

['wee?(r)]     ['wee?r]    
  • n. 天氣;氣象;境遇
  • vt. 使風化;經受住;使日曬雨淋
  • vi. 風化;褪色;經受風雨
  • adj. 上風的;天氣預報的
weathered weathered weathering weathers



n. (名詞)
  1. 天氣,氣候,氣象
  2. 處境,境遇,狀況
  3. 惡劣天氣,暴風雨(天氣)
  4. 氣象預報
  5. 【海】上風面,向風側
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 【海】在上風面的 ,上風的,迎風的,頂風的
  2. 經受風雨的,露天的
v. (動詞)
  1. 風化,褪色,受侵蝕,變形
  2. 暴露于空氣之中,使經受風吹雨打太陽曬,風干,晾干,吹干,曬干
  3. 經受住(困難),平安渡過(暴風雨)
  4. 【建】使傾斜,使成瀉水斜面
  5. 因天氣受損傷,因天氣發生變化
  6. 【地】使風化
  7. 使褪色,使分解,侵蝕
  8. 經受風雨,對風雨等能耐久


n. (名詞)
  1. [U] 天氣,氣象 condition of the atmosphere at a certain place and time, with reference to temperature and the presence of rain, sunshine, wind, etc.
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 風化 expose to the weather; become worn by the weather
  2. vt. 渡過; 挨過 come through successfully


  1. the atmospheric conditions that comprise the state of the atmosphere in terms of temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation;

    "they were hoping for good weather"
    "every day we have weather conditions and yesterday was no exception"
    "the conditions were too rainy for playing in the snow"

  1. towards the side exposed to wind
  1. face and withstand with courage;

    "She braved the elements"

  2. cause to slope
  3. sail to the windward of
  4. change under the action or influence of the weather;

    "A weathered old hut"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. What is the weather like today?
  2. The meteorologist drew a picture of the weather.
  3. The past years had known him in many weathers.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. The rocks on the mountain have to be weathered by wind and water.
  2. Many small firms did not weather the storm of the recession.
  3. They are going to weather the corn in the thrashing field.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. The paint on the walls had weathered.
  2. The stone weathers to a beautiful pale gold.
  3. We weather along in spite of the storm.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. Fill in the form below about the weather report.
  2. It depends on how well the weather forecasts hold up.


用作名詞 (n.)
in all weathers
    不論在哪種天氣里,無論天氣好壞 in all kinds of weather, both good and bad
keep a weather eye open
    留意并警惕 be watchful and alert
under the weather
    身體不舒服或精神不愉快 feeling unwell or depressed
用作動詞 (v.)
weather along( v.+adv. )
    在惡劣的天氣條件下前進 make headway in adverse weather
    weather along We weather along in spite of the storm. 讓我們冒著暴雨淋后退。
weather away( v.+adv. )
    風化,因風吹雨打而褪色 disintegrate or discolour by atmospheric action
    weather away The rock has weathered away into soil. 那石英砂巖已強風化成泥土。 weather sth ? away The softer rock has been weathered away into soil. 軟些的石英砂巖凍脹變為和泥土。
weather in( v.+adv. )
    因氣候惡劣而困住 make unable to move because of bad weather
    weather sb ? in We wouldn't want to get weathered in among those high passes. 我們公司從不被極端天氣的天氣氣候困在那種小山的蛇口口岸。 Most of the planes were weathered in during the storm. 暴狂風暴雨階段半數以上是數直升機停飛。
weather out( v.+adv. )
    因周圍巖石風化而突出 become prominent by the decay of the surrounding rocks
    weather sth ? out We weathered out the storm that beat upon us. 大家大家撐住了襲擾大家大家的暴風。 weather out The strata have now weathered out into long east-west ridges. 巖層現代因周邊礦石風化石而凸顯,變回了產品向延展的超長的山脊。
weather through( v.+adv. )
    成功地對付 pass through (troubles) successfully
    weather through It was a difficult time for her, but she weathered through beautifully. 對她來說一很多年個比較困難的時分,她卻溫暖渡過了。 You're strong enough; whatever happens, you'll weather through somehow. 你是夠堅強的句子的了,不論哪種有哪種的事情,你總是有小妙招欣然渡過。 weather sth ? through After weathering through troubles like that, you're strong enough for anything. 你熬過去了有一種的危機在這之后,自信得能夠應對任何了。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The weather..is..awfulsreal snow and other horrors. 出自: O. Wilde
  • They talked about the weather in an English way. 出自: A. S. Byatt
  • Perfect weather for Mr Bush's garden party. 出自:Guardian
  • We had weathered these storms successfully and the end of the war was in sight. 出自: B. Montgomery
總目錄 緒論 查詞時代