

[b?ld]     [b?ld]    
  • v. 建造;開發;創建;逐漸增強
  • n. 體格;身材
built built building builds



v. (動詞)
  1. 蓋,(被)建造,建筑,建設,修建
  2. 發展,開發
  3. 增進, (逐漸)增長,增強,加強
  4. 建立,設立,創立,確立,樹立,創建,創辦
  5. 生(火)
  6. 從事營造業
  7. 逐漸達到高峰
  8. 擴大,逐步擴大范圍
  9. 培養
  10. 砌起來
  11. 制造
  12. 為…打基礎
  13. 使成為,使發展
  14. 構成同花、順子等牌
n. (名詞)
  1. 體格,(優美的)體形,身材
  2. 構造,造型,結構
  3. 骨格,骨骼
  4. 成形
  5. 肉體美
  6. 身體
  7. 頭臉
  8. 編好的程序


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 修建,建造 make or construct sth by putting parts or material together
  2. vt. & vi. 開發,創建 develop sth; establish
n. (名詞)
  1. [C][U]體形,結構 shape and size (of the human body)


  1. constitution of the human body
  2. alternative names for the body of a human being;

    "Leonardo studied the human body"
    "he has a strong physique"
    "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"

  1. make by combining materials and parts;

    "this little pig made his house out of straw"
    "Some eccentric constructed an electric brassiere warmer"

  2. form or accumulate steadily;

    "Resistance to the manager's plan built up quickly"
    "Pressure is building up at the Indian-Pakistani border"

  3. build or establish something abstract;

    "build a reputation"

  4. improve the cleansing action of;

    "build detergents"

  5. order, supervise, or finance the construction of;

    "The government is building new schools in this state"

  6. give form to, according to a plan;

    "build a modern nation"
    "build a million-dollar business"

  7. be engaged in building;

    "These architects build in interesting and new styles"

  8. found or ground;

    "build a defense on nothing but the accused person's reputation"

  9. bolster or strengthen;

    "We worked up courage"
    "build up confidence"
    "ramp up security in the airports"

  10. develop and grow;

    "Suspense was building right from the beginning of the opera"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. That house is built of bricks.
  2. They planed to build a new laboratory.
  3. It is not an easy task to build a business.
  4. We should study hard to build a better future for ourselves.
  5. His analysis build up their confidence.
  6. We must build up a reserve fund to meet emergencies.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. She really did not have the build for a ballerina.
  2. That girl is of proportional build and is beautiful.


用作動詞 (v.)
build in1 (v.+adv.)
    建造成(房間等的)一部分,使成為一部分 make (sth) a fixed part of usually a room; make (sth) a part of sth else
    build sth ? in Ask the carpenter to build in some cupboards. 請木匠在墻面上嵌兩個食櫥。 It will not be difficult to build wardrobes in if you want them. 要是你需求話,在墻壁修一個衣櫥并很容易。 The wardrobe in the front bedroom has been built in. 以前臥房里的衣廚已鑲建在木板墻內。 The difficulties seem to be built in. 很困難仿佛并不是可減少的。 The open fields are now entirely built in. 寬闊的田野目前 都造滿房層了。
build in2 (v.+prep.)
    建在… build at
    build sth in sth The cottage had been built in the shelter of trees. 住房建在松樹林里隱蔽性的去處。
build into (v.+prep.)
    將(某物或某人)變成(他物或另一種人)change (sth or sb) into (sth else or a kind of person)
    build sth into sth He took some nails and bits of wood, and built them into a rough cupboard. 他拿了鋼釘和木條,做些四只變厚的食品類櫥。 He has built these scraps of metal into a very strange-looking sculpture. 他把一些金屬材料覺醒石搞成一款 千奇百怪的雕像品。 These cupboards are built into the walls. 這樣食品加工櫥是嵌在墻里的。 The difficulties are built into the work. 這么多難處是本項作業所具有的。 The rate of pay was built into her contract. 獎金寫在她的合同協議課本上。 build sb/sth into sb/sth He has built his boys into men. 他已把本身的胎兒培養出英語。 School has made the boy into a coward. 小學已把這小朋友化為怯懦鬼了。 Can you make this dress into a skirt? 你會把這一女服調成長裙嗎? If we buy the disused church, we could make it into an attractive home. 難道購得這座廢棄物的基督教堂,你們就可以將它成為某所可愛的住房。
build of (v.+prep.)
    用(某種材料)建造(某物) make (sth) from (a certain material)
    build sth of sth Some birds build nests of twigs. 一系鳥用小枝做巢。 Before bricks were invented, people built their houses of wood. 磚沒專利前幾天,人用木材蓋房。 They built the house of bricks. 你用磚建修房子裝修。 Houses in England are mostly built of brick or stone. 英格蘭的別墅居多用玻璃鋼構制。
build on1 (v.+adv.)
    在原有的建筑物上增建 make (sth) as an additional building
    build sth ? on They planned to build on a shed. 顧客個人規劃上蓋一個茅廬。 They built on a little room beside the house for the old lady. 用戶在這種房子買旁有為這種老老婆蓋個一個多間小屋。 We can build on an extension later if you want one. 假如你想,我們的后后能能擴改幾部份房屋。 The hospital is bigger now— they built a new wing on in 1977. 這所衛生院現再加大了,孩子在1972年蓋公章好幾個個配樓。 The annex has been built on to the main building. 主樓配建了附屬的施工物。
build on2〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    依賴,一心指望 depend on; trust in (sth)
    build on〔upon〕 sth He drew the conclusion by building on his own investigation. 他依據她的統計表研究分析據此理論依據。 build sth on〔upon〕 sth We built the house on our own land. 你們在屬于自己的農村土地上蓋房。 My father built his business on years of hard work. 我的父母親過程很多年努力奮斗始創了你的教育事業。 His argument is built upon facts. 他的分歧是以事實真相為可根據。 Their confidence will be built upon this success. 其將在這種完成的根基上加入起有了信心。 build on〔upon〕 sth Don't build upon his promises. 對他的承諾別抱愿。 All of us built upon his idea. 我們的都期望他的想法。 build sth on〔upon〕 sth Quite a lot of actors have built their careers on his plays. 非常多的演員從未靠展演他寫的劇為職業選擇。 Don't build your hopes on the chairman's promises. 別給你的盼望心靈的慰藉在執行主席的承諾上。 Some nations built their hopes for peace on the talks between big nations. 有部分發達國家寄希望于著友好能在小國之間的洽談上改變。 The company built its hope upon the government's new policy. 裝修公司寄機會于以政府的新政文件策。 We should not build too many hopes upon their assistance. 小編對這些的幫扶,小編不要再抱很多的小編希望。
build out (v.+adv.)
    增建(一座建筑物的另一部分) add (another part of a building)
    build sth ? out After raising the money, the hospital was able to build out a whole new section. 那里三甲醫院集資后才剛增建一堆個完整詳細的開區。
build over (v.+adv.)
    在(某個地方)蓋滿建筑物 cover (a place) with buildings
    build sth ? over The fields where I played as a child have been built over. 我孩提黃金時代游玩的位置都已經蓋滿了房層。 The farmland has been built over. 林地上蓋滿了施工物。
build up (v.+adv.)
    宣揚,夸贊,吹捧(某人或某物) praise (sb/sth)
    build up The pressure on the enemy is building up. 其作戰人的有壓力在迅速搞好。 Traffic is building up along the road to the coast. 直達在海邊一路上的小轎車不息增強。 build sth ? up The US is continually building up its armed forces. 美國士兵正重新增加它的海上艦隊精神力量。 They built the wall up. 自己把墻加厚了。 You must build up your strength after your illness. 患者之前,你須要促進體格。 They are building up their military forces. 他倆在掃蕩他倆的軍事部隊。 He has built up a good business. 他已使他的店鋪生意興隆了起來。 He has built up a good business over the years from a small beginning. 經歷十幾年低迷營業,他已從小的時候本營業的發展加入了一大個大的企業的。 We must build up a reserve fund to meet emergencies. 我門理應累積1筆儲備庫金以應不由自主之需。 To learn a language well you must build up a useful vocabulary. 想學好1種語音,你可以日益積累了有所幫助的基本詞匯。 Many a large and big business has been built up from small ones. 越來越多大單位也是打小投資額成長 出來的。 build sth ? up The school has been built up since last year. 從20年進行,這類該校蓋滿了商品房。 build sb/sth ? up The movie company spent much money building up its new picture. 一部電影品牌花了很大的錢給最新電影子做廣告宣傳廣告。 Don't build me up too much; I'm not really that talented. 別就將我說得過多好的,我事實上如果不是那麼有才識。 He's building me up too much— I may disappoint him. 他將我捧上天,我將令他失望透頂。 Their products were built up everywhere. 用戶的成品一天到晚被推廣。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • The difference in the build of ships now and heretofore. 出自: S. Pepys
  • A tall man, rather the build of Bernard Shaw. 出自: M. Muggeridge
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