

[v??t]     [vo?t]    
  • n. 選舉權;投票;選舉;投票結果
  • v. 表決;選舉;投票
votable voter voted voted voting votes



n. (名詞)
  1. 選舉權,投票權
  2. 表決,選舉
  3. 票,得票數,投票總數
  4. 投票,選票
  5. 投票結果
  6. 議決事項,議決(金)額 x
  7. 投票人,選舉人
  8. 投票紙
v. (動詞)
  1. 選舉,推舉,表決,一致認為
  2. <口>提議,建議
  3. 公議,公認
  4. 投票,投票決定,投票同意,投票選舉 ,投票通過,投票撥予
  5. 由輿論決定
  6. 一致稱贊
  7. 表明,認為


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 投票,表決 express one's choice officially
  2. vt. 一致認為 agree or state as the general opinion
  3. vt. 提議,建議 suggest; propose
n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 投票,選舉,表決 the showing of one's opinion for or against sb/sth at a meeting
  2. [C] 票,選票 the piece of paper on which a choice is expressed
  3. [S] 表決結果,投票總數 a decision made by voting; the whole number of such choices
  4. [S] 選舉權,投票權,表決權 right to vote, especially in political elections


  1. a choice that is made by counting the number of people in favor of each alternative;

    "there were only 17 votes in favor of the motion"
    "they allowed just one vote per person"

  2. the opinion of a group as determined by voting;

    "they put the question to a vote"

  3. a legal right guaranteed by the 15th amendment to the US Constitution; guaranteed to women by the 19th amendment;

    "American women got the vote in 1920"

  4. a body of voters who have the same interests;

    "he failed to get the Black vote"

  5. the total number of voters who participated;

    "they are expecting a large vote"

  1. express one's preference for a candidate or for a measure or resolution; cast a vote;

    "He voted for the motion"
    "None of the Democrats voted last night"

  2. express one's choice or preference by vote;

    "vote the Democratic ticket"

  3. express a choice or opinion;

    "I vote that we all go home"
    "She voted for going to the Chinese restaurant"

  4. be guided by in voting;

    "vote one's conscience"

  5. bring into existence or make available by vote;

    "They voted aid for the underdeveloped countries in Asia"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Give women the vote!
  2. I suggested putting the matter to a vote, but the chairman demurred to it.
  3. A large vote was polled.
  4. He used his casting vote to block the motion.
  5. This vote spells defeat for the government.
  6. The vote will be held next month.
  7. Was the vote for or against the resolution?
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. We are going to vote on the plan .
  2. He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.
  3. I may vote for her at the next election.
  4. Only citizens are eligible to vote.
  5. Parliament voted the bill through without a debate.
  6. He refused to declare which way he would vote.


用作動詞 (v.)
vote against (v.+prep.)
    投票反對 oppose (sb/sth) in an election or vote
    vote against sb/sth Only seven members voted against an increase in tax. 有6個成員全民投票巴勒斯坦建國提高稅收政策。 Eight delegates voted against the motion. 八名象征網絡投票提倡這動時議。 I, for one, shall vote against the proposal. 我是要評選巴勒斯坦建國這提意的的。 I shall vote against the restoration of capital punishment. 我將網上投票提倡修復死緩。 The politician was deeply hurt when many of his former supporters voted against him, and he lost his place in Parliament. 哪一位高級官員有心痛,而且越來越多原有捍衛他的人全民投票批判他,使他丟失了在議會的所在位置。
vote down (v.+adv.)
    投票否決 defeat (sth) by a vote
    vote sth ? down Congress voted the bill down. 議院微信投票堅決反對了那議案。 The House voted the proposal down by an overwhelming majority. 議院以碾過很多推翻了這方面議案。 This particular group was voted down. 該異常集團被點贊打敗。 His proposals were invariably voted down. 他的提出建議都會被被否。 The suggestion was voted down by a large majority. 這些最好是被乃至絕大部分被否了。 He moved to adjourn, but was voted down by the opposition group. 他小編建議休會,但被堅決反對群微信投票推翻了。 The measure was voted down, six to one. 這一錯施以6票對1票被被否了。
vote for (v.+prep.)
    建議 to suggest
    vote for sb/sth Who did you vote for? 你投誰的票? He voted for the Democratic candidate. 他投政黨黨備選角的票。 I shall vote for Heath because I think he's the better man. 我人認為希思是很好動議,那么我決定投他的票。 Miss Stevens voted for an increase in tuition. 史蒂文森女神票選贊成增強入學費。 Twelve men voted for the motion and three against it.12 人網上投票贊成這類動議,2人違抗。 vote for v-ing I vote for stopping. 我意見建議停穩。 I vote for going out for a walk. 我個人建議進來飯后散步。
vote in (v.+adv.)
    選出 elect out
    vote sb/sth ? in The people have just voted in a new government. 現代人剛選好政策府。 He was voted in by a handsome majority. 他以部分票被選為。 Labour was voted in for second term of office. 工黨被選票選取重新組閣。
vote in favour (v.+prep.+n.)
    投票贊成 vote for
    vote in favour (of sth) The majority voted in favour of the proposal. 往往人都從投票贊成這一建議。 There was no alternative for them to vote in favour. 她們別無的選擇,就只有選票贊成。
vote on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    對…進行表決 express one's opinion about sth by one's vote
    vote on〔upon〕 sb/sth/wh-clause The chairman asked us to vote on the plan. 歷屆主席叫我們對設計實施議定。 How many members voted on the housing question? 有太多成員介紹添加刷票表決權租賃房狀況? They are voting on a motion to adjourn the meeting. 孩子 對著問題休會的動議對其進行議決。 As we can't all agree on this matter, let's vote on it. 盡管你們對一個難題意見和建議不不符,咱們就依據投票表決來決定性吧。 They voted upon whether they should send a fact-finding mission there. 他對有沒外派調查方案團到去哪里做了表決權。
vote out (v.+adv.)
    投票使下臺; 否決 defeat (sb/sth) by voting
    vote sb/sth ? out The people voted out the Democratic Party in a nation-wide election. 在湖北省大框選,自由主義黨被選下了臺。 They voted out the measure. 她們否定了一項機制。 Both of them were voted out. 你倆都選上了。 Everyone expected the councilman to be voted out at the next election. 企業每一個我們都渴望這群市議會委員會在下屆投票選舉中選上。 The government is afraid it will be voted out of office at the next election. 現相關部門總怕自已在下兩次大單擊會失利。
vote through (v.+adv.)
    投票通過 pass (sth such as an idea) by voting
    vote sth ? through Parliament voted the bill through. 議會可以通過了這種修正案。 The Bill was voted through by both Houses with little delay. 該游戲議案雖稍經拖拖拉拉,但亦或是被兩院議會借助了。
vote with (v.+prep.)
    同…投相同票 give one's vote to the same party as (sb else)
    vote with sb Do you always vote with your husband, or do you have different political opinions? 你跟丈夫出軌在點贊見解上時不時相符呢,都是各持各不相同的政見?
vote with feet (v.+prep.+n.)
    退場 move back
    vote with one's feet Nearly three million people voted with their feet. 逃往他國的難民差不可多有200萬人。 Thousands have voted with their feet. 成千過萬的人以離場說道堅決反對。
用作名詞 (n.)
vote of thanks
    鼓掌表示感謝request for appreciative applause


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+后置定語 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • Birney polled just enough votes to defeat Clay. 出自: Goldwin Smith
  • You get my vote the next time you run for poundmaster. 出自:Outing (US)
  • The motion was carried by seven votes to four. 出自: C. P. Snow
  • Each pupil and each staff member having one vote. 出自: A. S. Neill
  • He voted radical and she was a vehement tory. 出自: C. P. Snow
  • Some fifty Liberals voted against the bill. 出自: A. J. P. Taylor
  • The pro-abortion lobby was looking hopefully..at that 50 per cent of the adult population which does not vote. 出自:Guardian
  • At the June election, many Moslems voted for Dr Ahmet Sadik. 出自:Financial Times




  • voter n. 選舉人,投票人,選民


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