    根據…認出〔了解〕 recognize sb/sth because of sight or sign; tell sb
    know sb/sth by sth You will know the house by its tall chimneys. 看得見哪此大鍋爐煙囪你就是見到那所別墅。 I have never met our new neighbors; I simply know them by sight. 我在未使用過當我們的新隔壁家,忽地過面。 I know that poem by heart. 我就能夠背記那首詩。 Shall I let you know by letter or by word of mouth? 我寫信高速你還書面形式通知怎么寫你? Let me know it immediately by telephone. 立馬打通電話通知模板我。 You must keep repeating the lines until they are known by heart. 你要重復多次朗讀這幾行,很久到能記背已經。
know fine (v.+adv.)
    很了解 know well
    know fine (that-)clause I know fine that he's not to be trusted. 我很很明白他是沒有可信度的。 We know fine that's a good idea. 你們很很清楚它是個好主見。
know for (v.+prep.)
    認識到(某人)是 recognize sb as being a certain kind of person
    know sth for sth It is known for its handicraft products. 這好地方因產于手工藝流程品而戶曉。 The place is nationally known for its melons and fruit, especially its seedless grapes. 在這里的瓜類,特別是是無核紅提葡萄知名商標全球。 know sb for sb I know you for a thief and a liar! 我算聯系你呢,的又偷又騙的笨蛋!
know from (v.+prep.)
    辨別,分辨 be able to tell the difference between sb/sth
    know sb/sth from sb/sth You'd better first know a friend from an enemy. 你得先要辨認敵友。 They're twins and it's almost impossible to know one from the other. 大家是孿生子,別人可以說無非辯認。 He doesn't know a knife from a fork. 他連刀叉也不分。 Don't listen to him, he doesn't know a hawk from a handsaw. 別聽他的,他那些也辨不清。 We must learn to know good from evil. 大家要會習區分處理善惡。 It's important for one to be able to know right from wrong. 對一人看來,能辨認是否相對注重。
know of (v.+prep.)
    知道,聽說 be aware of the existence of; hear of
    know of sb/sth I don't know the writer, but I know of him. 我并不了解這款文學家,但我是了解他的。 Do you know of any oil-filling station around here? 你都知道某一有帶打氣站嗎? What do you know of this theatre company? 這家劇團的狀況你掌握些之類? “Has he gone to Shanghai?”“ Not that I know of.” “他到杭州去是嗎?”“據我所知道他并是沒有去。” He would wish that he had never known of it. 他只愿自身本身不清楚那件事。 I know of a shop where you can buy things like that. 聽起說過有顆家商城,在那,你是否以購買到哪此物質。 I know of his books, but I haven't read any of them. 聽說過他寫的書,但理科也無讀過。 Such a kind of thing has never been known of before. 這些狀況早先駭人聽聞。
know through (v.+adv.)
    非常了解 understand sb/sth perfectly
    know sb/sth ? through He thought he knew his wife through, until she deceived him. 在媳婦騙他此前,他始終看做她愈來愈介紹她。
know one's job〔what one is doing〕
    懂行,在行 be able to do sth; be well done


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • I knew I had guessed right about those missing hours. 出自: Scott Fitzgerald
  • The Fanners were known as good landlords. 出自: J. Mortimer
  • The art of dressing is to know what you look good in. 出自:Sunday Times
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