

[??θ]     [??rθ]    
  • n. 地球;泥土;世間
earthed earthed earthing earths



n. (名詞)
  1. 地球
  2. 陸地
  3. 地線
  4. <英>穴
  5. 【化】金屬氧化物
  6. 全人類
  7. 地面
  8. 土泥
  9. <英>【電】(接)地
  10. 塵世
  11. 地上
  12. 大地
  13. 人間
  14. 泥土
  15. 世界
v. (動詞)
  1. <英>【電】把(電器)接地
  2. <英>【電】把接地
  3. 把(電線)接地
  4. 把…埋入土中
  5. 用土掩蓋
  6. 給…培土
  7. 把保藏在土中
  8. 躲進洞內
  9. 追到洞內
  10. 使(導體)接地
  11. 埋入土中
  12. 趕入洞內
  13. 用土覆蓋
  14. 在…四周壅土
  15. 把(獸)趕入洞穴


n. (名詞)
  1. [U]世界,地球 this world; the planet on which we live
  2. [U]大地,陸地,地面 land, the surface of the world as opposed to the sky or sea
  3. [U]泥土 soil
  4. [U]塵世,人間 this world


  1. the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on;

    "the Earth moves around the sun"
    "he sailed around the world"

  2. the loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface;

    "they dug into the earth outside the church"

  3. the solid part of the earth's surface;

    "the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land"
    "the earth shook for several minutes"
    "he dropped the logs on the ground"

  4. the abode of mortals (as contrasted with Heaven or Hell);

    "it was hell on earth"

  5. once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
  6. the concerns of this life as distinguished from heaven and the afterlife;

    "they consider the church to be independent of the world"

  7. a connection between an electrical device and a large conducting body, such as the earth (which is taken to be at zero voltage)
  1. hide in the earth like a hunted animal
  2. connect to the earth;

    "earth the circuit"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The moon goes round the earth.
  2. What percentage of the earth is covered by oceans?
  3. He dived his hand into the earth.
  4. The machine cast up a big heap of earth.
  5. The earth is as full of brutality as the sea is full of motion.
  6. There is no paradise on the earth equal to the union of love and innocence.


用作名詞 (n.)
burn the earth
    飛奔,疾馳 run fast
come down〔back〕 to earth
    回到現實 return to reality
down to earth
    務實的,現實的 realistical
in the earth
    地下 under the soil
like nothing on earth
    異乎尋常地,糟透地 very bad, unwell, peculiar, etc.
move heaven and earth
    想方設法,竭盡全力 do one's best
on earth
    究竟,到底 how, etc. ever
run to earth
    終于找到,追蹤到 find sb/sth by searching hard
    run sb/sth to earth The police eventually ran him to earth in Paris. 交警好不容易在紐約查得到他。 After searching for him everywhere, she finally ran him to earth in the garden shed. 她把每個的部位都找遍了,最后一個就這樣在園藝棚子里找已到了他。 They read about how the white folks were trying to run him to earth. 這些人得知到白人們怎么樣的地追著他。 I ran the quotation to earth in Shakespeare's Othello . 我確認在這段引文是出自于莎士比亞的《奧賽羅》。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~


  • He threw it down and beat it into the earth floor with his fist. 出自: attrib.
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