

['p?zl]     ['p?zl]    
  • n. 難題;謎;迷惑;拼圖游戲
  • vt. 使為難;使困惑
  • vi. 苦思;迷惑
puzzler puzzled puzzled puzzling puzzles



n. (名詞)
  1. 難題,疑問,難點
  2. 謎,不解之謎,難以理解之事
  3. 迷惑,困惑
  4. 智力競賽,智力游戲
  5. 猜謎
v. (動詞)
  1. 使迷惑,使為難,使困惑,使窘困,使傷腦筋
  2. 苦思,苦苦思索 ,仔細琢磨
  3. 苦思而得出,琢磨出…的答案,想出,試著解決,使苦思
  4. 感到迷惑,茫然,惶惑,費解
  5. 使混亂


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 使迷惑,使難解 cause difficulty in the effort to explain or understand
  2. vi. 為難,傷腦筋,苦思 make a great effort of the mind in order to understand or find the answer to a difficult question
n. (名詞)
  1. [S]迷惑,困惑 confusion
  2. [C]智力測驗,智力玩具,謎 problem or toy that is designed to test a person's knowledge, ingenuity, skill, etc.
  3. [S]難題,令人費解的事〔人〕 question that is difficult to understand or answer; mystery


  1. a particularly baffling problem that is said to have a correct solution;

    "he loved to solve chessmate puzzles"
    "that's a real puzzler"

  2. a game that tests your ingenuity
  1. be a mystery or bewildering to;

    "This beats me!"
    "Got me--I don't know the answer!"
    "a vexing problem"
    "This question really stuck me"

  2. be uncertain about; think about without fully understanding or being able to decide;

    "We puzzled over her sudden departure"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Will you help me to solve this puzzle?
  2. He sat frowning over a crossword puzzle.
  3. Her decision was a puzzle to him.
  4. She could not get the puzzle out of her mind.
  5. He is in a puzzle about the matter.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. The question puzzled me.
  2. I've never been able to puzzle her out.
  3. I have in mind some doubts which really puzzle me.
    我心中有一個疑團, 百思不得其解。
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. I saw him puzzle over a math problem.
  2. She listened with a puzzled expression on her face.


用作動詞 (v.)
puzzle about (v.+prep.)
    想找出 want to find
    puzzle about sth He was studying the map and puzzling about the easiest way to cross the mountains. 他在縝密查看地理位置,想篩出最極易通過深山區的的道路。 puzzle about wh-to-v We puzzled for two months about where to put you. 想要放置你,大家苦思了兩種月。 puzzle sth about sth They all puzzled their brains about the problem. 你都冥思苦想這類問題。 puzzle sb about wh-to-v The student was puzzled about what to do next. 這一學生們對下一點做是什么而傷過了腦瓜子。
puzzle out (v.+adv.)
    推測出 infer sth; conjecture sth; guess sth
    puzzle sb/sth ? out We could not puzzle out Mary's intention. 我們公司猜出不來瑪麗的意向。 He puzzled out the mystery story before he finished the book. 他在讀到那本神秘人物小說下載前預測未來出它的下場。 It's good for students to puzzle things out for themselves. 讓幼兒們自已深思改善關鍵問題很有壞處。 I puzzled it out and made a translation of it. 我理論研究出其功用并把它講述下來。 I've never been able to puzzle her out, and still can't. 忍不住直對她捉摸不透,到現再就是如此。 puzzle out wh-to-v We finally puzzled out how to open the box. 我門最好我己想到該怎樣另存蘋果盒子。 puzzle out wh-clause I've tried for weeks to puzzle out what could have made Mary so angry that she hasn't written to us. 有幾個時間起來,就讓直在思慮,你們覺得哪個事使瑪麗生那末大的氣,連信不怎么使企業寫。 I've been trying to puzzle out which piece of work is most urgent. 剛想直想理看清楚哪一套業務最迫在眉睫。
puzzle over (v.+prep.)
    苦苦思考 think long and hard
    puzzle over sth He was puzzling over the old map. 他在痛苦邏輯思維這幅舊電子地圖。 They puzzled over the question for quite a while. 這現象其說了不久。 puzzle oneself/sb over sth He puzzled himself over the matter. 他對那套事苦思冥想。 She was puzzled over the decision. 她總是感覺這而定未能能夠理解。 She was puzzled over his strange behaviour. 他感到奇怪的言行使她大惑難解。
puzzle through (v.+prep.)
    鉆研 cudgel one's brains to evolve an idea
    puzzle sth through sth The boy puzzled his way through geometry. 那小男孩煞費心苦地勤于思考幾何圖形學。
用作名詞 (n.)
in a puzzle about〔as to〕
    對(某事)困惑不解sth that one can't understand or explain


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • The result would be..utter puzzle and bewilderment. 出自: M. Arnold
  • Thou art more puzzled than the Egyptians in their fog. 出自:Twelfth Night , Shakespeare
  • The question has always puzzled me. 出自: E. Peacock




  • puzzlement n. 困惑,苦思


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