

[fl?p]     [fl?p]    
  • vt. 擲;輕擊;彈
  • vi. 翻轉
  • n. (跳水或體操動作中的)空翻;輕彈;瀏覽
  • adj. 無禮的;冒失的;輕率的
flipper flippest flipped flipped flipping flips



n. (名詞)
  1. 空翻,筋斗
  2. 輕拋,輕彈,輕擊,輕打
  3. 突然的動作
  4. 拋,彈,捻擲
  5. 飲料酒
  6. 飛行
  7. 前空翻式跳遠
  8. 瀏覽,草草翻閱
  9. 弗利普(音譯名)
  10. 急拉,急推,急動
  11. Fidessa上市機構頭寸交易系統
  12. 夾趾式塑料拖鞋
adj. (形容詞)
  1. <口>無禮的,冒失的,魯莽的,輕率的
  2. 油腔滑調的
v. (動詞)
  1. 輕拋,擲(硬幣)
  2. (使)翻轉,翻動,急促地轉動
  3. <美俚>使激動,使高興
  4. 輕彈,揮動,輕抽,輕拍,輕擊
  5. 瀏覽,很快地翻書,翻閱
  6. 跳跳蹦蹦,不平穩地走動
  7. <美俚>失去自我控制,變得狂熱,發瘋,異常激動,神智不清
  8. 用指頭彈,輕輕打、抽
  9. 急速揮動,急拉(魚餌)
  10. 十分氣憤,發火
  11. 按(開關),按(按鈕)
  12. 急動,急拉,急扔


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 捻,輕拋〔扔〕 toss with a sharp movement of the thumb and forefinger
  2. vi. 發瘋,失去理智 become mad


  1. an acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return
  2. hot or cold alcoholic mixed drink containing a beaten egg
  3. a sudden, quick movement;

    "with a flip of the wrist"
    "the fish flipped over"

  4. the act of flipping a coin
  5. a dive in which the diver somersaults before entering the water
  6. (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team;

    "the pass was fumbled"

  1. marked by casual disrespect;

    "a flip answer to serious question"
    "the student was kept in for impudent behavior"

  1. lightly throw to see which side comes up;

    "I don't know what to do--I may as well flip a coin!"

  2. cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation;

    "switch on the light"
    "throw the lever"

  3. look through a book or other written material;

    "He thumbed through the report"
    "She leafed through the volume"

  4. toss with a sharp movement so as to cause to turn over in the air
  5. cause to move with a flick;

    "he flicked his Bic"

  6. throw or toss with a light motion;

    "flip me the beachball"
    "toss me newspaper"

  7. move with a flick or light motion
  8. turn upside down, or throw so as to reverse;

    "flip over the pork chop"
    "turn over the pancakes"

  9. react in an excited, delighted, or surprised way;

    "he flipped when he heard that he was accepted into Princeton University"

  10. go mad, go crazy;

    "He flipped when he heard that he was being laid off"

  11. reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action)



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. Let's flip a coin to see who goes first.
  2. Kids flip frisbees while their elders chat.
  3. He flipped a crumb across the room.
  4. She flipped the insect from her face.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. He flipped to a fresh page and began to write.
  2. The plane nearly flipped when it landed.
  3. The fish flipped on the deck.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The gymnast had to do a double back flip.
  2. He did a flip after spinning around the high bar.
  3. He removed the crumb with a flip of the thumb and the forefinger.
  4. I had a quick flip through the book and it looked very interesting.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. Don't be flip with me.
  2. I don't want a flip answer to a serious question.


用作動詞 (v.)
flip off (v.+prep.)
    (用手指)輕彈 tap sharply as with the nail of the finger or thumb
    flip sth off sth He flipped the ash off his cigarette. 他輕松彈碰掉抽煙上的煙灰。
flip out (v.+adv.)
    精神失常; 發瘋 lose one's mind
    flip out It is impossible to talk to him today; he must have flipped out. 當今真的是不能跟他表態發言; 他務必是發瘋了。 This is a hospital where people who have flipped out can stay and get treatment. 這一家人供精氣神失調的人住院冶療冶療的醫院口腔科。
flip over (v.+adv.)
    突然翻轉 turn (sth) upside down suddenly
    flip sth ? over She flipped an egg over in the pan. 她把平鍋里的蛋黃猛的跨過來。 The pages of the magazine flipped over in the breeze. 晚風把書冊轉動。 He flipped the envelope over to see who it had come from. 他把信封圖片跨過來,看一下哪位寫的。
flip through (v.+prep.)
    匆匆查看 read (a book, etc.) quickly and carelessly
    flip through sth I haven't read the book properly,I just flipped through it to see what it was like. 我就沒非常仔細閱讀理解這哲學書,只 翻看好幾個下,看著它是本什么東西樣的書。 He flipped through the papers but could not find what he was looking for. 他匆忙閱覽網絡,因為找沒到要找的設備。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The..flips which we poor women have to endure from harsh masters. 出自: W. Besant
  • The word 'schizophrenia' is flung about today with flip facility.sssss J. le Carr&eacusc; 出自:Times , ssss
  • Viciously flipping at the flowers..with the stick he carried. 出自: S. Grand





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