

[d?k'te?t]     ['d?kte?t]    
  • vi. 聽寫
  • vt. 口授;規定;決定,影響
  • n. 命令,支配,主宰;指揮;指令
dictated dictated dictating dictates



n. (名詞)
  1. 命令
  2. 規定
  3. 支配
  4. 指揮
  5. 指令
  6. 意旨
  7. 吩咐
  8. 法律
  9. 要求
v. (動詞)
  1. 指定
  2. 命令
  3. 規定
  4. 要求
  5. 筆錄
  6. 控制
  7. 指揮
  8. 作主
  9. 確定
  10. 說明
  11. 口授
  12. 口述
  13. (使)聽寫
  14. 強行規定
  15. 指使
  16. 大聲講或讀
  17. 支配
  18. 擺布
  19. 決定
  20. 任意指使某人
  21. 向某人發號施令
  22. 指示
  23. 指令
  24. 責令


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 大聲講或讀; 口授 say or read aloud (words to be written down by another or others)
  2. vt. & vi. 指示; 指定; 指令 state with the force of authority; command; decree; prescribe
n. (名詞)
  1. [P]命令,規定,要求 an order which should be obeyed


  1. an authoritative rule
  2. a guiding principle;

    "the dictates of reason"

  1. issue commands or orders for
  2. say out loud for the purpose of recording;

    "He dictated a report to his secretary"

  3. rule as a dictator



用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. The teacher dictated a passage to the class.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. He was dictating a letter to his secretary.
  2. He can't write but he can dictate.
  3. Businessmen often dictate their letters.
  4. You can't dictate to people how they should live.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. If I had the dictatorial power in a dictatorship, I will dictate those IT be kept in detention for appearing too pretentious.
  2. Don't dictate to me to do that.
  3. It belongs to me to dictate to them.


用作動詞 (v.)
dictate to (v.+prep.)
    依仗權勢把…強加于 enforce (sth over which one has power) on
    dictate to sb How fast do you dictate to your secretary? 你向你的女秘書口述的速度慢有多快? Don't go home yet,I have three letters to dictate to you. 先不能回家的說說,給你三封信向你口述。 dictate sth to sb He dictated a letter to his secretary. 他向行政秘書口授信稿。 The teacher dictated a passage to the class. 講師讓全班學生大學室友聽寫這篇論文。 dictate to sb That boy always tries to dictate to his friends when they play together. 那女娃和網友共同游戲時總是會掌控他倆。 Don't try to dictate to children, they will obey you better if you ask them politely. 別對學生們發號施令,你但如果文明禮貌地符合要求自己,自己會更聰明的。 No person of a strong character likes to be dictated to. 不一家個性文字強的人愿受人使喚。 He refused to be dictated to. 他愿意受競爭對手的構成。 dictate to sb/sth The unions are hardly in a position to dictate to the Labour Party. 盟很容易制定同樣來掌控工黨。 dictate sth to sb/sth You should be able to dictate the terms of the agreement to the firm which you are buying. 你應有也能使你買了的商行認同合同書的合同條款。 dictate to sb wh-clause The government tried to dictate to people how they should spend their money. 政府性對話框將購物方式方法加給于大家。 dictate to sb wh-to-v No one is going to dictate to me where to live! 誰就要能ps命令我非住哪不能!


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • I could not receive such dictates without horror. 出自: S. Johnson
  • Follow the dictates of your heart. 出自: P. G. Wodehouse
  • The dictates of His Gracious Majesty, King George III. 出自: V. S. Reid
  • Prudence should have dictated a quiet and withdrawn residence. 出自: R. Travers
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