

[?'s?st]     [?'s?st]    
  • vt. 幫助;協助
  • vi. 幫助;出席
  • n. 幫助;協助;助攻;協助的器械
assister assisted assisted assisting assists



n. (名詞)
  1. <美口>幫助,協助,援助
  2. <美>【棒】助殺
  3. 輔助(機械)裝置,機器助手,協助的器械
  4. 助推器
  5. (籃球)助攻
v. (動詞)
  1. 幫助,協助,扶助,援助,輔助,幫(...)忙,幫,為...當幫手,為...當助手
  2. 出席,參加,到場
  3. 支持,促進
  4. 攙扶(某人)上車,扶(某人)站起
  5. 給(小孩)喂食


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 幫助,促進 help; promote


  1. the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose;

    "he gave me an assist with the housework"
    "could not walk without assistance"
    "rescue party went to their aid"
    "offered his help in unloading"

  2. (sports) the act of enabling another player to make a good play
  1. give help or assistance; be of service;

    "Everyone helped out during the earthquake"
    "Can you help me carry this table?"
    "She never helps around the house"

  2. act as an assistant in a subordinate or supportive function
  3. work for or be a servant to;

    "May I serve you?"
    "She attends the old lady in the wheelchair"
    "Can you wait on our table, please?"
    "Is a salesperson assisting you?"
    "The minister served the King for many years"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. A team of nurses assisted the doctor in performing the operation.
  2. I saw the angels standing near us, waiting to assist us, rejoicing in our accomplishments and joys.
  3. Sixty years ago, George Marshall came to this commencement and announced a plan to assist the nations of post-war Europe.
  4. I have too much work and no one to assist me
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. I assisted in doing his homework.
  2. All her friends assist at the wedding ceremony.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The victims of earthquake need assist asap.
  2. Lin scored 27 points and dished out 11 assists as the Knicks have now won six games in a row.


用作動詞 (v.)
assist at (v.+prep.)
    作陪,在場幫忙 be present at and give help with sth
    assist at sth The young nurse was very nervous when she assisted at her first operation. 各位年輕的的女助產士首度當整形手術軟件助手時,心境極其短缺。 We'll assist at your wedding. 各位將參加人他們的結婚典禮。
assist in (v.+prep.)
    在…上給予協助 help with sth or doing sth
    assist sb in sth/v-ing He assisted me in the preparation of this book. 他請求我起草該書。 We'll assisted them in their difficulty. 各位要在孩子 有難度的時益處孩子 。 We shall do our best to assist him in correcting his mistakes. 公司將全力幫他改正錯誤信息。 My wife assisted me in editing the book. 我的女人的幫助我撰寫了這哲學書。 He assisted me in painting the door. 他幫助我漆這門。 I am most grateful to my husband, who assisted me in preparing this book. 我異常感謝的話語我的女婿,他曾同意我擬定此文。 The boy assisted his father in sweeping the floor. 那女該幫他父母親擦木地板。
assist with (v.+prep.)
    幫助; 照料; 做; 在…給予幫助 help sb with sth, sb, or doing sth
    assist with sth/v-ing The nurse assisted with the preparation of the medicine. 護士長幫忙注意otc藥品。 She assisted with preparing the medicine. 她的幫助提供中藥飲片。 assist sb with sb/sth She assisted him with his English. 她讓他學英語教育。 He assisted me with good counsel and encouragement. 他以保持良好的十封信和激厲可以幫助我。 He assisted his son with his homework. 他助力大兒子做作業。 He assisted a gentleman on with his coat. 他關心一紳士穿上大衣。 Local villagers assisted the doctors with the people wounded in the bus crash. 本市農民幫到醫院醫生看護在交通事故中踢傷的患者。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • When I assist a friendless person. 出自: Steele
  • May I assist you to potatoes? 出自: E. Gaskell
  • Miss Smith..was assisted from her hammock. 出自: R. Macaulay
  • Mr. Geard..permitted John to assist him to mount the platform. 出自: J. C. Powys
  • An assisted take-off with rockets. 出自: P. K. Kemp
  • Her pelvis is very narrow and they will have to assist the birth. 出自: P. H. Johnson
  • A young man who assisted him with the management of the farm. 出自: T. Capote





  • assistor n. 幫助者


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