

[dra?]     [dra?]    
  • adj. 干的;干燥的;干旱的;口渴的;枯燥的
  • v. (使)變干
dryly drier/dryer driest/dryest dryness drys dried dried drying dries



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 干的
  2. 干燥的
  3. 禁酒的,無酒的
  4. 干旱的,干枯的
  5. 口渴的
  6. 無水分的
  7. 枯燥乏味的
  8. 干咳的
  9. 干性的
  10. 無黃油的
  11. 無甜味的
  12. 無淚的
  13. 機敏的
  14. 無奶的
  15. 不形于色的, 不露聲色的
  16. 不動感情的,冷冰冰的
v. (動詞)
  1. 變干,干透
  2. (把…)弄干,使干燥
  3. 戒酒癮
  4. (湖泊等)枯竭,干涸,干枯
  5. 耗盡
  6. 突然說不出話來,突然住口
  7. 擦干(剛洗的碗碟),揩干
  8. 風干,曬干
  9. 排干
  10. 使(乳牛)停止產奶
  11. 晾著
n. (名詞)
  1. <俚>信服柴契爾夫人的政治意識的保守政客
  2. 禁酒主義者, 贊成禁酒的人,戒酒的人
  3. 干燥(狀態)
  4. 干燥場
  5. 干裂
  6. 裂縫,隱形裂縫
  7. 干季
  8. 苔黃燥
  9. 干燥的事物, 干物
  10. 干涸,干旱
  11. 旱災
  12. 干旱地區
  13. 干性皮膚


adj. (形容詞)
  1. 干的,干燥的,無雨的 not wet; free from moisture; not raining
  2. 缺水的,口渴的,使人口渴的 not supplying water; thirsty; causing thirst
  3. 禁酒的 (of a country or region) where it is illegal to buy or sell alcoholic drink
  4. 無趣味的,枯燥的,一本正經地表達出來的 uninteresting; dull; expressed seriously or undemonstratively
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 變干,把…弄干 become or cause to become dry


  1. a reformer who opposes the use of intoxicating beverages
  1. free from liquid or moisture; lacking natural or normal moisture or depleted of water; or no longer wet;

    "dry land"
    "dry clothes"
    "a dry climate"
    "dry splintery boards"
    "a dry river bed"
    "the paint is dry"

  2. humorously sarcastic or mocking;

    "dry humor"
    "an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely"
    "an ironic novel"
    "an ironical smile"
    "with a wry Scottish wit"

  3. lacking moisture or volatile components;

    "dry paint"

  4. opposed to or prohibiting the production and sale of alcoholic beverages;

    "the dry vote led by preachers and bootleggers"
    "a dry state"

  5. not producing milk;

    "a dry cow"

  6. (of liquor) having a low residual sugar content because of decomposition of sugar during fermentation;

    "a dry white burgundy"
    "a dry Bordeaux"

  7. without a mucous or watery discharge;

    "a dry cough"
    "that rare thing in the wintertime; a small child with a dry nose"

  8. not shedding tears;

    "dry sobs"
    "with dry eyes"

  9. lacking interest or stimulation; dull and lifeless;

    "a dry book"
    "a dry lecture filled with trivial details"
    "dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to...life"

  10. used of solid substances in contrast with liquid ones;

    "dry weight"

  11. unproductive especially of the expected results;

    "a dry run"
    "a mind dry of new ideas"

  12. having no adornment or coloration;

    "dry facts"
    "rattled off the facts in a dry mechanical manner"

  13. (of food) eaten without a spread or sauce or other garnish;

    "dry toast"
    "dry meat"

  14. having a large proportion of strong liquor;

    "a very dry martini is almost straight gin"

  15. lacking warmth or emotional involvement;

    "a dry greeting"
    "a dry reading of the lines"
    "a dry critique"

  16. practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages;

    "he's been dry for ten years"
    "no thank you; I happen to be teetotal"

  1. remove the moisture from and make dry;

    "dry clothes"
    "dry hair"

  2. become dry or drier;

    "The laundry dries in the sun"



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. The soil is too dry for planting.
  2. After these dry days, everyone hopes for rain.
  3. We should prepare for more dry weather.
  4. I always feel dry in this hot weather.
  5. The book is as dry as dust.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The bread will dry out if it is left on the table.
  2. I dry my hands and face with the towel.


用作形容詞 (adj.)
as dry as a bone
    干極了 completely dry
as dry as dust
    乏味極了 very boring
boil dry
    煮干 boil until there is none left
not dry behind the ears
    〈美俚〉無經驗的; 乳臭未干的 be young and inexperienced
用作動詞 (v.)
dry off (v.+adv.)
    (使)弄干,(使)變干 become dry; make dry
    dry off The clothes soon dried off in the sun. 衣裳在藍天下好快就日了。 Your clothes should have dried off by this time. 你的t恤這個時候應干燥了。 dry sb/oneself/sth ? off She dried herself off with a thick towel. 她用厚抹布擦凈了全身。 This high wind will dry the ground off. 這局風大會刮干地坪的。 Dry yourself off thoroughly after your swim, or you might catch cold. 游泳館后要完全徹底瀝干身體,不能我會熱傷風的。
dry out (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉(使)戒(酒、毒等) treat sb or be treated for alcoholism
    dry out The wet clothes will soon dry out in the sun. 濕服飾放太陽星下快速也會風干。 We waited for our wet clothes to dry out. 咱們都等待中咱們都的濕車衣陰干。 Don't leave that bread on the table, it will dry out. 別把各種面包都放在椅子上,它會變干的。 You should let that wood dry out before you use it for anything. 那塊木板無論是派那些用場,你都一般先讓它干燥。 Will this flooded ground ever dry out? 這條山洪淹過的地還有干什么工作? dry sth ? out She hung up her wet clothes in order to dry them out. 她把她的濕羽絨服掛下來,這樣可以陰干。 The flood subsided and the hot sun dried out the wooden buildings. 暴雨倒退,炎日把小木屋都曬出來了。 dry out It's not easy for him to dry out since he has a lot of drug-addict friends. 他的毒癮后易戒斷,因此他的好多伙伴也是吸食毒品鬼。 dry sb out Will the doctors be able to dry the actor out in time for his next film? 醫師們能即時使這名女演在拍中下部X光片前戒毒嗎? To dry him out is the only way to make him healthy. 戒毒是使他軀體恢復的絕無僅有依據。
dry up (v.+adv.)
    像蒸發似地消散或消失 disappear or vanish as if by evaporating
    dry up The ground dried up quickly after the rain. 下雨過后地挺快就日了。 The streams dried up in spring 溪流在初冬枯竭。 The river in front of my house dried up last summer. 每年夏日,我門屋前的那個河干涸了。 The dry spell lasted so long that nearly all the streams and ponds in the area dried up. 旱澇延續性了太長時期,哪些中南部基本上各種的河塘都干枯了。 The reservoir dried up during the four-month drought. 儲水池在4個月大的大旱這段時間內全干過。 The sports-field has now dried up. Let's go and do some running. 中長跑場早已上了,我們的去運動吧。 Seas may dry up, stones wear away, but my heart will never change. 海可枯,石可爛,我心決不變。 dry sth ? up The long drought dried up all the wells. 經常的旱澇使所有的井都干旱了。 The sun came out and dried up the streets. 月亮好把路道晾曬至干了。 dry up We have no milk to sell; the cows have dried up. 奶牛沒奶了; 我門沒酸牛奶可賣。 Will his powers of invention ever dry up? 他的創造者力會耗竭嗎? My imagination has not dried up yet. 我的美感力也沒有有非常耗盡呢。 In middle age his inspiration dried up. 他年紀階段就沒寫作靈感了。 After his third novel, his imagination seemed to dry up. 寫完再者本小說后,他的想像中力也干枯了。 Your savings will soon dry up if you spend your money like that. 像那么樣用錢的時候,你的省吃儉用的積蓄會迅速用光的。 dry up I'll wash the dishes if you'll dry up for me. 只要你們來擦碟話,我一洗哪些碟子。 dry sth ? up Dry up the dishes! 把碟子擰干! dry up Oh, dry up! 喂,住口! Dry up! Don't say any more! 住嘴,別他說了! I wish the conversation will dry up. 我愿交流也你別持續去了。 Can't you dry up?I'm tired of hearing such nonsense. 你住嘴好么?想聽膩了這些扯淡。 Now I'm going to dry up and let someone else have his say. 目前 我就是不講了,讓任何人講話。 “Dry up!” he said angrily to me. 他憤慨地于我說:“不要再說啦!” dry sb up A funny answer might dry her up for a short time. 同一個滑稽表情真可笑的作答會使她瞬時段內說不下去了。 dry up When I got on the stage I just dried up. 我進了舞臺效果,就把臺詞對白都忘光了。 The actor dried up in the middle of his speech. 有位知名演員說到一部分不知道獨白。 She paused, and John feared that she was about to dry up. 她停下來了,羅伯特擔憂告訴我至少我去了。 dry up The Senator's influence dried up when he was voted out of office. 那參議員在他競職驗證失敗后,引響力也消亡了。


用作形容詞 (adj.)
~+名詞 動詞+~ 副詞+~ ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 副詞+~ ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • You had no dry clothes to replace wet ones. 出自: N. Gordimer
  • With this dry wind the wheat seed..could not sprout. 出自: P. S. Buck
  • She dries her eyes and regains her composure. 出自: E. O
  • Make a fire in the kitchen and dry your things. 出自: E. Hemingway
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