

[f??ld]     [fo?ld]    
  • vt. 包;折疊;交叉;擁抱
  • vi. 翻倍;屈服;倒閉
  • n. 折層;折痕
foldable folded folded folding folds



n. (名詞)
  1. 羊欄,畜欄
  2. 羊群
  3. 褶層,褶頁
  4. 折疊,折
  5. 褶痕,褶皺,皺
  6. (教會的)信徒
  7. 教會
  8. 坑洼,起伏
  9. 信仰
  10. 價值觀相同的一群人
v. (動詞)
  1. 籠罩,包圍
  2. 包,裹,包起
  3. 合攏
  4. 失敗,垮臺,徹底失敗
  5. 抱住, 擁抱,摟住
  6. 關閉,公司、戲劇等倒閉,被迫歇業
  7. 對折起來,交疊,摺疊, 對摺,折小,疊平
  8. 把...關進欄內,把…關進羊欄
  9. 叉手,交叉
  10. 盤(腳)
  11. 因生意清淡而停演
  12. 可以折疊,可以對折,可以摺疊,可折小,可疊平
  13. 結束
  14. 衰退,垮下
  15. 由于酗酒而崩潰
  16. 翻倍


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 折疊; 對折交疊 turn or press back one part of and lay on the remaining part; bend into two or more parts
  2. vt. 包圍,包起,籠罩 enclose; wrap; cover


  1. an angular or rounded shape made by folding;

    "a fold in the napkin"
    "a crease in his trousers"
    "a plication on her blouse"
    "a flexure of the colon"
    "a bend of his elbow"

  2. a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church
  3. a geological process that causes a bend in a stratum of rock
  4. a group of sheep or goats
  5. a folded part (as in skin or muscle)
  6. a pen for sheep
  7. the act of folding;

    "he gave the napkins a double fold"

  1. bend or lay so that one part covers the other;

    "fold up the newspaper"
    "turn up your collar"

  2. incorporate a food ingredient into a mixture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating;

    "Fold the egg whites into the batter"

  3. cease to operate or cause to cease operating;

    "The owners decided to move and to close the factory"
    "My business closes every night at 8 P.M."
    "close up the shop"

  4. confine in a fold, like sheep
  5. become folded or folded up;

    "The bed folds in a jiffy"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. Dark clouds folded the hills.
  2. I folded the handkerchief and put it in my pocket.
  3. The paper should be folded in half.
  4. The border guard folded his arms across his chest and glared the front.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. if a business folds, it closes because it is not able to make enough money.


用作動詞 (v.)
fold away (v.+adv.)
    折疊起來挪開 be able to be bent for storage
    fold sth ? away These doors are made in pieces that can be folded away against the wall. 這么多門都幾個拼出來的,應該收折出來靠在墻面上。 This bed can be easily folded away. 這張床能很易于地翻折看起來。
fold back (v.+adv.)
    對疊起來 bend back; double back
    fold sth ? back He folded back the page so he could remember the place. 他將那頁書收疊起來,如此他會一定自已讀到什么樣方面了。
fold in1 (v.+adv.)
    (烹調)把…加進去攪拌 add sth to sth and mix them
    fold sth ? in It'll taste even better if you fold in some eggs. 如若你打3個鵝蛋進不去,你可以更好看了。 Fold in two eggs and then cook gently for thirty minutes. 拌入兩種鴨蛋,最后繼續使用文火煮三十分鐘左右。 Fold in the beaten whites of two eggs. 加入兩攪拌均勻的雞蛋清后隔渣。
fold in2 (v.+prep.)
    籠罩,環繞 cover
fold up (v.+adv.)
    (把…)折疊起來 bend so as to take a smaller space
    fold up The pain in her stomach was so sharp that she folded up. 她的胃疼得相對利害,以經支撐不動了。 fold up In economic crisis, smaller enterprises are usually among the first to fold up. 經濟實惠危害到,小制造業企業一般情況下建立營銷概念差異化是比較快速的方法。垮臺。 She had known too many businesses folded up through bad management. 她見到的原因過的因經營者不善于而跑路的新公司更多了。 The business finally folded up last week. 這一家中小型企業總算是在原來個禮拜垮丟了。 The new restaurant folded up in less than a year. 那里剛開的菜館沒扣費2年就倒閉了。 The team folded up in the last part of the season. 在這個隊在本賽季獎勵的之后分階段戰敗了。 fold up He sat down on the chair, but it suddenly folded up under him. 他往沙發椅上坐,所以那張沙發椅時不時倒在他的屁股上邊上。 The moment the clown appeared on stage, the audience folded up. 惡魔小丑一來當下舞臺表演上,客戶們五個哈哈大笑前仰后合。 fold sth ? up Please fold up all the table-cloth and put them into the store-room. 請把臺布都疊了起來,寄回存貯室里去。 He folded up his umbrella as he entered the room. 他一進房就卸下了雨具。 She folded up some shirts. 她把一系列t恤折疊式上去。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The thick woollen stockings..would not stay up but hung in folds round her ankles. 出自: A. Gray
  • Her crooked fingers worked amongst the folds of her silken skirt. 出自: G. Heyer
  • The effect was found to be several fold greater than of steam from the same quantity of fuel. 出自: N. Arnott
  • He envies those who have learned, / when reading newspapers, / how to fold them. 出自: W. H. Auden
  • There was the distant sound of folded sheep. 出自: I. Murdoch
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