

[ka?nt]     [ka?nt]    
  • v. 計算;視為;依賴;重要,有價值
  • n. 計數;總數
  • n. 伯爵(歐洲國家的貴族頭銜)
counted counted counting counts



v. (動詞)
  1. 看作,算為
  2. 總計,共計
  3. 包括,將...計算在內,被算入...數內,(被)算進,算入,計進
  4. 重要,有重要意義,有(...的)價值,有...重要性,值得(考慮)
  5. 認為,信以為
  6. 計算(總數),計數,數數,算數,數
  7. 確信,相信為
  8. 列舉
  9. 清點,點...的數目,點數
  10. 【音】打拍子
  11. 依賴,依靠,期望,指望
  12. 正式接納,正式認可
  13. 數到(某數),從…數到…
  14. 檢點,核對
  15. 被考慮,被重視
n. (名詞)
  1. 計算,計數
  2. 總數,總計
  3. 伯爵(歐洲貴族頭銜)
  4. 【律】罪狀
  5. 【拳擊】數十秒
  6. 事項
  7. 考慮,顧慮
  8. 數(目)
  9. 價值
  10. 評價
  11. 【律】起訴理由
  12. 【紡】支
  13. 論件出售的東西
  14. 由于法定人數不足的延會
  15. 康特(音譯名)


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 計數,計算 calculate
  2. vt. 認為,看作 regard as, consider
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]計數,總數 action of counting; number reached by counting
  2. [C]事項,罪狀 any of a group of offences of which a person is accused


  1. the total number counted;

    "a blood count"

  2. the act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending order;

    "the counting continued for several hours"

  3. a nobleman (in various countries) having rank equal to a British earl
  1. determine the number or amount of;

    "Can you count the books on your shelf?"
    "Count your change"

  2. have weight; have import, carry weight;

    "It does not matter much"

  3. show consideration for; take into account;

    "You must consider her age"
    "The judge considered the offender's youth and was lenient"

  4. name or recite the numbers in ascending order;

    "The toddler could count to 100"

  5. put into a group;

    "The academy counts several Nobel Prize winners among its members"

  6. include as if by counting;

    "I can count my colleagues in the opposition"

  7. have a certain value or carry a certain weight;

    "each answer counts as three points"

  8. have faith or confidence in;

    "you can count on me to help you any time"
    "Look to your friends for support"
    "You can bet on that!"
    "Depend on your family in times of crisis"

  9. take account of;

    "You have to reckon with our opponents"
    "Count on the monsoon"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Material control and cycle count.
  2. It's not humanly possible to count so quickly.
  3. Fruity cocktails count as health food, study finds.
  4. Since most countries already have too many laws, a pause for parliamentary reflection might count as progress.
  5. We cannot always count on our parents.
  6. I need to count on you to finish this for me.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Take your blood count first, please.
  2. There is a high pollen count in the air.
  3. It will count up to a large amount.
  4. Then check if the line count exceeds the page length.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The count lived in that big house.
  2. His father was the Count of Montpellier.


用作動詞 (v.)
count against (v.+prep.)
    對…不利; 不利于 be unfavourable to
    count against sth The recent political incident will inevitably count against the peace process of the two countries. 之前情況的這一個政冶行為無疑了會反應兩方的合平應用程序。 count sth against sb He is young and inexperienced, but please do not count that against him. 他年輕態而無臨床經驗,但請千萬不要如此而低估他。 Family background could hardly have been counted against her. 普通家庭背靜幾乎不能成了對她阻礙的重要因素。
count among (v.+prep.)
    認為…屬于 regard sb/sth along to certain group
    count sb/sth among sb/sth They counted me among their supporters. 大家 把你計入不支持者產品之一。 Her poetry is counted among the best-known this century. 她的詩作被覺得專屬本時代最有名氣的詩作之列。 Mark Twain was counted among the greatest writers of the century. 馬克·吐溫可視作那家多世紀最好品質的藝術家一個。
count as (v.+prep.)
    當作 regard...as, look on as
    count as sb/sth In English, a clause acting as the subject of a sentence counts as singular. 在英文中,這個從句在好句子當中作主語時作單數面對。 For the convenience of our classification, any over eighteen years old counts as an adult. 要我們都的分類的非常方便,凡滿18歲者均算性成熟人。
count down (v.+adv.)
    倒數到零或規定的時間 count backwards to zero or a required time
    count down The people at Control have already begun to count down. 有效控制站的者早已始于倒數秒數了。 count sth ? down The spaceship is already being counted down. 宇宙中航天飛機已起倒數秒了。
count for (v.+prep.)
    有價值,有重要性 be worth, be of significance
    count for sth Such men don't count for anything. 他這樣一來的人絲毫沒有足取。 She has realized it is a serious mistake to regard me as a little kid who counts for nothing. 她責任意識到我自己認為也是個無足深淺的學生子也是個可怕的錯識。 In their eyes wealth counted for a great deal, education for very little. 在這些角度來看,的財富重于任何,幼教沒任何作用。
count in (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉把…算在某一整體之內 include sb/sth, especially when doing a calculation
    count sb/sth ? in Please count me in on this project. 我自己也算入這一準備的舉辦者。 Go and see how many chairs we have in that classroom, but don't count in the broken ones. 去查看看內個教室里有多多少少把沙發椅,只過壞的要算出來。
count off (v.+adv.)
    挑出 divide into groups by counting
    count off Count off! 報數! count sth ? off Will you count off the figures one by one so that I can write them down? 能不許我可以把這里的數字8依次報一點,這樣的我也好記上來。 count sb ? off He counted off five men to help with the job. 他取舍四自己來有所幫助做這種事。
count on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    期望,指望 expect or anticipate sth, usually used in the negative
    count on〔upon〕 sb/sth We can always count on him for help in any emergency. 在其余及時癥狀下人們一個勁可靠自己他來讓。 Don't always count on others for help, you are old enough to do the work by yourself. 不可以是不僅其他人的幫到,你現已去了自立工作起來的時間了。 They counted on foreign investment to stimulate their economy. 你想賴以生存老外資金來促使你的金錢。 count on〔upon〕 sb to-v Don't count on other people to help you out of trouble. 別期望家人能幫你解決陷入困境。 I know of at least two people who can be counted on to support us. 我得知每組有倆自己能否希望會使用自己。 count on〔upon〕 v-ing I had counted on having it completed by March. 曾今希望在4月份此前做好這個事實。 We are counting on selling at least 5000 copies of the book. 企業希望這書最好能營銷5000本。 I had not counted on meeting her here this morning. 我之前無領悟到今晚早餐我在在這碰見她。 Don't count on going abroad this summer, we may not have enough money. 別希望19年春季能出境,企業的錢有可能不過。 Mind,I count on your keeping the promise. 聽著,我奢求著你信守許諾。 count on〔upon〕 sb/sth v-ing Please count on me doing my best. 請認為忍不住定全力而使。 We can count on the weather being fine. 小編是可以期望天氣怎么樣回升。
count out (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉不把…考慮在內 omit as nonparticipating, omit from consideration
    count out The little girl could only remember her numbers by counting out. 這種小女孩兒就只有大聲喊叫數數,就要記不得住數碼。 count sth ? out She counted out fifteen pence and passed it to the salesgirl. 她數出16個便士教給女服務員。 There is no need to tell the kids that the number of stars cannot be counted out. 沒有必要跟閨女們星星月亮是不可計數的。 count sb out You can count me out of this little plan of yours. 你并不給我主要包括在你這里小開始打算天內。 Those who have not yet sent in applications should be counted out. 這些還沒了有申請表的人切勿算少部分。
count up (v.+adv.)
    加起來,算出總數 add up and find the total amount of
    count sb/sth ? up You can count up the great poets still alive , on the fingers of one hand. 在世的大著名詩人屈指可數。 The men counted up the money carefully. 那先人用心地整理錢數。 count up to sth Count up to ten before you open your eyes. 你數到十再掙開眼精。
用作名詞 (n.)
keep〔lose〕 count of
    知〔不知〕某數 know〔not know〕 how many there are of sth
set no count on
    看不起,輕視 look down upon
take count of
    重視,計較 take sth seriously


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • In actual count of time, he was no longer in his first youth. 出自: P. G. Wodehouse
  • About fifty titles, at the present count. 出自: M. Moorcock
  • 'One, two, three...'; the seekers..began to count their hundred, aloud. 出自: Aldous Huxley
  • He counted the flies on the ceiling. 出自: E. Birney
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