

[e?m]     [e?m]    
  • n. 目標;對準;槍法
  • vt. 瞄準;針對
  • vi. 瞄準;旨在;致力
aimed aimed aiming aims



n. (名詞)
  1. 目標,目的,靶子
  2. 瞄準,瞄準的方向,照準
  3. 宗旨,志向,方針
  4. 導航,引導
  5. 感應
  6. 企圖,意圖,打算
  7. 猜想,推測
abbr. (縮略詞)
  1. =Accuracy In Media 平均精度
  2. =American Indian Movement 美國印第安人運動
  3. =air intercept missile 空中截擊導彈
v. (動詞)
  1. (把…)瞄準,(把…)對準,( 將…)針對
  2. 旨在,致力,目的是
  3. 以…用于
  4. 把...指向,把…擲向
  5. 指望
  6. 主要,著眼,立志,以…為目標
  7. 對象是
  8. 打算,意欲,企圖
  9. 力求達到,力爭做到


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (以…)瞄準; 針對 point (a gun etc.) towards; send, direct a blow or object at sb/sth
  2. vt. & vi. 以…為目標〔目的〕 have as an intention; try, direct one's efforts
  3. vt. & vi. 計劃,打算 hope to reach one's purpose; plan
n. (名詞)
  1. [U]瞄準 the act of directing weapon, etc. at object; the act of aiming
  2. [C]目標,目的 purpose, intention, goal, target


  1. an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions;

    "his intent was to provide a new translation"
    "good intentions are not enough"
    "it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs"
    "he made no secret of his designs"

  2. the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable);

    "the sole object of her trip was to see her children"

  3. the action of directing something at an object;

    "he took aim and fired"

  4. the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
  1. point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards;

    "Please don't aim at your little brother!"
    "He trained his gun on the burglar"
    "Don't train your camera on the women"
    "Take a swipe at one's opponent"

  2. propose or intend;

    "I aim to arrive at noon"

  3. move into a desired direction of discourse;

    "What are you driving at?"

  4. specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public
  5. intend (something) to move towards a certain goal;

    "He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face"
    "criticism directed at her superior"
    "direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself"

  6. direct (a remark) toward an intended goal;

    "She wanted to aim a pun"

  7. have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. What is your aim in life?
  2. The aim of the policy is the preservation of peace.
  3. Take careful aim at the target before firing.
  4. The shooter's aim was perfect.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. The policeman aimed his gun at the fugitive.
  2. This anti-alcohol campaign is mainly aimed at young teenagers.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. You have to aim at the centre of the target.
  2. He aims to be a successful writer.
  3. We aim for a quick turnover of stock in our stores.
  4. We aim to speed up our delivery times.


用作動詞 (v.)
aim at (v.+prep.)
    計劃,打算 try, direct one's efforts; hope to reach one's purpose
    aim at sb/sth/v-ing He drew his pistol and aimed at the enemy soldier. 他拔出來槍貼緊敵兵。 They raised their guns and aimed at the enemies' backs. 他端起槍,選擇了大量敵軍的胸口。 Mr. Abye was not a good hunter. He aimed at a rabbit, but hit a bird. 艾比工程師非是個好捕獵者,他選擇了只免子,卻打爆了只鳥。 He forced himself to breathe slowly, and aimed at the tiger's head. 他精力使我人工呼吸自然,甩槍了虎頭。 When shooting an arrow, one must aim at the target. 阿膠要擺正靶。 He aimed at the target and hit three bull's eyes in succession. 他精確受眾,三槍連中靶心。 I didn't mean to hit the cat,I was aiming at the tree. 我沒感悟到打爆貓,我自動瞄準的是樹。 In saying this,I'm not aiming at you. 我這樣的話是針對性你覺得的。 What are you aiming at by saying that? 你這般說的是想何在? We aim at success in the examination. .我必要性有賴于在考考試中成功的。 We are aiming at a higher production level. 我們大家重在不斷提高生產方式平均水平。 This dictionary aims at explaining the most common mistakes in word use. 本字典從而原因分析言詞上較易犯的弊病。 The factory must aim at increasing production. 廠家要以高產為原則。 This book aims at giving a general outline of the subject. 此文廣泛宣傳對這種相關問題不予闡述。 This education aimed at combining brain work with manual labour. 本次培養的作用重在做到大腦勞功與休力勞功的通過。 aim sth at sb/sth She aimed a revolver at me. 她用左輪手槍精確我。 The detective aimed his pistol at the criminal. 偵探把他的手槍緊貼罪犯。 He aimed his gun at the lion, fired and missed. 他把槍擋住老虎獅子,開過火,但沒打穿。 Aim the gun at the barn door. 用槍點射谷倉的門。 You will have to aim your gun more carefully at the chosen object. 你得更細致入微地瞄準器,把槍對準激光指定的個人目標。 I walked over and saw him aiming his home-made gun at a hole. 我陪你走去看著別用他們做的槍正對床一些洞瞄人。 The big boy aimed a blow at me. 有個大個男生朝我接來一巴掌。 He picked up a stone and aimed it at the dog. 他撿起來一方面寶石朝狗打去。 Tom got angry at his brother and aimed a heavy book at his head. 湯姆對他親侄兒氣急敗壞,手拿著一張很厚書對標親侄兒的頭擲去。 My remark was not aimed at you. 我的議論性并非針對于你的。 His criticism was obviously aimed at us. 他的提意見可是是重要性我們的的。 His speech was aimed at the boys who had not played fair. 我男朋友的是哪些地方沒嚴肅認真創意表演的胎兒們。 The judge's remarks were aimed at the journalists who were reporting the case. 司法的點評是采取現在通訊稿該案的新聞記者們講的。 This anti-smoking campaign is mainly aimed at young teenagers. 今天湖北力威汽車有限公司反酗酒運作主要是是面向青小孩的。 When the teacher said there was a lazy boy in the class, he was aiming at Jack. 教研員說小班還有懶幼兒,他指的是杰克。 We all realized who that remark was aimed at. 公司心扉都懂得這句是沖別說的。 I don't know at whom the Minister's remarks were aimed, but he ought not to say such thing. 你不解道組織部長的那番話是對於誰的,但他不肯定說這些話。 The visit was aimed at expanding relations between the two countries. 網絡訪問的必要性是延伸中美的原因。 The offensive is aimed at gaining complete control of route 7. 打火這件事攻戰的的是要徹底調整第7號機耕路。 The statement was aimed at raising his personal prestige. 刊發這款宣稱僅僅想要從而提高他每個人的威信和權威。 The new decree is aimed at stopping the black market in Western merchandise. 新法案從而禁止進入東西方商品的黑市。 aim at sth/v-ing He aimed at the apple and orange. 他要想蘋果7和橘子。 He aims at perfection in everything he does. 他每干一類事都要求干得盡心竭力。 Harry aims at becoming a doctor. 哈利志向做我的理想主任醫師。 You should always aim at doing your job well. 你承載力求時常加強本營業員作。 If the people aim at obtaining some advantage in rank or fortune, nobody wishes them success. 倘若許多人一心一意想升官發橫財,是無人但愿它們出色的。 Others Finally in 1863 an insurrection broke out, aiming at independence. 總于在186兩年席卷了致力于經濟獨立的起義軍。 Everything aimed at has now been achieved . 所有的的目的早己完成。
aim for (v.+prep.)
    計劃,打算 hope to reach one's purpose
    aim for sth He aimed for her leg. 他妄圖盯住她的腿。 We should aim for the best results. 自己注重賺取最好結果顯示。 She aims for perfection. 她從而希望變成 一些圓滿的人。 We're aiming for complete enrollment. 我也希望所有 下載。 She was aiming for the top in her career. 她立身攀爬事業上的的顛峰。 It soon became clear that he was aiming for a directorship. 他想當社長的目的越快便看得清了。 We aim for the completion of the task by the end of the year. 人們的最終能夠意圖是最遲年中做完這種事業。
用作名詞 (n.)
give aim
    報告射靶結果 report the results of shooting, standing aside far away
have an aim
    有目標,有雄心 have purpose, have ambition
take aim (at)
    瞄準 get ready to hit
with the aim of
    以…為目標,其目的是為了 as a purpose with sth
without aim
    無目的 no purpose


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ ~+介詞


  • A garish flag To be the aim of every dangerous shot. 出自:Richard III , Shakespeare
  • I asked her who had taught her to aim so well. 出自: J. Rhys
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