

['t?k?t]     ['t?k?t]    
  • n. 票;券;標簽;罰單;候選人名單
  • vt. 加標簽于;售票;開罰單;檢票,查驗票證
ticketed ticketed ticketing tickets



n. (名詞)
  1. 標簽
  2. 執照,許可證
  3. 票,車票
  4. 入場券,券
  5. 公認候選人名單
  6. 綱領
  7. 政見
  8. 計劃,規劃
  9. <口>恰好的事情,所需的東西
  10. 罰款單
  11. 證明書
  12. <口>傳票
v. (動詞)
  1. 加標簽于,附上標價牌,加票簽于
  2. 表明
  3. 指定,指派
  4. <口>對...開出交通違規罰單,發出交通違章通知單,向(交通違章者)發出傳票
  5. 給...門票,為...購票,送票
  6. 被指定為,被委派為
  7. 賣票,售票
  8. 檢票,查驗票證


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]票 written or printed piece of card or paper that gives the holder a certain right
  2. [S]標簽 label attached to sth, giving details of its price, size, etc.
  3. [C]通知單,罰款單 official notice of an offence against traffic regulations
  4. [C]候選人名單 list of the candidates put forward by one party in an election
  5. [S]恰好的事,所需之物 the correct or desirable thing
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 加標簽于,給…貼標簽 put a tag or label on
  2. vt. 對…發出違章通知單 give a ticket to sb
  3. vt. 規定…用于 … intend sth for a certain use or purpose


  1. a commercial document showing that the holder is entitled to something (as to ride on public transportation or to enter a public entertainment)
  2. a label written or printed on paper, cardboard, or plastic that is attached to something to indicate its owner, nature, price, etc.
  3. a summons issued to an offender (especially to someone who violates a traffic regulation)
  4. a list of candidates nominated by a political party to run for election to public offices
  5. the appropriate or desirable thing;

    "this car could be just the ticket for a small family"

  1. issue a ticket or a fine to as a penalty;

    "I was fined for parking on the wrong side of the street"
    "Move your car or else you will be ticketed!"

  2. provide with a ticket for passage or admission;

    "Ticketed passengers can board now"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Have you got your train ticket?
  2. No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn.
  3. The money is raised by the sale of raffle ticket.
  4. The ticket tells you the price of this dress.
  5. I don't know the price of the dress; its ticket has fallen off.
  6. I got a traffic ticket for crossing a red light.
  7. They plumped for a third party ticket.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. All articles in the store are ticketed with the price.
  2. He bought a platform ticket at the ticket window.
  3. You can get it at that ticket booth or please pay one dollar fifty cents to the driver.
  4. The policeman ticketed the parked car.


用作名詞 (n.)
just〔that's〕 the ticket
    〈口〉正好合適,理想的東西,需要的東西 that is the correct thing
work one's ticket
    獲準在合同期滿前解除工作 obtain one's release from a job before the contract of service has expired
用作動詞 (v.)
ticket for (v.+prep.)
    因…而收到通知單; 指定為… receive a ticket for sth or doing sth; intend sth for a certain use or purpose
    ticket sb/sth for sth/v-ing She was ticketed for illegal parking. 她因違規車停退回來罰款單通知格式單。 These cars have been ticketed for sale abroad . 以下該車輛是出來的。 His car was ticketed for being a little over a white line. 他的汽車行業因略微已超黑線而被貼上交通違章控制。
ticket with (v.+prep.)
    用…貼標簽 put a tag or label on sth with sth
    ticket sth with sth All articles in the store are ticketed with the price. 商家里的一切物品都貼完了市場價標簽設計。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+介詞


  • 'I'll park here.., ' said Emil. 'They can give me a ticket if they like.' 出自: S. Bellow
  • The penalty fixed for the traffic offence detailed on the ticket. 出自: C. Dexter
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