

[ra?t]     [ra?t]    
  • v. 寫;書寫;填寫;作曲
wrote written/writ writing writes



v. (動詞)
  1. 著作,寫作,創作,寫文章,作文書
  2. 寫(草)字,書寫,用手寫,寫下
  3. 填寫
  4. 作曲
  5. 寫,記,錄,抄,謄
  6. 簽發,簽訂,簽署
  7. 銘記(心中),留印象于,使留下印記
  8. 【計】寫入
  9. 存入
  10. 寫印
  11. 編寫
  12. 寫信說,寫信給,寫信
  13. 致函(某機構)
  14. 把...描寫成,稱...為
  15. 顯露
  16. 記錄下來,記下
  17. 打下來
  18. 拼寫
  19. 能用通信
  20. 作抄寫員
  21. 寫得…,寫成...樣子
n. (名詞)
  1. 存入,存儲
  2. 登記
  3. 填寫
  4. 記載


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 寫 draw on a surface, especially with a pen or pencil on paper
  2. vt. 寫信 compose (a letter), and usually post it


  1. produce a literary work;

    "She composed a poem"
    "He wrote four novels"

  2. communicate or express by writing;

    "Please write to me every week"

  3. have (one's written work) issued for publication;

    "How many books did Georges Simenon write?"
    "She published 25 books during her long career"

  4. communicate (with) in writing;

    "Write her soon, please!"

  5. communicate by letter;

    "He wrote that he would be coming soon"

  6. write music;

    "Beethoven composed nine symphonies"

  7. mark or trace on a surface;

    "The artist wrote Chinese characters on a big piece of white paper"
    "Russian is written with the Cyrillic alphabet"

  8. record data on a computer;

    "boot-up instructions are written on the hard disk"

  9. write or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word);

    "He spelled the word wrong in this letter"

  10. create code, write a computer program;

    "She writes code faster than anybody else"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I've been writing for three hours.
  2. Nature inspired him to write such beautiful poems.
  3. But there are some parts of the world where even now people cannot write.
  4. The new doctor smiled smugly as he continued to write on his clipboard.
  5. Britten was born in 1913 and began to write music while he was still very young.


用作動詞 (v.)
write about (v.+prep.)
    寫…的事; 寫到…; 把(某事)作為寫作的主題 write of; write on; have sb/sth as the subject of writing
    write about sb/sth He hoped they would write objectively about China. 他期待它們能直接地有關報道國的現象。 And now Gogarty writes about food difficulties in his town. 當前戈格堤來訪談及到自己市區糧食谷物很難的間題。 Harry wrote about his adventures in the war every week. 當年哈里每個禮拜都寫他在戰事中的什么機緣。
write against (v.+prep.)
    寫(文章)反對(某事或某人) oppose sb/sth in writing
    write against sb/sth You can be imprisoned for writing against the government. 你寫好文章發對現政府會出獄的。
write away (v.+adv.)
    連續寫作 write continuously
    write away for sth He wrote away for some catalogues. 他去信索賠部分索引本。 They wrote away for a fresh supply of penicillin. 她們發信要再出售一些青霉素。 write away to-v I've written away to order the second edition of the dictionary. 我已發信夠買該漢語詞典的第2版。 write away She wrote away all day, filling page after page. 她寫沒事頁又新發現的頁,一共整整寫沒事天。 Don't interrupt him; he's been writing away all morning and likes to have a long period free of other considerations. 別不打擾他,他全部整個中午也在伏案寫作方面,他想要也可以長事件全神貫注地工作任務。
write back (v.+adv.)
    回信reply by letter
    write back Please write back as soon as possible. 請更好地回信。 As we expected,Jim wrote back straight away to turn down our request. 盡管讓咱們所出乎預料到的,吉姆實時回信拒絕接受了讓咱們的需求。 He writes me a letter every day, but I don't write back very often. 他每次要我寫信,但我就不常幫他回信。 write sb ? back I received Mum's letter two weeks ago, but I couldn't write her back until the term exam. 我三周前做到孕媽的信,但我去期未考題考試題前不可能給她回信。 write back that-clause She has just written back that she's too busy to get away. 她剛回了信,說自身忙得走不下。
write down (v.+adv.)
    貶低(地位、重要性等)reduce (position or value)
    write sth ? down Another wrote down his sincere wish in the visitors' book,“May our friendship last forever!” 另個人們在留下聯系方式簿上寫出了他誠懇的奮斗目標:“祝人們的友好萬古長青!” He has written down many of the things he has learned from them in scientific papers. 他把從大家 哪里有學些的不少知識寫進了他的科學合理論文提綱。 If I didn't write them down,I might forget all about them. 幫我是不是寫道來,我會會全忘卻。 What you've said has been written down.Sign your name at the bottom of the paper. 你所謂的往往都被的記錄下邊,在這兒張紙的下邊簽想要你的名稱。 write sb down as n\u002e/adj\u002e Don't write me down as a fool! 別就將我當瘸子! You say he is clever, but I'd write him down as ignorant. 跟我說他聰明伶俐,我可以為他很愚昧無知。 write sb/sth ? down Though several critics have tried to write down the play, it is still very popular. 也許有2個教育批評家極力貶低這出戲,它卻仍然很受感謝。
write for (v.+prep.)
    寫信要求提供(貨物、信息等) order sth such as goods, information, etc. by post
    write for sb/sth Do you like writing for children? 你想要為小朋友創作嗎? write sth for sb/sth Part of the secretary's job is to write short reports for the director. 女秘書的運行玩法一種是為重任寫簡短的情況匯報。 The great musician wrote simple pieces for his young wife, when she was learning to play. 這個先進的音樂英文家的年經女兒學習培訓合奏時,他為她寫了兩段簡便的純音樂。 write for sth She wrote for fun for many years before starting to write seriously for a living. 在她開始了正正兒八經的經地為維持生計而寫作考試文剛剛,有非常二十多年她以寫作考試文自娛。 write for sth After writing for the theatre for many years, he turned to the art of film. 他任職中國戲劇寫作技巧幾年最后,又剛剛開始搞國外電影藝術家。 write for sth Have you written for the booklist yet? 你已然寫信要書單什么時候?
write home about (v.+adv.+prep.)
    值得大書特書be sth especially remarkable
    write home about sth The entertainment at the party was something to write home about. 聯歡現場的真人秀節目是很值得一看夸贊的。 His cooking is really something to write home about. 他的烹調技藝是了不易。 The play was something to write home about . 那出戲火爆無比。 He told us that the exhibition was not bad, but it was nothing to write home about. 他說出.我說,展覽館會還非常不錯,但并沒得一些特備誘惑人的地方。 The play was OK,I suppose, but nothing much to write home about. 我在想這出戲可以,但如果沒有哪種可以大書特書的。 I've been busy, but nothing to write home about. 剛想直很閑,卻都沒有忙出個名堂來。 I had a dull week—nothing to write home about. 這款個禮拜真沒勁——枯燥乏味無比。 I've had a look at the dresses in the new boutique, but they're nothing to write home about. 我瞧好幾回眼老年婦女時裝搭配的日用品小商城的那兩三件新衣裳,我們并不什么樣。
write in (v.+adv.)
    將…插寫進去insert in a written text
    write in To expose the corrupt dealings, you may write in to the reporting center. 你比如想披露一些貪腐方式,可給上告中間寫信。 Some senior students wrote in asking for information concerning postgraduate studies. 些4年級組中學生寫信打聽業內研究探討生課程培訓的信心。 write sth ? in He wrote in an additional paragraph at the editor's request. 他應編輯器的規范添加好幾個小段加寫的文字框。 Any alterations should be written in neatly to the left side. 改變那部分應英文書寫清新,插在正文的左面。
write into (v.+prep.)
    寫進include sth in a written text
    write sth into sth That's only someone's personal opinion, we don't have to write it into the document. 那僅是其他人的我們意見建議,我們一起無須把它寫進文書里。 We will sign the agreement on condition that not a single word of racial discrimination is written into it. 咱們簽署的必要條件是其中有職業岐視的話題都無法寫入,合同書。
write off (v.+adv.)
    毀掉; 結束掉damage sth badly
    write sth ? off He wrote off three letters within ten minutes. 他在極其鐘內一次子寫了三封信。 She has written off an account of her trip. 她一嘴氣把旋行所感寫了出來了。 write sb/sth ? off It may not be a bad thing that they write off their marriage before it begins. 大家 定親前斷決了的聯系,這只是壞人壞事。 Do you think we'd better write off the party? 你老覺人們該被取消今天湖北力威汽車有限公司朋友聚餐? They wrote the team off just because the boys of the team were too young. 自己全部取消這隊,實際上是因為隊里的小哥子們太年輕有為。 write sb/sth ? off as n\u002e/adj She has made such a poor showing in her work lately that we have to write her off as negligible for the post. 近日來她的運作表面很爛,我國夠了觀點她未資格考試出任此職。 They wrote the meeting off as a failure. 這些 相信年會放得是失敗的的。 write sth ? off They wrote the car off. 兩人將那輛車子徹底報廢了。 He wrote off a pretty shabby kind of life by killing himself. 他以自殺身亡截止了他那相同不說散就散的這一生。 In the accident, the car was almost completely written off and the driver was seriously injured. 在那次重大事故中,氣車基本上充分摧毀,專用車司機受了殘廢。 The plane was completely written off and the pilot died. 直升機全毀,行駛員死亡。
write out (v.+adv.)
    使(自己)竭盡才智無可再寫 exhaust the ideas or resources of (oneself) by writing all one has to say
    write sth ? out My mother always writes out a shopping list before she goes shopping, but she never uses it while shopping. 我爹媽去網上選購前總要寫一篇網上選購明細清單表,但買物品時她不肯看。 He wrote out the agreement after its terms had been agreed to by both parties. 合同書協議范本經彼此拒絕后,他把合同書的論文寫了除了。 The director has asked me to write out a report of the decisions taken at last committee meeting. 主任醫師還要我寫1分針對再次常務委員會議平板上添出的多種決定的的評估。 The department requested that all teaching practice reports be written out before the end of the month. 系里請求幾乎所有的課堂實訓情況匯報要在月底前寫完。 When the document is written out you may send it off. 文件夾繕寫之后后你啊以把它看到去。 write sb ? out They've written me out!The character I was playing dies in the third part! 你準備我下了場!我所出演的腳色在該劇的最后一起壞了! write oneself ? out The author seems to have written himself out. 這作者好像開始江郎才盡,從來寫沒有物質來了一。 The poet had written himself out before he was 30, and produced no other good poems for the rest of his long life. 那著名詩人在40歲之前就早已智窮才盡,在他需要不斷堅持的后半生沒了描寫一些好的詩作。
write to (v.+prep.)
    按照(計劃或規定,如時間、篇幅等的安排)來寫plan one's writing of sth so as to fit or obey a plan or limit, as of time or length
    write to sb/sth He never failed to write to his mother every week. 他從末錯過過本周給自己父親母親寫信。 You're expected to write to us as soon as possible. 渴望你更快給他們寫信。 I've been battling with my conscience for several days, and now I know I have to write to you. 三天來我就直在與情懷搏斗,現今我清楚我需求幫你寫信。 I shall write to them on hearing from you. 等發來你的信最后,我就不給她們寫信。 I intend to write to the shop asking for an explanation of this bill. 打了算給哪所零售店去函需求這些定義這張帳單。 write to sb to-v He decided to write to the Ministry of Health to come. 他考慮給健康部寫信,要處長來。 write sth to sb You haven't written one letter to me since the summer! 入夏建國以來,還沒了你給我讀過封信! write sth to sb Words have now been written to that well-known piece of music. 那首著明的樂曲現今已填完了英文歌詞。 write sth to sb/sth He wrote poem after poem to her beauty. 他寫半個首首詩來贊頌她的最美。 The book was written to his children. 這哲學書是現給他的孩童們的。 write to sth Writing to a contract date is the only way some writers would ever finish a book. 都按照合同書上約定的年月日交稿就是一些專家能寫完一部分書的并不是經由。 It is good practice to write to a certain length. 依照規定一段的總長度使用論文寫作有的是種好的訓練。 write sth to sth The article should be written to a careful plan. 這篇小文章還應決定周全的進度表去寫。
write up (v.+adv.)
    全部寫出,充實報道make a full written record
    write sth ? up The first thing he does after class is to write up the rough notes he makes in class. 他課下做的首個件事即是歸置課上潦草的摘記。 Mr. Black wrote up their acting in the play. 布萊克叔叔寫篇文章贊許這些在這款劇里的表演。 They wrote up the affair in the papers. 其在書刊雜志上對事情來了實時渲染。 Our experiment was written up into a report. 當我們的調查已改寫評估報告。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The cuneiform inscription is written in the Babylonian language. 出自:British Museum Magazine
  • Roll on, thou..dark blue Ocean!..Time writes no wrinkle on thy azure brow. 出自: fig.
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