

['ɡ?mbl]     ['ɡ?mbl]    
  • v. 賭博;冒險;孤注一擲
  • n. 賭博;冒險
gambler gambled gambled gambling gambles



v. (動詞)
  1. 賭博,賭
  2. 打賭
  3. 冒險假設,大膽假設
  4. 投機
  5. 冒險
  6. 以...打賭,以...為賭注,把…孤注一擲,冒...的險
  7. 賭輸
  8. 輸光,賭掉
n. (名詞)
  1. 冒險
  2. 賭博,賭
  3. 打賭
  4. 投機
  5. 風險
  6. 沒把握的事


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 賭博; 冒風險 play games of change for money; take great risks for the chance of winning sth
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]賭博,打賭; 投機,冒險 act of gambling; undertaking with a risk of loss and a chance of profit


  1. money that is risked for possible monetary gain
  2. a risky act or venture
  1. take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome;

    "When you buy these stocks you are gambling"

  2. play games for money



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He spends all his time gambling in the casino.
  2. He gambled all his winnings on the last race.
  3. I wouldn't gamble on the weather being fine.
  4. Drive carefully and don't gamble with your life.
  5. You are gambling with your health by continuing to smoke.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The gamble paid off.
  2. I bet that he has lost all his money in the gamble.
  3. The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products.
  4. Setting up this business is a bit of a gamble .


用作動詞 (v.)
gamble away (v.+adv.)
    賭博輸掉錢 lose money by playing cards or other games for money
    gamble away The men have been gambling away all night. 某些人賭了整整的一宿。 gamble sth ? away The foolish man gambled away all his money. 該愚昧無知的人把他整個的錢都賭打輸。 His father left him a fortune, but he gambled it away. 他母親留下給寶寶一筆財產分割,都給寶寶輸光了。 It is too easy to gamble away a fortune. 賭光一些身家非常可能。
gamble on (v.+prep.)
    在…上冒風險或碰運氣 take a chance on; be sure of sth, or sb doing sth
    gamble on sth He gambled heavily on the horses. 他在賽馬網上賭博中下大輸贏。 He gambled on the manager's support. 我用能夠部門經理的幫助打賭。 Are you going to gamble on the result of the boxing match? 你必須賭這一場拳擊賽的贏輸嗎? They gambled on the result of a race. 孩子為賽事的的結果打賭。 gamble sth on sth He gambled all his winning on the last race. 他把全部獲得的錢都押在最終一出游戲上。 gamble on sth He may accept the invitation, but I wouldn't gamble on it. 他能夠會展開邀請,但我就不能商業險。 It's not safe to gamble on the train arriving late. 希望這回地鐵晚一點,是很不標準的。 You can't gamble on the weather in England. 加拿大的天氣情況是靠撐不住的。 I prepared to gamble on the possibility of finding empty seats at the theatre. 劇院中有機會會找回空位,我需備去碰碰遠氣。 gamble on v-ing Don't gamble on getting the job. 不要再太寄希望于找上這運行了。 He can not gamble on offending his boss. 他未敢輕率去可能會惹惱經營者。
gamble with (v.+prep.)
    以…冒險 risk with sth
    gamble with sth Drive carefully and don't gamble with your life. 心驅動,別拿你的一生冒險。 Don't gamble with your future. 不能拿你的發展做輸贏。
用作名詞 (n.)
take a gamble (on)
    賭博; 冒險而為play games of chance, etc. for money; act in the hope of sth being successful, true, etc. despite the risk of loss


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~


  • The real point is the chance, the uncertainty, the gamble. 出自: G. Saintsbury
  • When they played cards, they always gambled. 出自: D. H. Lawrence
  • The British government had..decided to gamble that Japan would remain neutral. 出自: A. J. P. Taylor
  • He gambled on the horses. 出自: F. Raphael
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