

[?'l??n]     [?'lo?n]    
  • adj. 單獨的;獨自一人的;孤單的
  • adv. 獨自地;僅僅



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 只,只有, 單,僅,僅僅,單單[用在名詞或代詞后面]
  2. 單獨的,獨自的
  3. 孤獨的,孤單的,孤零零的
  4. 獨一無二的,唯一的
adv. (副詞)
  1. 單獨地,獨自地
  2. 只,單,只有,僅僅
  3. 唯一
  4. 孤零地,孤單地,孤獨地


adj. (形容詞)
  1. [P]單獨的; 獨一無二的 apart from other persons or things; solitary; without anyone else; without anything more; unique
  2. [A]僅僅,唯一,只有 only; just
adv. (副詞)
  1. 單獨地,獨自地 without or separated from others
  2. 僅,只 only; exclusively


  1. isolated from others;

    "could be alone in a crowded room"
    "was alone with her thoughts"
    "I want to be alone"

  2. lacking companions or companionship;

    "he was alone when we met him"
    "she is alone much of the time"
    "the lone skier on the mountain"
    "a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel"
    "a lonely soul"
    "a solitary traveler"

  3. exclusive of anyone or anything else;

    "she alone believed him"
    "cannot live by bread alone"
    "I'll have this car and this car only"

  4. radically distinctive and without equal;

    "he is alone in the field of microbiology"
    "this theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem"
    "Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint"
    "craftsmen whose skill is unequaled"
    "unparalleled athletic ability"
    "a breakdown of law unparalleled in our history"

  1. without any others being included or involved;

    "was entirely to blame"
    "a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children"
    "he works for Mr. Smith exclusively"
    "did it solely for money"
    "the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone"
    "a privilege granted only to him"

  2. without anybody else or anything else;

    "the child stayed home alone"
    "the pillar stood alone, supporting nothing"
    "he flew solo"



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. Tom is not alone in finding Rick hard to work with.
  2. I was alone in the classroom.
  3. To tell you the truth, I don't feel like being alone tonight.
用作副詞 (adv.)
  1. After tea I wandered alone about the town.
  2. You can't live on bread alone.


用作形容詞 (adj.)
leave〔let〕 alone
    更不用說,還不算 not to mention or say nothing of, certainly not
    leave〔let〕 sb/sth alone Let me alone! 別理我! Let the boy alone.He's hurting nobody. 不要想太多哪個兒童,他會致傷的。 Leave them alone to their discussion. 別干涉他,叫他我自己計劃方案吧。 Let him alone to do that! 任他自我去做吧。 Let my things alone! 別動我的玩意。 How can you let it alone? 你該如何能就算呢? Some people can never let things alone. 會有一些人做事都想干預。 She wants to think things out quietly, so we had better leave her alone. 她要僻靜地思考一下吧,盡量別打擾了她。 I'm anxious about leaving him alone in the temple. 讓他們一種人呆在廟里,我很放心不下。 The principal is busy at his desk; you'd better leave him alone. 院長現在伏案疾書,你更好別打擾到他。 Leave the cat alone! 別惹那只貓! Leave that bottle alone; there is oil in it. 別碰那叫一個塑料瓶子,邊有油。 leave〔let〕 alone sth We can't afford a bicycle, let alone a car. 他們連立即車也買不了,更不使用說汽車汽車了。 She can't find money for necessities, let alone such luxuries as wine and tobacco. 她連買必要品的錢都不存在,去那里談得上買酒類類事的獨有品呢。 It is not all of us who are born with the gift of handling normal children, let alone those of subnormal intelligence. 并是小編任何的人都與生俱來都有工作經營健康嬰幼兒的才會,更不要用說工作經營哪些嬰兒智力底于常人的嬰幼兒了。 He doesn't even speak his own language well, let alone French. 母國語他都說不當,更并非提法文了。 leave〔let〕 alone to/-v He can't add two and two, let alone do fractions. 他連二加二都會,更不要用說做高考分數題了。 I couldn't afford to rent a house like that, let alone buy it. 像那種的房子買去我連租都租不易,更不如說買。 I'm so sick today that I couldn't walk as far as the kitchen, let alone go to the zoo with you. 我現在病得連餐廳那麼遠都走不要動,更不需要說我陪你逛動物園了。 He did not speak to me, leave alone help me. 他連話都沒跟我問,更別談益處我了。 He won't even thank you, leave alone pay you. 他連謝都不是謝,甭說結算給你們了。 let alone prep\u002e-phrase His cabin is uninhabitable in summer, let alone in winter. 他的小屋連夏季都不太好住,更不用了說在初冬住了。
let〔leave〕 well〔enough〕 alone
    安于現狀就已經行了,再搞反而會弄巧成拙了 be satisfied with conditions and not change them; do nothing else for fear of spoiling sth
stand alone
    突出,杰出 be better, higher or bigger


用作形容詞 (adj.)
名詞+~ 動詞+~ 副詞+~ ~+介詞
用作副詞 (adv.)


  • Alone on a wide wide sea! 出自: Coleridge
  • I am left alone in the sitting, With none to sit beside. 出自: J. M. Faulkner
  • This morning Pancrazio and Giovanni had gone off somewhere, Alvina and Cicio were alone on the place. 出自: D. H. Lawrence
  • Two rather alone people. 出自: E. Bowen
  • The whiteness of the cup, standing alone on the grass, is dazzling. 出自: Day Lewis
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