

[pr?'f??(r)]     [pr?'f??r]    
  • vt. 寧可;較喜歡;提出(控告)
preferrer preferred preferred preferring prefers



v. (動詞)
  1. 喜歡...(而不喜歡...),更喜歡,選擇某事物(而不選擇他事物)
  2. 寧可...(而不...),寧愿(選擇),愿意
  3. 比起...來還是...好,認為…勝過
  4. 【律】提起,提出,對…起訴
  5. 任命
  6. 錄用
  7. 推薦
  8. 介紹
  9. 【律】給與優先獲得償付權,給(債權人)優先權
  10. 建議
  11. 申請
  12. <古>提升,提拔


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 更喜歡 choose one thing or action rather than another; like better
  2. vt. 提出; 建議 put forward for official consideration or action according to law


  1. like better; value more highly;

    "Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels"
    "We prefer sleeping outside"

  2. select as an alternative over another;

    "I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant"
    "She opted for the job on the East coast"

  3. promote over another;

    "he favors his second daughter"

  4. give preference to one creditor over another



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. I would prefer to stay home rather than go out on such a rainy day.
  2. All this gracious living is not for me;I prefer the simple life.
  3. Which one do you prefer, an apple or an orange?
  4. Police preferred charges against him for theft.


用作動詞 (v.)
prefer a charge〔charges〕 against
    控告; 告發 put forward a charge against; submit
prefer...rather than
    喜歡…勝過… like... better than
    prefer sth rather than sth I prefer tea rather than coffee. 我愿意茶甚于愿意咖啡館。 What shall we have to drink?...red wine?...white wine?—I should prefer red wine rather than white wine. 我國喝口哪些酒?…紅紅提白蘭地?…白紅提白蘭地?——只愿喝紅紅提白蘭地,不想讓喝白紅提白蘭地。 prefer to-v rather than The old man was still in good health. He preferred to work in the garden rather than to sit idly. 那一位老太太照樣很營養,他愿在花園里中做活而不喜歡閑坐下來。 She preferred to keep her troubles to herself rather than to allow them to trouble others. 她寧可沒有別人了解到各自的問題,我不肯讓各自的問題去瑣事別人。 They preferred to stay at home rather than go to the movies. 它們寧死呆在房里,也不會愿去逛國外電影。 They preferred to die rather than surrender to the enemy. 孩子 寧死就不愿向日軍繳槍。 I would prefer to spend the weekend at home rather than driving all the way to your mother's. 我想著和其開機跑但是遠到你母親圖片處去度周日,還還不如呆在家里面。 He preferred rather to take the whole blame himself than to allow it to fall on the innocent. 他寧肯屬于自己承擔連帶擔責全部的擔責,只要愿把擔責推在清廉的人身事故上。 He would prefer to meet me downstairs rather than upstairs. 他甘愿在一樓見我,而不喜歡在頂樓。
prefer to (v.+prep.)
    提升某人為 promote sb to a position
    prefer sth to sth I prefer red to blue. 我更青睞網紅而不青睞紅色。 Most Chinese preferred tea to coffee. 茶和藍山咖啡相比之下絕大部分數中人更喜愛喝小青柑的。 I much prefer dogs to cats. 我最想要狗甚于最想要貓。 I prefer country life to town life. 我更最愛鄉村旅游工作的而不最愛地方工作的。 prefer v-ing to v-ing I prefer skiing to skating. 我希望滑雪場勝于滑冰。 He was very diligent; even on holidays, he preferred doing something to doing nothing. 他很辛勤,縱然在節假日里,他也寧肯找些任何事,而愿意很閑。 She is very traditional; she prefers dressing formally to wearing sport clothes. 她很守舊,感興趣穿正式的的服裝出口,而不感興趣穿運功裝。 prefer sb to sth He was preferred to captain. 他被不斷提升為局長。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • He was preferred Chief Baron of the Exchequer. 出自: T. Fuller
  • Ferdinand promised..to prefer no foreigners to municipal offices. 出自: W. H. Prescott
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