

[d?'sa?d]     [d?'sa?d]    
  • v. 決定;判斷;斷定
decidable decidability decided decided deciding decides



v. (動詞)
  1. 決定,抉擇
  2. 選定
  3. 裁決,判決,判定
  4. (使)解決
  5. (使下)決心,決意, 使決斷
  6. 確定,認定,確認,肯定,斷定
  7. 認為
  8. 總結,得出結論
  9. 討論
  10. 對…作出抉擇
  11. 影響…的結果
  12. 成為(某人)做某事的原因
  13. 判斷


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 下決心; (使)決定 settle a question or a doubt; make up one's mind
  2. vt. & vi. 解決,裁決,肯定,斷定 give a judgement


  1. reach, make, or come to a decision about something;

    "We finally decided after lengthy deliberations"

  2. bring to an end; settle conclusively;

    "The case was decided"
    "The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff"
    "The father adjudicated when the sons were quarreling over their inheritance"

  3. cause to decide;

    "This new development finally decided me!"

  4. influence or determine;

    "The vote in New Hampshire often decides the outcome of the Presidential election"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. That decided me to leave my job.
  2. A chance meeting decided my career.
  3. He decided to get married.
  4. Don't decide on important matters too quickly.
  5. It's difficult to decide between the two.
  6. For each pair of sentences, decide where to use the active or passive form of the verb.


用作動詞 (v.)
decide about (v.+prep.)
    決定 make a decision on sth
    decide about sth/v-ing They have decided about it. 大家 因此已具體行政行為了打算。 As to the journey, we shall decide about that later. 以至于去旅行,我之后再此類給出關鍵。 I want to think it over before I decide about joining it. 在關鍵添加前幾天,好想遵循遵循。
decide against (v.+prep.)
    判決…敗訴; 判決…不利 deliver a verdict or judgement against; find against
    decide against sth/v-ing But I decided against it. 可以說是我確定不也許做。 They decided against a picnic in the park. 自己定不要公圓野餐了。 After talking the matter over, we decided against the plan. 要經過致使反復小組討論,咱們打算不分為該規劃。 He decided against the action finally. 他在最后打算否認這行動起來。 We decided against a big wedding ceremony. 他們決策不辦排場的婚慶。 The Greens decided against a holiday in Italy. 格林想開關鍵沒能夠用心德國旅游。 They decided against an expensive education for their children. 我們取決于不許幼兒受珍貴的育兒教育。 The family have decided against camping in the mountains. 一家子而定不會在山中戶外露營。 They decided against having a second child. 大家決定了不生二是胎。 We decided against punishing him. 自己取決于不一定的懲罰他。 The committee decided against holding an election. 該理事會會影響不報名參加投票選舉。 They decided against going there on Sunday. 用戶直接決定周天不上在那去。 At the meeting we decided against carrying out the plan. 在會議主持稿人們判斷不強制執行僅僅計劃方案。 decide against sb The court decided against the defendant. 司法局處決被告敗訴。 decide sth against sb The case was decided against Mr.Johnson. 已就這類安件制作出有不良影響于羅伯特遜工程師的裁定。
decide between (v.+prep.)
    作出抉擇 choose between two things or people or doing different things
    decide between sth/v-ing He had to decide between the two. 他須要在這兩種互相簡單選擇。 We must decide between going home and staying at school during this winter vacation. 我國需要而定寒暑假期間內是回到家里依然是留校。
decide for (v.+prep.)
    有利于 give judgment in favour of sb making a request in court
decide on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    就…作出決定,決定要 make a choice; choose from two or more possibilities
    decide on〔upon〕 sth/v-ing/wh-clause/wh-to-v Peter decided on a blue sweater. 彼得挑一個多件綠色的跑步衫。 He has decided on a new car. 他選中一個多輛小轎車。 What date have you decided on? 你選取了任何時間? At first I didn't know which one would be the best, but afterwards I decided on this. 起我沒有掌握什么好,最后才選著這一些。 They decided on a cab which would seat three. 它們租定一個多輛可乘五人的租借汽車的。 Harriet took a long time to decide upon the articles she wished to buy. 哈利特很久拿也不確定壞主意買一些 產品好。 The two nations have decided on the establishment of diplomatic relations. 英法決策設立外交活動密切關系。 We felt that we must decide on something. 讓我們趕到應該具體行政行為選擇了。 Let's put our heads together and decide on a plan of action. 咋們群策群力,選擇一類聯合行動記劃。 Don't decide on important matters too quickly. 首要的事不需要極其急忙地給出定。 Finally we decided on the tasks we should undertake. 另外我門取決于了要成功完成的工作。 He decided upon the law, and he entered my father's office as an office boy. 他取決于轉行法條運行,因而進我的父親的工作所去當勤雜員。 OK,I have decided on buying the jacket.How much is it? 行吧,我早已判斷買這一件夾克衫了。價格錢? He decided on helping us. 他來決定幫讓我們。 I have decided (up)on seeing a film. 我絕對看看場美國片。 They decided on adjourning the session. 這些人決策休會。 They've decided on building a power plant there. 大家已定在處整修一尊發電站廠。 They have decided on getting married next year. 他已關鍵2021婚姻。 I've decided on going to America for my holidays. 我早已打算去國外游玩。 I decided on spending the vacation by the sea. 我考慮在海灘度假游。 It is necessary to decide on which type of fuel is most suitable. 肯定決定的哪種燃劑最合理。 He has decided on where to go. 他都已經來決定到哪去兒。 Has the list of candidates been decided upon? 侯選拔人才人各單影響何時? They need a new car, but the precise model is still to be decided on. 它們想賣輛車寶馬新車,但已經確定的規格型號暫未關鍵。 decide sb on sth When I was 17,I opened an inviting letter that decided me on my choice of colleges. 我十七歲時接入寫封邀約信,這封信一件事選澤啥子樣的院校起了決定了性的功效。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Deeds must decide our Fate. 出自: Pope
  • The fight [a boxing-match]..will..be decided upon points. 出自: Conan Doyle
  • The only evidence that can decide a case of malpractice is expert evidence. 出自: G. B. Shaw
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