

[?'ɡri?]     [?'ɡri?]    
  • v. 同意;贊成;承認;符合;一致
agreed agreed agreeing agrees



v. (動詞)
  1. 同意,贊成,贊同
  2. 約定,商定
  3. 相符,符合,相同
  4. 意見一致, 意見相合
  5. 相宜,適合,合適,適宜,相合
  6. 和睦相處
  7. 接受
  8. 承認(適合)
  9. 認為正確無誤
  10. 調合,使...達到一致
  11. 【語法】一致
  12. <英>對...達成令人滿意的協議
  13. 答應,應允,批準


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 同意,答應; 意見一致,達成協議; 贊成,商定 say “Yes”, accept an idea, opinion, etc. especially after unwillingness or argument; have or share the same opinion, feeling or purpose; be in harmony; approve; consent to do sth
  2. vi. 合得來,和睦相處 (of two or more persons) be happy together; get on well with one another without arguing, etc.
  3. vi. 與…相符(一致),適合,符合 be in agreement with; be in accordance with, be the same as; conform; suit e.g. the health or constitution


  1. be in accord; be in agreement;

    "We agreed on the terms of the settlement"
    "I can't agree with you!"
    "I hold with those who say life is sacred"
    "Both philosophers concord on this point"

  2. consent or assent to a condition, or agree to do something;

    "She agreed to all my conditions"
    "He agreed to leave her alone"

  3. be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics;

    "The two stories don't agree in many details"
    "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"
    "The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun"

  4. go together;

    "The colors don't harmonize"
    "Their ideas concorded"

  5. show grammatical agreement;

    "Subjects and verbs must always agree in English"

  6. be agreeable or suitable;

    "White wine doesn't agree with me"

  7. achieve harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose;

    "No two of my colleagues would agree on whom to elect chairman"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. We agreed to leave at once.
  2. I, for my part, totally agree with you.
  3. I didn't agree from the very beginning.
  4. We must agree to differ on this.
  5. Spicy food does not agree with me.
  6. The witnesses' statements just don't agree with each other.


用作動詞 (v.)
agree about (v.+prep.)
    對某事〔物〕有同樣看法,就某事取得一致意見 have the same opinion about sth
    agree about sb/sth Both the parties agreed about that. 彼此此事意見表相符。 They never agree about politics. 自己在政冶學術觀點上也不共同。 Have you agreed about the price yet? 你們之間就成本的問題確立合同了呢? We agreed about some books and disagreed about others. 對有的書企業的意見和建議有的是致的,對另外一只些則以免。 “So we are agreed about that,” said he. “Gentlemen —you hear?” “那么的讓我們的個人意見相符了,”再說,“女士們,各位聽到哪天?” agree about wh-clause They could not agree about who should do the work. 我們對誰該做一項事業,其征求意見不不對。
agree in (v.+prep.)
    在…方面一致,在…方面意見相同 be of the same opinion in sth
    agree in sb/sth I do not agree in their method. 我也贊成孩子們的技巧。 We all agree in everything. 他們消費者在那些的故障上征求意見都同步。 These motions all agree in time. 那些行動全均在時間段上相同一。 These words agree in the idea of happiness. 那些詞還有甜蜜之意。 The two steamers agree in every detail. 這兩條線船仍然一個。 There is one point in which they all agree. 還有一個點大家也是致容易的。 agree in v-ing People there agreed in disliking such things. 那邊的人不太熱愛如此一來的事實。 They all agreed in finding the accused man guilty. 你同樣覺得被告有罪。 They are agreed in having another try. 自己同一再試每次。 We all agree in adopting the new teaching method. 各位一致性同意書通過新的教學方式方法方式方法。
agree on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    對某事〔物〕有同樣看法,商定〔同意〕某事或商定做某事 have the same opinion about sth; decide on sth or doing sth
    agree on〔upon〕 sth They agreed on a date for the next meeting. 它們就之后電視電話會議的期限促成了合同協議。 They agreed on a cease fire. 它們就停火現象已達成合同。 If we cannot agree on a simple matter of that kind, we can never agree upon anything of importance. 若是 我們都連此類簡單易行的原因都達形成合同范本,重大安全事故的原因就更算不上了。 After a long discussion the delegates agreed on the final document. 經過了長時長研討會,代表英語們統一按照了接下來文件格式。 Finally they agreed upon a detailed plan of work. 末尾我們就詳細的的崗位規劃獲得了一大致意見。 They finally agreed upon the terms of the contract. 它們之后就合同書合同法促成了協義。 The committee agreed upon the following articles. 理事會會就中所具體條件要先拿到了了致意見。 We have agreed on the price for the second-hand car. 這舊車的市場價我們大家已簽下。 The two sides have agreed on the date of negotiations. 兩人洽談了洽談起止日期。 We have agreed on Spain for our holiday next year. 我們的已談判2022年去比利時蜜月旅行。 Let us agree upon one thing. 叫大家談判一條事。 Both governments were agreed on the necessity of increasing trade. 中國俄羅斯當地政府都指出有必不可少發展國際貿易。 But there is one thing we are agreed on. 但一點各位的征求意見是是一樣的的。 The terms of peace have not been agreed upon. 和諧不平等條約尚無商議。 As soon as the details had been agreed upon, the results would be proclaimed. 一經小技巧間題有一致性意見建議,導致將給以每天。 The day has been agreed upon for the meeting. 會議的時間日期已商議好。 agree on〔upon〕 v-ing They agreed on going. 其認同去。 We agreed on making an early start. 讓我們同樣早動身。 agree on〔upon〕 wh-to-v They agreed on how to evacuate the civilians from the island. 這些 就怎樣退守小島的人獲得半個致意見。
agree to (v.+prep.)
    同意,贊成,同意照辦 consent, approve, promise to follow sth
    agree to sth Do you agree to the plan? 你一致同意這一記劃嗎? I told him about my plan and he at once agreed to it. 把我預計告誡他,他以后就同樣了。 We agreed to their proposal. 我們都準許了許多人的最好。 Please agree to the arrangement. 請提出申請此項組織。 They were ready to agree to a peaceful settlement of the dispute. 她們的準備愿意友好完成這類糾紛。 Under no circumstances can we agree to such a principle. 在所有的前提下他們都不許同意書這一種規范。 Mary's father has agreed to her wish to marry John. 瑪麗渴望嫁給了蓋倫,她生父都已經統一。 All the arrangements have been agreed to. 任何的安裝都接受了。 After much argument, his proposal was finally agreed to. 路過有很多分歧以后,他的推薦 我己的根據。 Terms for the settlement of the dispute have now been agreed to. 避免這一案下條件早已談判。 agree to sb/sb's v-ing He did not agree to Eason taking up the job. 他不贊成伊森負擔這方面做工作。 agree to wh-clause I agree to what you say. 也許的我征得。
agree with (v.+prep.)
    (氣候、食物等)適合于 suit the health of sb
    agree with sb/sth I agree entirely with you. 我完成同一你的錯誤認識。 In a way I agree with Mary. 在一些角度我同一瑪麗的指導意見。 In the main,I agree with Edward. 我基礎上拒絕愛德華的個人意見。 I agree with you, but with some reservation. 我簽字你的指導意見,但有其他恢復。 I cannot agree with either side. 兩人之間的意見與建議你就不批準。 I agree with this heartily. 我真心誠意地同情這些。 Most of us do not agree with your opinions. 我們公司通常基本上人不準許你的建議。 I agreed with your estimate of the situation. 我認同你對局面的確定。 Do you agree with what he said? 我男朋友的你愿意嗎? I quite agree with what you say. 我截然征得你要說的。 agree with sb about sth I agree with him about the way of solving the problem. 我許可他的防止狀況的方式。 She agrees with him about this matter. 她與他在這方面上工作建議完全一致。 I don't agree with you altogether about the two poems in the letter. 針對信中的兩首詩,我和我你的談談完全多種。 I agree with you about its being a mistake. 這都是一家錯識,此類我同你觀點是一樣的。 agree with sb in sth/v-ing I agree with you in your views. 我準許你的辯證法。 I agree with you in thinking that he had forgotten it. 我和老師你同一個表示他把這種事情想不起來。 I don't agree with her in buying children expensive presents. 我就容易她給小朋友們買價格昂貴的禮物推薦。 agree with sb on sth I quite agree with you on that point. 我和我你在哪有一點上意見與建議充分不同。 They agreed with us on some matters. 在些事件上兩人完全同意他們。 I do not agree with you on many things. 在許多大問題上我同你有什么隔閡。 agree with sb that-clause I think you will agree with me that the situation is improving. 我不想你能允許我的認識,局勢尚未變好。 She agreed with me that we must go out there immediately. 她我和她建議相符,他們大概立刻到哪兒去。 agree with sb/sth His explanation agrees with the facts of the situation. 他的描述與實情相符合。 This bill does not agree with our original estimate. 這樣帳單與我們公司越來所基本上的有入出。 Your story agrees with his in everything except some small details. 拿來一個小細節點,你的說明性與他的吻合。 This picture does not agree very well with the original. 這張畫與原創作品頗為相同之處。 Your story does not agree with what I have already heard. 你講的時候我和她所傳來的不一致。 agree with sb Shanghai does not agree with me; I like Beijing better. 重慶于我不不宜,我更青睞上海。 Paris does not agree with her. 她不適應在倫敦日常生活。 The climate here agrees very well with me. 這里的自然環境氣候你和很是相宜。 That hot, damp climate did not agree with me. 我并不融入一些熱而受潮的環境。 Too much meat does not agree with her. 吃不要的肉對她的體魄不是宜。 Nothing agrees with me more than lobsters. 我非常感興趣吃的莫有一些小龍蝦了。 Milk does not agree with me. 羊奶不符合我饑餓感。 This wine is too strong; it does not agree with me. 這酒太烈,我承受沒法。 Late hours do not agree with me. 我沒有喜歡熬夜,晚睡。 That kind of life did not agree with him. 哪個性生活他過不出。 The medicine agrees with the patient. 這藥對這是我們是適用于的。 Long plane trips do not agree with them. 孩子們不合轉變包車客機出行。 The verb agrees with its subject in number and person. 謂語形容詞的數和第二人稱與之主語相高度。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Some troublous uprore, Whereto he drew in haste it to agree. 出自: Spenser
  • Did I for this agree The solemn truce? 出自: Pope
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