

[k?m'pli?t]     [k?m'pli?t]    
  • adj. 完整的;完成的;徹底的
  • vt. 完成;使完美;使圓滿;填(表格等)
completive completely completer completest completeness completed completed completing completes



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 完全的;全部的;完整的;完備的
  2. 完成的,結束的
  3. 徹底的;全面的
  4. 圓滿的,完美的
  5. 兼有的,附帶的
  6. 有造詣的;全能的;老練的
  7. 十足的
v. (動詞)
  1. 完成,結束,完結,完畢
  2. 使完整,使齊全
  3. 使完工;竣工,完工
  4. 配齊;湊滿
  5. 成,制成,組成,形成
  6. 補充,補全
  7. 停當,殺青
  8. 填滿
  9. 印好
  10. 使完美無缺,使完滿


adj. (形容詞)
  1. 完整的,完全的 having all its parts, whole lacking nothing
  2. 完成的,結束的 finished
  3. 完滿的,圓滿的 fully or additionally supplied
  4. [A]徹底的,完完全全的 total, thorough
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 完成,結束 finish; add sth that is missing or needed to sth to form a finished whole
  2. vt. 使完善 make perfect


  1. having every necessary or normal part or component or step;

    "a complete meal"
    "a complete wardrobe"
    "a complete set of the Britannica"
    "a complete set of china"
    "a complete defeat"
    "a complete accounting"

  2. perfect and complete in every respect; having all necessary qualities;

    "a complete gentleman"
    "consummate happiness"
    "a consummate performance"

  3. highly skilled;

    "an accomplished pianist"
    "a complete musician"

  4. without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers;

    "an arrant fool"
    "a complete coward"
    "a consummate fool"
    "a double-dyed villain"
    "gross negligence"
    "a perfect idiot"
    "pure folly"
    "what a sodding mess"
    "stark staring mad"
    "a thoroughgoing villain"
    "utter nonsense"
    "the unadulterated truth"

  5. having come or been brought to a conclusion;

    "the harvesting was complete"
    "the affair is over, ended, finished"
    "the abruptly terminated interview"

  1. come or bring to a finish or an end;

    "He finished the dishes"
    "She completed the requirements for her Master's Degree"
    "The fastest runner finished the race in just over 2 hours; others finished in over 4 hours"

  2. bring to a whole, with all the necessary parts or elements;

    "A child would complete the family"

  3. complete or carry out;

    "discharge one's duties"

  4. complete a pass
  5. write all the required information onto a form;

    "fill out this questionnaire, please!"
    "make out a form"



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. We'll certainly set up a complete modern industrial system.
  2. When the experiment is complete, include your findings in a report.
  3. This is a complete failure.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. Can you complete your task on time?
  2. By their joint efforts they managed to complete the project on time.
  3. A second child would complete their family.
  4. I only need one volume to complete my set of Dickens's novels.
  5. Complete your application in ink.


用作形容詞 (adj.)
complete in
    總共有…,…算完整 being together
complete with
    包括,具有配套的 being include
complete without
    不包括 being not include
用作動詞 (v.)
complete for (v.+prep.)
    為某目的而完成 finish for
    complete sth for sth The ship will be completed for sea by April . 這艘船到4季節將成立下水道。
complete in (v.+prep.)
    以…算完成 finish in
    complete sth in sth A work is to be completed in three volumes. 這部電影論著改成時將是三卷本的。
complete with (v.+prep.)
    以…完成 finish in
    complete sth with sth Please complete a sentence with the correct words. 要用合理的詞達成語段。


用作形容詞 (adj.)
~+名詞 副詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • A coach..Stately and complete. 出自: G. Chapman
  • The drawn curtains..made the blackout complete. 出自: A. Sillitoe
  • He never completed the work. 出自: M. Meyer
  • He decided to complete his course for a bachelor's degree in three years. 出自: P. Ackroyd
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