

['ri?te?l]     ['ri?te?l]    
  • n. 零售
  • vt. 零售;傳述
  • adv. 以零售形式
retailer retailed retailed retailing retails



n. (名詞)
  1. 零售,零賣
adv. (副詞)
  1. 以零售方式,以零售形式
  2. 以零售價格
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 零售的
v. (動詞)
  1. 零售,零賣
  2. 轉述,傳述
  3. 詳說,述說
  4. 傳播,到處宣揚
  5. 把...傳給
  6. 以…價格銷售


n. (名詞)
  1. [U]零售 the sale of goods in shops to customers, for their own use and not for resale
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 零售 sell in small quantities
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 傳播,轉述 repeat what one has heard, especially gossip, bit by bit or to several persons in turn


  1. the selling of goods to consumers; usually in small quantities and not for resale
  1. at a retail price;

    "I'll sell it to you retail only"

  1. be sold at the retail level;

    "These gems retail at thousands of dollars each"

  2. sell on the retail market



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. They buy at wholesale and sell at retail.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. These biros retail at 70p.
  2. We should be able to retail most of these products to overseas customers.
  3. Who is responsible for retailing these rumors about him?
  4. It is of no good for you to retail such gossip.


用作動詞 (v.)
retail at〔for〕 (v.+prep.)
    (使)以…(價格)零售 (cause to) be sold the public for (a stated price)
    retail at〔for〕 sth This book retails at 10 dollars overseas. 這書的海外網站零賣價是10澳元。 These shoes normally retail at 18.50 yuan . 某些鞋的普通單價是 18.50 元。 What do the family-size cartons retail at? 水取暖器包裝紙箱的零售店價多高個? This shirt retailed for eight dollars in this store. 在在這個專賣店里類似這些t恤的價格是8外幣。 retail sth at sth We can't afford to retail the jewellery at less than the price we paid for it, even to our most valued customers. 他們首飾的批發零銷售價不會達不到他們的買進定價,他們賠我,即便 是對他們最大視的淘寶客戶也不會特殊情況。 Supermarkets can afford to retail cigarettes at a couple of cents below the price charged by most tobacconists. 超行業市場煙銷售可以比半數以上香煙商價值低些許錢。 This is an article that is retailed at seventy pence. 是一項零售店價位為70便士的貴重物品。
retail to (v.+prep.)
    (使)以…(價格)零售 (cause to) be sold the public for (a stated price)
    retail at〔for〕 sth This book retails at 10 dollars overseas. 這套書的跨國零賣價是10歐元。 These shoes normally retail at 18.50 yuan . 他們鞋的正常值單價是 18.50 元。 What do the family-size cartons retail at? 家居紙盒的銷售業價是是什么? This shirt retailed for eight dollars in this store. 在整個賣場里這個T恤的購價是8歐元。 retail sth at sth We can't afford to retail the jewellery at less than the price we paid for it, even to our most valued customers. 這種玉器的銷原價不可以如果低于你們的買進多少錢,你們賠不會起,既然是對你們最猛視的需求也不會特殊情況。 Supermarkets can afford to retail cigarettes at a couple of cents below the price charged by most tobacconists. 超及的市場抽煙零售網能否比許多鹽業商價錢低不少錢。 This is an article that is retailed at seventy pence. 這些是這件批發零參考價格為70便士的物質。
用作動詞 (v.)
retail to (v.+prep.)
    (使)以…(價格)零售 (cause to) be sold the public for (a stated price)
    retail at〔for〕 sth This book retails at 10 dollars overseas. 這小說的在海外零售商價是10澳元。 These shoes normally retail at 18.50 yuan . 那些鞋的沒問題單價是 18.50 元。 What do the family-size cartons retail at? 家庭支出紙殼箱的零售店價不知是多少錢? This shirt retailed for eight dollars in this store. 在這一個零售店里在這種襯衣的租價是8加元。 retail sth at sth We can't afford to retail the jewellery at less than the price we paid for it, even to our most valued customers. 這種寶石首飾的零銷價可以不超企業的買進成本,企業賠不會起,即便是是對企業偏重視的需求又不列外。 Supermarkets can afford to retail cigarettes at a couple of cents below the price charged by most tobacconists. 十分賣場抽煙零售行業是可以比基本上鹽業商報價低4分錢。 This is an article that is retailed at seventy pence. 這就是一鍵零售店價為70便士的材料。


用作名詞 (n.)
~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)





  • retailer n. 零售商


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