

[help]     [help]    
  • v. 幫助;有助于;促進;擅自拿取;(不)能防止或避免某事物
  • n. 幫助;援助;幫手;傭人;仆人
  • int. 救命!
helped helped helping helps



v. (動詞)
  1. 幫助,援助
  2. 救(命)
  3. [與 can或 cannot連用]避免,阻止,抑制,克制
  4. 招待,服務,伺候
  5. 治療;緩解;補救,改進
  6. 有用,有幫助,有助于,有利于
  7. 開飯,上菜
  8. 改善狀況
  9. 擅自拿走,竊取
  10. 為(自己/某人)取用
n. (名詞)
  1. 幫助,援助
  2. 幫手,助手
  3. 救濟,補救,醫治
  4. 有幫助的人,有助益的東西
  5. 仆人
  6. <美>傭工,全體雇工
  7. 救濟法
  8. 挽救方法
  9. 一份,一杯
  10. 援兵
int. (感嘆詞)
  1. 救命!


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 幫助 do sth for the benefit of sb in need
  2. vt. & vi. 有助于,有利于 be of aid or use to
  3. vt. 避免; 抑制,克制 avoid; restrain
n. (名詞)
  1. [U]幫助,援助 the act of helping; aid; assistance
  2. [S]助手,幫忙的人或物 a person or a thing that helps
  3. [C]傭人,女傭 domestic servant, especially female house servant
  4. [C]補救辦法,治療方法 a method of setting right; a way of curing diseases


  1. the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose;

    "he gave me an assist with the housework"
    "could not walk without assistance"
    "rescue party went to their aid"
    "offered his help in unloading"

  2. a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose;

    "my invaluable assistant"
    "they hired additional help to finish the work"

  3. a resource;

    "visual aids in teaching"

  4. a means of serving;

    "of no avail"
    "there's no help for it"

  1. give help or assistance; be of service;

    "Everyone helped out during the earthquake"
    "Can you help me carry this table?"
    "She never helps around the house"

  2. improve the condition of;

    "These pills will help the patient"

  3. be of use;

    "This will help to prevent accidents"

  4. abstain from doing; always used with a negative;

    "I can't help myself--I have to smoke"
    "She could not help watching the sad spectacle"

  5. help to some food; help with food or drink;

    "I served him three times, and after that he helped himself"

  6. contribute to the furtherance of;

    "This money will help the development of literacy in developing countries"

  7. take or use;

    "She helped herself to some of the office supplies"

  8. improve; change for the better;

    "New slipcovers will help the old living room furniture"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Your advice helped me a lot.
  2. I'll do everything possible to help you.
  3. Trade helps industry to develop.
  4. This latest development doesn't exactly help.
  5. Local assembly will help sale to some extent.
  6. He's been helping himself to my stationery.
  7. He can't help having big ears.
  8. She burst out laughing and couldn't help herself.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Thank you for your kind help.
  2. You must reckon without his help in this matter.
  3. We'll need outside help before we can finish.
  4. You're a good help to me.
  5. The help has not come this morning .
用作感嘆詞 (int.)
  1. Aaah, the monster's coming. Run! Help!


用作動詞 (v.)
can't be helped
    沒有法子的事,只好這樣 cannot prevent or avoid sth
can't help but
    必須; 只好 must; can only
can't help oneself
    不能控制自己,不能自拔 cannot control oneself
can't help v-ing
    〈英〉抑制不住,禁不住 can't restrain or prevent
    can't help v-ing When she saw the strange and funny person, she could not help laughing. 能夠見到這樣的滑稽表情的怪人,她不由的笑了。 We couldn't help being moved by his perseverance. 他的信念使他們不得已不感動。 I couldn't help overhearing what they said. 我忍不停竊聽了用戶說的情況下。 I can't help feeling that it was a mistake to let him go. 你不禁到達讓她離開我是個失敗。 can't help sb/sth v-ing I can't help him saying that. 我無發不允許老爺子說這句話。 I can't help my wife having so many dull relations. 我小淫有這麼多呆笨的親朋好友我都也沒有法律依據。 She couldn't help the tears of rage rolling down her face. 她那憤恨的汗水禁不緊從臉上痘痘流了加起來。
help along〔forward〕 (v.+adv.)
    有助于發展 produce favourable conditions for
help back (v.+adv.)
    攙扶著返回 assist (sb) to return
    help sb back There's no hope to succeed, the secretary is helping the old manager back sadly. 順利無望,文秘攙扶著著老管理者哀愁地請收藏本站。 The sick old lady has fallen on the floor; we must help her back into bed. 這一名患病的老婦女摔到在屋里,我們大家需把她扶回床里去。 They helped him back to an honest life. 你的幫助他立即老坦白實地過時光。
help down1 (v.+adv.)
    幫助把…搬〔扶〕下來 help sb lift sth; help sb come down
    help sth down Hurry! hurry! the police will come no time; help the box down; throw it into the car. 終于!終于!警官來了了; 好處把背包搬到地面上,塞進車子。 help sb down from sth He helped the little boy down from a horse. 他把什么小寶寶從直接扶算下來。 The nurse is helping a sick person down from his bed. 麻醉醫生無法侍候有一位患者下床。
help down2 (v.+prep.)
    幫助某人下到…來 help (sb) go down
    help sb down sth It is regarded as a natural behavior that a man helps the old down stairs. 幫住老大爺下樓被指出是理所而且的做法。
help in1 (v.+adv.)
    攙扶著進去 help (sb) go into a place
    help sb in He helped his grandmother in. 他挽扶著祖母進家。
help in2 (v.+prep.)
    攙扶著進入 help (sb) enter into a place
    help in sth They often help in the farm work in our village. 大家往往協助企業村干下地干活。 We sent a lot of people there to help in the construction. 公司派了大多數人來那去有所幫助建筑。 help sb in sth/v-ing Their aim is to help the working people in their struggle for emancipation. 她們的最終目的是幫住勞動力人民群眾贏得釋放。 I helped her in unpacking. 我幫她瀏覽器打開包。 Your words have helped us a great deal in understanding your people. 你時極大程度上有利于促進我門知曉貴國的人民群眾。 These reference books will help you in improving your maths. 這個規范書將要幫你提升 初中數學標準。 help sb in sth A new Bluebird stopped in front of the door, and a gentleman helped a tall lady in it. 三輛藍鳥牌客車停在房門口,三位伸士侍候著三位高個兒小姐去了客車。
help into (v.+prep.)
    幫助進入 help (sb) enter into
    help sb into sth The nurses helped the wounded soldiers into the hospital. 麻醉醫生們扶起著因傷員探尋寵物醫院。 Can you help me into the yard?My football has been kicked into it. 你還益處我進院落嗎?我的球被踢了進去之后。 Kehr helped me into my coat. 凱爾帶我穿上上衣。
help off (v.+adv.)
    幫助離開 help (sb) to leave
    help sb off with sth We helped the injured man off with his clothes. 我們的可以幫助腳傷的人把的衣服摘下。 Please help me off with my boots; they are so tight! 請來幫我取下短靴,這些切實是很緊了。 help sb off This wall is too high for me to jump from, will you help me off? 這墻太高故而我沒有敢跳起來,希望你給我起來行嗎? The people are in danger; we must help them off. .我實際情況快消失,.我必須要關心這些脫離。
help on (v.+adv.)
    鼓勵,促進 encourage
    help sb on with sth The boy is too little to dress himself, so his mother helps him on with the clothes. 這一嬰兒過大沒有你搭衣搭配服,但是他的我媽媽幫他搭衣搭配服。 help sb on They always helped us on in times of difficulty. 在自己會遇到困苦時,顧客都會表楊自己。 What you have passed on to us today will help us on very much,I'm sure. 我小編相信你昨天立刻們介紹一下的環境對公司將是個不小的使得。
help oneself
    自取,自用 take oneself; use oneself
    help oneself Have a cigarette.Help yourself. 抽支煙吧,請拿每支。 Can I borrow a pencil?—Yes, help yourself. 我想借助即使碳素筆嗎?——可不可以,自我拿吧。 help oneself to sth Help yourselves to the food on the table. 自行夾菜吃。 He helped himself to some more fish. 他我diy拆裝又夾了點魚吃。 He got up and helped himself to more coffee. 他起身身來又給她倒一個多點咔啡。 Help yourself to some sweets. 吃糖吃糖。 The guests help themselves to the refreshments at the buffet. 賓客們在餐室吃早茶。 The money was on the table and no one was there, so he helped himself to it. 錢貼到桌上上,又無人在什么地方,于是他不給面子地取走了。 Those thieves have helped themselves to my jewels. 哪些盜賊已盜離開了我的寶石首飾。
help out (v.+adv.)
    幫助,幫助…出來 render assistance; help to get out
    help out Help out, don't hinder. 幫助我,千萬不要礙事。 She dug wild vegetables and picked over cinders to help out. 她挖野菜撿煤核來幫助到家里人。 They helped out by making air blowers for us. 這些 要大家加工了鼓軸流風扇來協助大家。 On Sundays we used to go back to help out in our factories. 個禮拜天我國常到她工業區給錢。 A good dictionary will help out in one's reading. 十部好英語詞典對閱瀆是有幫助到的。 help sb/sth out (of sth) A sheep fell into a pit, and I helped it out. 一個羊掉進泥里,快把它弄了下來。 The driver is helping an old man out of his taxi. 駕駛員正扶是一名父母從的士各類汽車里到。 I can't work out this math problem.Please help me out. 我做不會出這道小學數學題,請帶我說一下。 I don't know how to translate this sentence.Can you help me out? 茫然不了解到該怎么樣去反譯該詞句,讓你帶我兩下嗎? Would ten yuan help you out? 10 元多能幫你緩解大問題嗎? She gave part of her wage to help out the families of those comrades who had died for our cause. 她把一臺分很大打工族薪資用做關心烈屬。 The neighbours were good enough to help us out by watering the plants while we were away. 在我門出遠門當天,和鄰居們樂于助人地來幫我門給花草植物澆灌。 Don't count on other people to help you out of trouble. 別奢求被人能幫你解決機遇與挑戰。 help out with sth/v-ing She often helped out with washing in the hotel. 她長期鼓勵那個民宿洗東西。 Bob helped out with milking every morning. 沒天清晨,鮑勃幫著擠鮮羊奶。
help over (v.+prep.)
    幫助(某人)克服〔對付〕 help (sb) to deal with (a difficulty)
help up (v.+adv.)
    幫助往上搬 help (sb) lift (sth) up
    help sb up Since the time that the boy helped the girl up when she fell down, they have been falling into love. 前段時間寶寶扶起磕到的小女孩哪部刻起,他倆相遇了。 He helped the wounded boy up to his feet by holding his arm. 他侍候著那撞傷女該的大腿幫他站立來。 help sth up Tomorrow morning we will move into a new building, so we need hands to help the furniture up. 明晚小編將搬入下一家了,但是小編可以每人必備幫小編把歐式家具搬里面。
help with (v.+prep.)
    用…來幫助 assist (sb/sth) with (sth)
    help with sth During busy seasons they help with field work. 農忙天氣這些就幫著干家務活。 At home he helps with whatever jobs there are. 屋里有這些活他都幫著干。 May I help with the washing-up? 我幫你洗廚具怎麼樣? help sb with sth My mother used to help me with my lessons. 我孕婦曾在作業上幫忙過我。 Would you help me with my English? 試著替我學習成績英語英文,好不? Please help me with this luggage. 請帶我搬這事行李車。 He often helps his mother with her housework. 他常幫他姐姐做干活。 I want to persuade him to help me with the great work I am doing. 想必開導他幫助到我做我將要做的這一艱苦的做工作。 When the autumn harvest is coming, we help the farmers with their corn. 秋收至,公司輔助農名收糧油。 This organization may be able to help you with such information. 該組織開展當你能促進你兌換這一種產品信息。 help with sth The government helped with materials and money. 部門幫忙帶來了裝修材料和財力。 help sb/sth with sth I asked the bank to help me with a loan. 我請各大銀行給他們第一筆抵押貸款。 They helped us with a few suggestions. 許多人對當我們提了多少意見和建議。 He helped me enormously with advice on how to do ideological work. 他知道了我哪些做想法工做,對你說有不小幫助到。 They also help nearby factories with technical advice. 這些 全給附近商場的公廠以技術設備上的輔導。
not more than one can help
    能少盡量少 as little as is possible or necessary
so help me (God)
    我發誓; 老天作證 I swear it
用作名詞 (n.)
come to sb's help
    幫某人的忙 help sb
no help for it
    無法避免〔挽回〕 no way of avoiding
with the help of
    借助于,利用 by means of


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+副詞+介詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • They..have a tough job..and they need all the help they can get. 出自: K. Vonnegut
  • It's an advanced communications system which summons help in an emergency. 出自:Dumfries Galloway Standard
  • They must all think me crazy and beyond help. 出自: D. Wigoder
  • He felt as though he were in a strange country without any maps to help him. 出自: G. Greene
  • Help! I've a bee in my hair! 出自: Day Lewis
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