

[d?'fend]     [d?'fend]    
  • v. 防守;防護;辯護
defendable defender defended defended defending defends



v. (動詞)
  1. 保衛,防御,防守,駐防,警衛,捍衛
  2. 【體】防守
  3. 為...答辯
  4. 【律】進行辯護;為…辯護;作(某人)的辯護律師
  5. 辯解,辯白,抗辯
  6. 保護...使免于
  7. <廢>禁止
  8. (足球、曲棍球等)參加衛冕賽
  9. 維護,擁護


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 保衛 protect; make safe; keep safe from harm; protect against attack
  2. vt. & vi. 辯護; 辯解 support, protect, or show the rightness by argument


  1. argue or speak in defense of;

    "She supported the motion to strike"

  2. be on the defensive; act against an attack
  3. protect against a challenge or attack;

    "Hold that position behind the trees!"
    "Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks"

  4. fight against or resist strongly;

    "The senator said he would oppose the bill"
    "Don't fight it!"

  5. protect or fight for as a champion
  6. be the defense counsel for someone in a trial;

    "Ms. Smith will represent the defendant"

  7. state or assert;

    "He maintained his innocence"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Some players are better at defending.
  2. The union said that they would take action to defend their member's jobs.
  3. He was afraid of being attacked by Liu Bei and Sun Quan, so he sent a troop to defend Jingzhou.
  4. She demonstrated how best to defend oneself.
  5. He undertook to defend this attitude.


用作動詞 (v.)
defend against (v.+prep.)
    保護…不受,防御 protect against attack
    defend sb/oneself/sth against sb/sth They tried to defend themselves against the enemy with all their might. 大家 拼盡盡力抗住敵機。 We must defend ourselves against the invaders. 人們有必要防御力侵擾之敵。 She defended herself against a false accusation. 她命令辯解朋友對她的誣告。 He defended himself against robbery. 他對搶劫犯參與了自衛。 The sentry defended the platoon against sudden attack. 哨兵護衛那些排不會遭受老是侵襲。 We defend our country against enemies. 自己抗住敵方,捍衛自己的歐洲國家。 Their duty is to defend their country against both domestic and foreign enemies' attack. 她們的職責權限是捍衛一個國家不用我們國家外對手的其傷害。 The newspaper defended her against the accusations. 網絡為她備受的誣陷通過辯護人。 The fort cannot be defended against an air attack. 這座要塞沒法抗御空襲。
defend from (v.+prep.)
    保護…使不受危險 protect out of danger
    defend sb/sth from sb/sth/v-ing We defended her from harm. 人們護理她不被受到負面影響。 The law defends people from injustice. 國家法律保養市民不會遭受不白之冤。 He made a long speech defending his views from objection. 他作了長篇講演來保護的他的思想觀點不遭抵制。 The dyke was built to defend the road from being washed away by the sea. 建筑工程這座水壩是考慮到護理鐵路橋不被海洋沖垮。
defend with (v.+prep.)
    用…來保衛 protect sb with sth
    defend with sth Our two guards defended with great skill. 我隊的2名后衛的技巧純熟地通過防御。 defend sb/oneself with sth We defended ourselves with guns. 企業拿槍展開自衛。 When the dog attacked me,I defended myself with a stick. 當哪一條狗偷襲我時,我手杖自衛。 We will defend our motherland with our blood and lives. 咱們要加鮮紅和人身安全保為我們的祖國。 They were defended with guns. 她們帶領槍算作襲擊。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Trees..defended and clad with thick leaued branches. 出自: P. Holland
  • Defending the airport against enemy attack. 出自: F. Fitzgerald
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