

[r??(r)]     [r??r]    
  • v. 吼叫;咆哮
  • n. 吼聲;咆哮;轟鳴;喧鬧
roarer roared roared roaring roars



v. (動詞)
  1. 喧鬧
  2. 使轟鳴
  3. 大聲喊出
  4. 呼喊
  5. 大聲歌唱
  6. 喘鳴
  7. 高唱
  8. 咆哮
  9. 大聲講
  10. 呼嘯
  11. 怒號
  12. 呼號
  13. 吆喝
  14. 訴苦
  15. 狂笑
  16. 哄笑
  17. 大笑
  18. 大聲喊叫而造成某情況
  19. 轟鳴
  20. 反響
  21. 叫喊得使…
  22. 吼叫
  23. 大聲地說
  24. 放聲大笑
  25. 怒吼
  26. 大哭
  27. 熊熊燃燒
  28. 大喊大叫
  29. 回響
n. (名詞)
  1. 咆哮
  2. 呼叫
  3. 大笑聲
  4. 轟鳴聲
  5. 怒號
  6. 轟鳴
  7. 吼(聲)
  8. 叫喚
  9. 喧嘩
  10. 鼓噪
  11. 怒吼
  12. 炮聲
  13. 嗡嗡聲
  14. 鼎沸的人聲
  15. 大笑
  16. 喧鬧聲
  17. 呼嘯聲
  18. 吼叫
  19. 隆隆聲


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 咆哮,轟鳴 give a roar
  2. vt. & vi. 大聲喊出 say or express loudly or with force


  1. a deep prolonged loud noise
  2. a very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal);

    "his bellow filled the hallway"

  3. the sound made by a lion
  1. make a loud noise, as of wind, water, or vehicles;

    "The wind was howling in the trees"
    "The water roared down the chute"

  2. utter words loudly and forcefully;

    "`Get out of here,' he roared"

  3. emit long loud cries;

    "wail in self-pity"
    "howl with sorrow"

  4. act or proceed in a riotous, turbulent, or disorderly way;

    "desperadoes from the hills regularly roared in to take over the town"

  5. make a loud noise, as of animal;

    "The bull bellowed"

  6. laugh unrestrainedly and heartily



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He could only roar in a gruff voice.
  2. In the picture, the dragons and tigers won't roar.
  3. We roar all like bears, and mourn sore like doves: we look for judgment, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far off from us.
  4. He roared with pain.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The roar of the train reverberated in the tunnel.
  2. The murmur swelled into a roar.
  3. The whole room rang with a roar.
  4. A sudden roar came from the expectant crowd.
  5. The machine started up with a roar.
  6. The cataract deafened the ear with its roar.


用作動詞 (v.)
roar at (v.+prep.)
    向…大聲叫; 因…大聲笑 shout at sb loudly; laugh loudly
    roar at sb It's a poor teacher who can only control the class by roaring at the children. 這樣只會靠向小孩吼叫來形成鐵序的老師師資是無能的。 You needn't roar at me. 你不是我大吵大嚷。 The sergeant roared at the soldiers. 中士直對戰士們吼叫。 The audience roared at the pantomime. 受眾被一場意外啞劇逗得哈哈大笑。
roar down (v.+adv.)
    以大聲喊來壓倒…的聲音 drown the voice of a speaker with loud noise as by shouting
    roar sb ? down The next speaker tried to make himself heard, but the crowd roared him down. 下一發言稿稿者試圖覺得們聽他發言稿,但為人群的吼叫聲壓了進去了。
roar out (v.+adv.)
    吼叫,表達出… express sth loudly
    roar out The wounded animal roared out in pain. 踢傷的爬行動物痛得直號叫。 roar sth ? out The baby was roaring out its hunger. 寶貝餓得直哭。 The officer roared out a command, and all the soldiers stood to attention. 現役軍官大吼第一聲聽到了口令,戰士們全部立正。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The panther's roar came muffled, while I sat Low in the valley. 出自: Tennyson
  • The volume of cheering below in the street increased to a deafening roar. 出自: J. G. Farrell
  • When he spoke at all, he roared at everyone. 出自: G. Vidal
  • One of the events sure to get the crowds roaring. 出自:Evening News (Worcester)
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