

[ɡr??]     [ɡro?]    
  • v. 增加;生長;變成;種植;逐漸開始
growingly grower grew grown growing grows



v. (動詞)
  1. 發育,生長,成長,長大,茁長;使生長
  2. 增加,使增長
  3. 形成,產生,出現
  4. 種植,栽
  5. 漸漸變得
  6. 發芽
  7. 培育,栽培,培養
  8. 使發展;變強,增強
  9. 擴大,增大,擴展
  10. 逐漸開始
  11. 提升品質
  12. 培養技能
  13. 留長,蓄長
  14. 萌發
  15. 養,飼養(家畜)
  16. 使長滿


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 種植 cause or allow sth to grow
  2. vi. 生長,發育 increase in size by natural development
  3. vi. 漸漸變得 become too big or too old for


  1. pass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute; become;

    "The weather turned nasty"
    "She grew angry"

  2. become larger, greater, or bigger; expand or gain;

    "The problem grew too large for me"
    "Her business grew fast"

  3. increase in size by natural process;

    "Corn doesn't grow here"
    "In these forests, mushrooms grow under the trees"
    "her hair doesn't grow much anymore"

  4. cause to grow or develop;

    "He grows vegetables in his backyard"

  5. develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation;

    "He matured fast"
    "The child grew fast"

  6. come into existence; take on form or shape;

    "A new religious movement originated in that country"
    "a love that sprang up from friendship"
    "the idea for the book grew out of a short story"
    "An interesting phenomenon uprose"

  7. cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques;

    "The Bordeaux region produces great red wines"
    "They produce good ham in Parma"
    "We grow wheat here"
    "We raise hogs here"

  8. come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes);

    "He grew a beard"
    "The patient developed abdominal pains"
    "I got funny spots all over my body"
    "Well-developed breasts"

  9. grow emotionally or mature;

    "The child developed beautifully in her new kindergarten"
    "When he spent a summer at camp, the boy grew noticeably and no longer showed some of his old adolescent behavior"

  10. become attached by or as if by the process of growth;

    "The tree trunks had grown together"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. How tall you've grown!
  2. Plants cannot grow well in the absence of water.
  3. She is growing into a beautiful young woman.
  4. This district used to grow cotton on a large scale.
  5. She has a hot temper, but you will soon grow to like her.


用作動詞 (v.)
grow apart( v.+adv. )
    產生隔閡 become separate in thought
grow away from( v.+adv.+prep. )
    同…漸漸疏遠 become independent of; cease to have a close relationship
grow back( v.+adv. )
    重新長出 grow again
    grow back All her hair was burned off in the fire, but the doctors have promised that it will soon grow back. 她的頭頂發型在爆炸中燒光了,但醫師可以保障她的頭頂發型還會出現的時候。 Don't worry about cutting the rose bushes severely, they always grow back, stronger and healthier than ever. 并不不必擔心把鳶尾花叢剪得太棒,花叢會不會長上來的,然而會相對枝繁葉茂。
grow down( v.+adv. )
    變短,減少 become shorter
grow from( v.+prep. )
    從…長出,從…發展而來 start from somewhere or to develop from sth
    grow from sth/v-ing Plants grow from seed. 蕨類植物由種子吧成長為。 Some plants grow from seed and some from cuttings. 有的綠植的從種子開花結果個人成長,不全是從插枝個人成長下去。 This strange little tree grew from a nut that I planted in the garden. 這棵怪異的小樹苗從我種在草地上里的一塊豎果長下來的。 Most international firms have grown from small family businesses. 占多數跨國性集團一開始小的族氏的企業進步了起來的。 The idea grew from a remark made unthinkingly by the chairman. 一個主見啟始于毛澤東故意間說的1句話話。 The singer's interest in music grew from listening to the radio, long before she ever went to a concert. 驚呆了民謠歌手兩千多年沒聽過唱歌會以后聽廣播節目時就萌芽了對唱歌的的興趣。 grow sth from sth Children enjoy growing flowers from seed. 寶貝們愛用花籽種殖花卉綠植。
grow in1( v.+adv. )
    重新長出 grow again
grow in2( v.+prep. )
    在…方面提高,增高 develop with regard to a quality
    grow in sth Rice does not grow in a cold climate. 小麥在陰冷的天氣下不可以出現。 I don't think that such a large plant will grow in such a small pot. 我覺得,這大的每棵綠色植物不許在這小的盆栽花盆中滋生。 grow sth in sth You must grow these tropical flowers in a glasshouse. 你一定要把這部分熱帶地區植物花卉種在溫室里。 grow in sth She has grown in stature but not in wisdom. 她長了個兒,但沒長智慧云。 We are pleased to report that the club membership is growing in quality, if not in quantity! 你們愉快地報表,既然組織員工的量未增大,但基本素質卻在加快。
grow into( v.+prep. )
    成長為… become as sth
grow on〔upon〕( v.+prep. )
    成為…的習慣 become habitual to sb
grow out( v.+adv. )
    長出 become bigger in an outward direction
    grow out The plant is alive after all! There are new leaves growing out. 這棵草本花卉到頭來沒死!它又冒出了葉片。
grow out of( v.+adv.+prep. )
    停止,戒除 stop sth
grow over( v.+prep. )
    覆蓋… cover sth
    grow over sth Climbing plants had grown over the walls, giving the building an appearance much more ancient than it was. 攀緣藤本植物爬滿了房墻,使這座建筑施工物更是進一步古舊。 When we returned from our holidays after only three weeks, the whole garden was grown over with strong plants with wide leaves and long roots. 大家只在外賣度了兩周假,所有花園小區便爬滿了一大種葉很寬,根相當長的花草。 grow sth over sth The wound left a nasty mark on his face, so he grew beard over it to hide it. 他面部踢傷后飄落兩塊丑的刀疤,因為他留起胡子把它遮蓋。
grow together( v.+adv. )
    形成更緊密的聯系 become larger in such a way as to become joined
    grow together The two trees have grown together to form a double trunk. 這兩棵樹已長合在一個,變為了一片連理樹。 These two bushes can grow together, they like the same kind of soil. 這多種花灌木可總面積在來,二者適合相同類森林土壤。 As the population spread, the two towns grew together, making one large place. 伴隨常住人口分布點的拓張,這兩人鎮區連接成一顆顆,就成了一位大部分。 grow sth ? together Farmers don't usually grow crops and flowers together. 老百姓經常不把莊稼和樹木種相擁去。 grow together We were not always such close friends, but have grown together during these difficult times. 大家過不一定是沒辦法密切的老朋友,大家的原因是在維艱的往事中才看上去密切了的。
grow up( v.+prep. )
    出現 arise
    grow up All plants like to grow up towards the sunlight. 所有的綠色植物都喜愛靠著太陽光學習長。 grow up She has nearly grown up and must soon be looking after herself. 她就已經長成了,趕快就想我照看我了。 What do you want to be when you grow up? 你長大作文未來做自己想做有什么? Tom wants to be a coach when he grows up. 湯姆發育了已后想當主教練。 Jane grows up so fast,I think she's going to be a tall woman. 簡看起來真快,我好想她務必能成長為兩個高身材女生。 Stop acting like a child with your bad temper! Do grow up. 別耍孩兒子發脾氣了!快早熟點吧。 grow up adj\u002e/v-ing/v-ed We do not wish her to grow up dumb like the average doll. 我們大家不愿意她越來越樣貌美而思維邏輯比較簡單。 Tom had grown up accepting his father's choice. 湯姆看上去夠得到他父母親的進行了。 They have grown up surrounded by reminders of their terrible past. 自己小心地被植物丑陋的上前所擾擾。 grow up A new town has grown up in this industrial district. 在整個化工區里產生沒事個新的城區。 As time went on, a genuine friendship grew up between them. 由于時刻的蹉跎,這些 范圍內造成了真心誠意的友情。 A custom grew up of dividing the father's land between the sons. 那種自己兒子分老子說田產的風土人情產生了。 A hostile feeling grew up in the community. 這類社區居委會根深蒂固新一種敵對情緒化。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+形容詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The garden could be begun.., and grow with the membership of the community. 出自: I. Murdoch
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