

[h?p]     [hɑ?p]    
  • v. 跳躍;單腳跳
  • n. 跳躍;單腳跳
hopped hopped hopping hops



v. (動詞)
  1. 單足跳,跳躍,齊足跳
  2. <口>跳舞
  3. 用蛇麻子調味
  4. <口>乘飛機飛越
  5. <美口>跳上
  6. 搭乘,登上
  7. 跳過,躍過,飛過
  8. 長蛇麻子,采蛇麻子
  9. <口>(輕快地)上(下)車
  10. <口>(坐飛機)作短途旅行
  11. 突然快速去某處
  12. 換來換去,不斷更換
  13. 走開,離開
  14. 十分憤怒,暴怒
  15. 跛行
  16. 使(球)跳
n. (名詞)
  1. 啤酒花
  2. 蛇麻草,蛇麻子
  3. <美俚>麻藥
  4. <口>舞會
  5. 單足跳
  6. 跳躍,蹦蹦跳
  7. 忽布,忽布花
  8. <口>一段旅程
  9. <口>航程
  10. 短途旅行
  11. 彈跳
  12. 單足短距離跳躍;齊足短距離跳躍
abbr. (縮略詞)
  1. =high oxygen pressure 高氧壓


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 單足跳躍〔跳行〕 (a person) to move by jumping on one foot
  2. vi. 雙足或齊足跳行 (an animal or a bird) to move by jumping with both or all feet together
  3. vt. 搭乘 get on
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]蹦跳,跳躍 an act of hopping; a jump
  2. [C]跳舞 a dance at which popular music is played
  3. [C]一次飛行的距離 a distance travelled by a plane before landing


  1. the act of hopping; jumping upward or forward (especially on one foot)
  2. twining perennials having cordate leaves and flowers arranged in conelike spikes; the dried flowers of this plant are used in brewing to add the characteristic bitter taste to beer
  3. an informal dance where popular music is played
  1. jump lightly
  2. move quickly from one place to another
  3. travel by means of an aircraft, bus, etc.;

    "She hopped a train to Chicago"
    "He hopped rides all over the country"

  4. traverse as if by a short airplane trip;

    "Hop the Pacific Ocean"

  5. jump across;

    "He hopped the bush"

  6. make a jump forward or upward



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The children had a competition to see who could hop the fastest.
    孩子們舉行比賽, 看誰單足跳躍最快。
  2. Several frogs were hopping about on the lawn.
  3. When the burglar heard their car he hopped it out of the window.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The pursuer cleared the fence in one hop.
  2. We would never catch him on the hop.
  3. In another year,Wilma could manage a sort of hop.


用作動詞 (v.)
hop about on (v.+adv.+prep.)
    在…上跳來跳去 move by jumping with both or all feet together on sth
    hop about on sth Several frogs were hopping about on the lawn. 有幾頭蛙蛙在草原上跳來跳去。 Two cats were hopping about on the bed. 二只貓在床里跳來跳去。
hop across (v.+prep.)
    跳躍著穿過 move by jumping with feet across sth
    hop across sth The rabbit hopped across the field. 野兔跳轉著穿入田野。 The fox hopped across the lawn. 那只刺猬發覺著通過草地上。
hop along (v.+adv.)
    單足跳行 move by jumping with one foot
    hop along He had hurt his left foot and had to hop along . 他后腳腳傷了,不許不單獨足跳行。 The game asks everyone to hop along. 這傳奇游戲需要每人每年都得單足跳行。
hop around (v.+prep.)
    在…上蹦來蹦去 move by jumping on sth
    hop around sth The ball hopped around the playing field. 皮球在有氧運動中蹦來蹦去。
hop in (v.+adv.)
    上車 get on
    hop in Please hop in. 試著升降臂。 Hop in,I'll give you a lift to the station. 進站吧,我自駕車送想去汽車站。 They hopped in Lanzhou. 我們在西安上汽年的。
hop into (v.+prep.)
    跳進 jump into
    hop into sth He hopped into a car and drove to town. 他跳進汽車行業,向住宅區開到。
hop on (v.+prep.)
    在…跳 move by jumping on sth
    hop on sth Sparrows were hopping on the lawn. 麻雀鳥在灌木叢上跳著。 The monkey hopped on the trees. 這只猴子在山上跳著。
hop onto (v.+prep.)
    跳到…上 jump onto
    hop onto sth We hopped onto the bus while it was still moving. 公共服務小汽車尚未停穩,自己就跳了上去。 He hopped onto a car and wanted to drive to town. 他跳上車開家向市中心區的朝向。
hop over (v.+prep.)
    躍過 jump over
    hop over sth He hopped over the fence and ran away. 他跳入躍過扶欄抓回了。 She hopped over the ditch. 她跳入躍過一條路溝。
hop over to (v.+adv.+prep.)
    度過 spend; past
    hop over to sth I'm hopping over to Paris for the weekend. 我會去大巴黎度周六。
hop up (v.+adv.)
    蹦蹦跳跳 move by jumping repeatedly
    hop up William hopped up and down to keep warm. 威廉跑跑跳跳以涼爽人。 She hopped up when she saw the scene. 當她看見是這樣的景物時搖搖擺擺。
用作名詞 (n.)
catch on the hop
    出其不意,措手不及unprepare; be without warning
    catch sb on the hop I'm afraid your order has caught us on the hop—the goods aren't available yet. 說不定你的網上訂單遇到你太瞬間,我們都全無做準備,現今未有商品。
on the hop
    活躍的,忙碌的active; busy


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ ~+介詞


  • The first hop was from Americus to Montgomery, Alabama. 出自: C. A. Lindbergh
  • He used to be a pilot himself..when he was a..seed salesman and would hop about calling on prospects. 出自:New Yorker





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