

[fl??]     [fl??]    
  • v. 閃光;閃現;掠過;忽然...;褻瀆性暴露
  • n. 閃光(燈);恍然大悟;一剎那;閃現;[計算機]Adobe公司的動畫技術
flashed flashed flashing flashes



v. (動詞)
  1. 閃光,閃爍
  2. 閃現,突然出現;飛馳,飛逝;掠過,忽然浮現(心頭),突然顯露(常與out連用)
  3. 憤怒地突然說出,突然發怒;激烈地發表
  4. 當眾展露性器官,露陰(尤指男性)
  5. <美俚>(吸毒后)覺得飄飄然,(服用幻覺劑后)心蕩神馳,感受迷幻藥的效應
  6. 立即領悟,很快明白(常與 on 連用):
  7. 突然行動,飛速運動
  8. 夸示,炫耀
  9. 【化】閃蒸
  10. 【電影】突顯,閃現;突然轉向另一景
  11. 使閃光,使閃爍
  12. 使閃現
  13. 把(發亮的東西)晃一下
  14. 使掠過(心頭)
  15. 快速發送(信息)
  16. 用光發出信號
  17. 使反射,使反光
  18. 【建】(用金屬片等) 覆蓋(屋頂等),用金屬蓋片保護,給…加防護板
n. (名詞)
  1. 閃光
  2. 閃現
  3. 閃光燈
  4. 燈號的一閃,旗號的一揮
  5. 新聞快報,簡短的電訊
  6. 【攝】閃光攝影術
  7. 徽章
  8. 一瞬間,剎那
  9. 閃發,煥發
  10. 浮夸,浮華,華而不實
  11. 衣飾漂亮的人
  12. 灌注的水
  13. 堰閘
  14. 【計】Adobe公司的動畫技術
  15. 【化】閃蒸
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 緊急的,火速的
  2. 浮華的,浮夸的,華而不實的,俗艷的
  3. 一閃而過的,突如其來的,迅猛而短暫的
  4. 閃光的,閃耀的
  5. 假的,偽造的
  6. 盜賊的,流氓的
  7. 高級的
  8. 暴漲的
  9. 龐大的


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 閃光 send, give out, a sudden bright light
  2. vt. 發出或射出 send or reflect like a flash or flashes
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]閃光,閃爍,閃現 sudden bright burst of light or flame
  2. [C]閃光燈 a bright light that you use with a camera for taking photographs
  3. [C](新聞)快報 a sudden important news story requiring immediate broadcast


  1. a sudden intense burst of radiant energy
  2. a momentary brightness
  3. a short vivid experience;

    "a flash of emotion swept over him"
    "the flashings of pain were a warning"

  4. a sudden brilliant understanding;

    "he had a flash of intuition"

  5. a very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat);

    "if I had the chance I'd do it in a flash"

  6. a gaudy outward display
  7. a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate
  8. a short news announcement concerning some on-going news story
  9. a bright patch of color used for decoration or identification;

    "red flashes adorned the airplane"
    "a flash sewn on his sleeve indicated the unit he belonged to"

  10. a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph
  1. tastelessly showy;

    "a flash car"
    "a flashy ring"
    "garish colors"
    "a gaudy costume"
    "loud sport shirts"
    "a meretricious yet stylish book"
    "tawdry ornaments"

  1. gleam or glow intermittently;

    "The lights were flashing"

  2. appear briefly;

    "The headlines flashed on the screen"

  3. display proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously;

    "he showed off his new sports car"

  4. make known or cause to appear with great speed;

    "The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts"

  5. run or move very quickly or hastily;

    "She dashed into the yard"

  6. expose or show briefly;

    "he flashed a $100 bill"

  7. protect by covering with a thin sheet of metal;

    "flash the roof"

  8. emit a brief burst of light;

    "A shooting star flashed and was gone"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Lighthouse and beacons flash at night.
  2. A driver is not supposed to flash his lights at the coming vehicles.
  3. Her eyes flashed with anger.
  4. The days seem to flash by.
  5. It's foolish of you to flash out at a stupid remark.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Flashes are not allowed to be used in this museum.
  2. Flashes of lightning illuminated the scene.
  3. The answer came to her in a flash of inspiration.
  4. In a flash, the truth came to him.
  5. In a flash he remembered everything.
  6. An idea popped into his mind like a flash.
  7. An idea popped into his mind like a flash.
  8. The train passed me as quickly as a flash.
  9. If you cant see the movie, Please download the Flash Plugin or Enter directly.


用作動詞 (v.)
flash about (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉炫耀 show so as to win admiration or jealousy
flash across (v.+prep.)
    閃現,掠過 come suddenly (into view; into the mind)
    flash across sth The lightning flashed across the sky. 雷電一閃而過天穹。 A sudden smile of recognition flashed across his face. 他臉上痘痘劃過笑靨暖意,提出理解自己。
flash at (v.+prep.)
    對…閃光 send, give out, a sudden bright light
    flash sth at sb/sth Why is the driver flashing his lights at me? 那司機朋友為一些 我們閃車燈? He flashed a furious glance at him. 他憤慨地瞪了他放眼。 The lighthouse flashes its signal at intervals of five seconds. 燈塔至少五s閃做次電磁波。
flash back (v.+adv.)
    反射; 倒敘,跳躍到以前某時 reflect; invert narrate; return suddenly to an earlier time
    flash back at sb The sun caught the panes and flashed back at him. 強光照到窗玻璃鋼上,又條件反射到她上。 flash back to sb/sth The film flashed back to the hero's youth. 電視電影微距鏡頭突然返回到重生女主人公的、青年人世紀。 My mind flashed back to last Christmas. 我的在心里里又大閃跑出去年元旦節節的情景模擬。
flash by (v.+adv.)
    掠過 come suddenly
    flash by A jet plane flashed by. 一艘船噴氣式火車在低空吹過。 The cars flashed by,I could not count them. 氣車一閃飛過,我沒法數清數為。
flash forward (v.+adv.)
    倒敘,跳躍到以前某時 move suddenly to an earlier time
    flash forward The film flashed forward to show us the result of her decision. 一部電影倒敘到過去的一鏡頭時,這類,我們的就清楚了她所作決心的緣由。
flash into (v.+prep.)
    發出或射出 send or reflect like a flash or flashes
    flash into sth The idea flashed into his mind. 這起源有時候閃出他的心底。 flash sth into sb/sth Suddenly the beam of an electric torch was flashed into his face. 突然1道手電光射入他滿臉。
flash out (v.+adv.)
    憤怒地說 speak angrily
    flash out The lights flashed out and the night became day. 光燈一閃,日間就化為日間。 引出直接引語 “And don't speak to me like that!”she flashed out. “別跟我沒法你說話!”她氣憤地地喊。
flash through (v.+prep.)
    在(某人的心頭)閃過 pass quickly through (one's mind)
flash up (v.+adv.)
    舉起,亮出,晃出 hold (sth) up and allow it to be seen for a moment
    flash sth ? up The traveller flashed up a sign to show passing motorists where he wanted to go. 那名行程者朝前事汽車的會晃一種品脾,暗示駕駛員他要去的地方。 The teacher flashed up each word to see if the children would recognize it. 的老師朝兒童們調成另一十個詞匯牌一下用戶可不可以認識到。
flash with (v.+prep.)
    閃光,發出,射出 send, give out, a sudden bright light
    flash with sth His eyes flash with anger. 他角度看冒出來盛怒。 Her eyes flashed with happiness. 她的一只眼睛里閃亮著幸福的的風彩。
用作名詞 (n.)
a flash in the pan
    曇花一現sudden brilliant success that lasts only a short time and is not repeated
in〔like〕 a flash
    曇花一現sudden brilliant success that lasts only a short time and is not repeated


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • The dark landscape is lit only by terrific flashes of lightning. 出自: K. Clark
  • A flash flat in Chelsea of a bogus elegance. 出自: W. Plomer
  • The wave flashing upon our decks..much salt water. 出自: T. Herbert
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