

[b??st]     [b??rst]    
  • n. 爆發;破裂;陣
  • v. 爆裂;迸發;沖;闖
burst burst bursting bursts



n. (名詞)
  1. 爆炸,炸裂,突然破裂
  2. 爆發;突發,猝發,迸發
  3. <俚>鬧飲
  4. 噴出
  5. 突然出現
  6. 突進,疾走
  7. 【軍】連發射擊,掃射
  8. 一口氣,一陣,一下子
  9. 【無線電】脈沖,正弦波群
v. (動詞)
  1. 突然打開,綻開,劈開,撞開
  2. (使)爆炸,(使)爆裂
  3. 幾乎要脹破;塞滿,充滿
  4. 突然出現
  5. 沖,闖,沖出
  6. (使)破裂,迸裂
  7. 爆發出,噴出,炸出
  8. 潰決
  9. (使)爆發,突然發生
  10. 破產
  11. 突破,沖破,炸破
  12. 使充滿,使脹破


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. & vt. (使)爆裂,炸破 break open or in pieces suddenly
  2. vi. 擠滿,充滿 be full of
  3. vi. 突然打開 come into the stated condition suddenly and often violently
  4. vi. 突然發作 happen suddenly
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]爆炸,破裂 an act or result of bursting
  2. [C]爆發,突發 a sudden short period of great activity, loud noise, strong feeling


  1. the act of exploding or bursting;

    "the explosion of the firecrackers awoke the children"
    "the burst of an atom bomb creates enormous radiation aloft"

  2. rapid simultaneous discharge of firearms;

    "our fusillade from the left flank caught them by surprise"

  3. a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason);

    "a burst of applause"
    "a fit of housecleaning"

  4. a sudden intense happening;

    "an outburst of heavy rain"
    "a burst of lightning"

  1. come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure;

    "The bubble burst"

  2. force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up;

    "break into tears"
    "erupt in anger"

  3. burst outward, usually with noise;

    "The champagne bottle exploded"

  4. move suddenly, energetically, or violently;

    "He burst out of the house into the cool night"

  5. be in a state of movement or action;

    "The room abounded with screaming children"
    "The garden bristled with toddlers"

  6. emerge suddenly;

    "The sun burst into view"

  7. cause to burst;

    "The ice broke the pipe"

  8. break open or apart suddenly and forcefully;

    "The dam burst"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. There was a burst of laughter in the next room.
  2. The pipe burst and a spout of water shoot out.
  3. Prices went up and up in recent years, before the housing bubble burst.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I've eaten so much I'm bursting at the seams.
  2. The boy blew the paper bag out and burst it.
  3. I felt as if my heart would burst with joy.
  4. She rushed downstairs and burst into the kitchen.
  5. And then in one climactic burst of sound they surged forward.
  6. The police burst through the door.


用作動詞 (v.)
burst forth( v.+adv. )
    突然發生或開始 suddenly begin
    burst forth The sun burst forth again. 太陽升起又破云而出。 The banks of the river gave way and the waters burst forth. 堤岸塌陷,溪水沖出。 The leaves of the trees have burst forth. 盾牌一下吧子都長出來的了。 The enthusiasm of the people now burst forth. 大家客戶的熱情洋溢當今產生了下來。 The cherry blossoms burst forth in all their beauty. 顏值的櫻花樹老是打開了。 Mary burst forth into song. 瑪麗有時候唱出歌來。
burst in (v.+adv.)
    突然發話 speak suddenly
    burst in Suddenly the door opened and the children burst in. 忽然間門使用了,寶寶們擁了融進。 He had just poked up the fire and was staring blankly at the flames when someone burst in. 他剛撥旺爐火,正惶恐對視失火焰,不一定還有人闖了闖進來。 When did you burst in? 你好久沖進來的? burst sth ? in The firemen could enter the burning house only by bursting the door in. 消防火災員只能已把門破開,才進去那棟著火了的房屋。 Without knocking, the child burst the door in. 這子女沒上門來,忽地拉開門就出去了。 Because he lost his key, he had to burst in the door. 正是因為鑰匙扔了,但是他不得已不進球而入。 burst in The old man burst in when they were going to leave. 這些剛要走,老人有時候開口子寶寶說話了。 引出直接引語 “But I was there!” Jane burst in. “但我當年在哪里!”簡有時候縮口說。 “He didn't come,” she burst in. “他還沒有來。”她突發留孔說。
burst in on( v.+adv.+prep. )
    突然到來 come suddenly
burst into( v.+prep. )
    突然開始(某事),突然進入(某種狀態) start (sth) suddenly
burst on〔upon〕( v.+prep. )
    突然被(某人)明白,理解 become suddenly known by (sb)
burst out( v.+adv. )
    (從…)逃脫 escape from somewhere
    burst out Be quiet, don't burst out. 清靜,別高喊大喊大叫。 Don't burst out; it isn't my fault. 別高喊大喊的,那不算我的錯。 引出直接引語 “I don't believe it!”burst out the angry old man. 那家老太太怒火沖沖地說:“你不信!”“Are you sure?”he burst out.他太過突然地喊:“你拿得準嗎”? burst out v-ing Everyone suddenly burst out laughing. 突然之間,小伙伴哄堂狂笑。 Everyone was quiet when Jenny suddenly burst out crying. 人們都沒說話,珍妮突然之間哇地一身嚎啕大哭起來。 burst out (of sth) Five men burst out of prison yesterday. 最近有3各人逃離了強戒。
burst through( v.+prep. )
    穿過…而出現; 沖破 appear through (sth), possibly force
    burst through sth The enemy are already bursting through our weakened defences. 隊友展開的提升企業已被改動的防線。 The water burst through the break in the dam. 水從防護堤的龜裂中曝出來。 The sun burst through, and the clouds rolled away. 地球透過大氣層裸露臉來。 burst sth through sth They burst a tunnel through the mountain. 孩子 在山區世間只開一根所謂的隧道。 Why not burst the road through the hill? 為怎樣的不見這座小山之時開一個路呢? He burst his way through the underbush. 他在矮草叢中短路前行。 They burst a hole through the wall. 他倆在墻體上炸開一窟窿眼。
burst with( v.+prep. )
    充滿(某種感情); 富于(某種素質) feel full of (a feeling)
    burst with sb/sth With its storehouses bursting with grain, the farm had to build more granaries. 大農場的倉庫管理都堆積如山了糧食作物,說不定新蓋一系列谷倉。 The hall was bursting with children. 服務大廳里熱鬧非凡了小孩。 burst with sth Mary was bursting with joy over the good news. 瑪麗發出這類好訊息驚喜萬分。 They were bursting with happiness. 許多人開心快樂得不容許了。 The children are simply bursting with good health. 哪些地方孩童生長真更健康。 burst sth with sth He burst his heart with envy. 他心里沖滿了妒嫉。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • When beech-buds were near the burst. 出自: G. Meredith
  • Poyson..Made him to swell, that nigh his bowells brust. 出自: Spenser
  • A bomb burst in the water. 出自: S. Sassoon
  • A gigantic wave had just burst on the fo'c'sle. 出自: Day Lewis
  • Bubbles on a tarred roof, which grew, and burst, and grew again. 出自: J. Bowen
  • There was a loud ripping sound; the seam of his trousers had burst. 出自: P. F. Boller
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