

[e?k]     [e?k]    
  • n. 痛;隱痛
  • vi. 渴望;痛
ached ached aching aches



n. (名詞)
  1. 疼痛
  2. 惆悵
  3. 乙酰膽堿脂酶
  4. 隱痛
  5. 渴望
  6. 想念
v. (動詞)
  1. 疼痛
  2. 感到痛苦
  3. 渴望
  4. 懷想
  5. 巴望
  6. 迫切
  7. 哀痛
  8. 沉痛
  9. 發酸
  10. 發痠
  11. <口>極為想念
  12. 同情
  13. 憐憫
  14. 隱痛
  15. 感覺疼痛
  16. 思慕


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 隱隱作痛 have or suffer a continuous, but not violent, pain
  2. vi. 渴望 long for; want very much to do or have sth, especially when it is impossible
n. (名詞)
  1. [U][C]疼痛 a continuous, but not violent, pain
  2. [U][C]渴望 (mainly literary) a strong feeling that you want sth that you cannot have


  1. a dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain
  1. feel physical pain;

    "Were you hurting after the accident?"

  2. have a desire for something or someone who is not present;

    "She ached for a cigarette"
    "I am pining for my lover"

  3. be the source of pain



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. There was a little ache in her fancy of all he described.
  2. You'll make your back ache if you carry those heavy buckets.
  3. He felt a dull ache in his shoulder.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. Even though women may ache for love, they carry around an inner evaluator who asks, Can I count on this man?
  2. That vague sweetness made my heart ache with longing and it seemed to me that it was the eager breath of the summer seeking for its completion.
  3. The universal stare made the eyes ache.
  4. My tennis elbow began to ache again.


用作動詞 (v.)
ache for (v.+prep.)
    渴望,想念 long for
    ache for sb Her heart aches for the homeless children. 她悲憫一些無家可歸的學生。 Her heart ached for the starving refugees. 她從內心深處憐惜哪些忍饑餓肚子的難民們。 My heart aches for you. 我很心疼你你。 She ached for the hurt little dog. 她心痛那只負傷的小狗。 The workers' hearts ached for him and they begged him to wear gloves to prevent any more gashes. 建筑工人們都心痛他,勸他勞務時戴練手套盡量劃痕。 ache for sb/sth All of us are aching for him. 公司大眾全在惦記他。 He is aching for his mother. 他懷念他的我媽媽。 Her heart aches for her husband. 她的內心懷念著她的老婆。 Gara was aching for a cigarette. 加拉盼望能抽支煙。 All winter Imes has been aching for sunshine. 一部分秋季艾姆斯都期盼著晴天的季節。 I was aching for home. 我老想到家。 The lonely girl aches for home. 哪幾個孤寂的女孩兒想要出個家。 The children ached for a sight of the parade. 孩童們渴求聽到游行。 We ached for his friendship. 小編需求他的友好。 His heart aches for her love. 他向往能夠 她的愛。
My heart aches for you!
    太可憐了!My heart bleeds for you!
用作名詞 (n.)
aches and pains
    全身疼痛 pains all over sb's body


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • Does not your heart ake for your Harriet? 出自: S. Richardson
  • I ached to see that race. 出自: Sherwood Anderson
  • The joints in his knees ached. 出自: T. Sharpe
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