

[pa?p]     [pa?p]    
  • n. 管子;煙斗;管樂器
  • vt. 以管輸送;裝管道;吹奏;尖聲說;(為衣服等)滾邊
  • vi. 吹奏管樂;尖叫
piped piped piping pipes



n. (名詞)
  1. 管樂器
  2. 煙斗, 煙袋
  3. 笛,笛聲
  4. 尖銳的聲音
  5. 管,管子,管道
  6. 導管
  7. 管狀器官
  8. 鳥鳴聲
  9. 呼吸器官
  10. 最大桶
  11. <口>容易干的事
  12. 音管
  13. 輸送管
  14. 聲帶
  15. 一袋煙
v. (動詞)
  1. 吹奏管樂,用管樂器吹奏
  2. 用管道輸送,傳送 ,傳輸
  3. 唱(歌)
  4. 說話,叫
  5. 尖聲叫嚷,尖聲鳴叫, 尖聲地說,發出尖音,尖叫
  6. 用線路系統傳輸
  7. 安靜些,別說話,別嚷嚷
  8. 開始說,說起來
  9. 為...鋪設管道
  10. 吹(笛),吹口笛,用笛子吹奏
  11. 為…滾邊,為…澆飾花邊
  12. 【海】召集
  13. 吹笛子引誘
  14. 吹哨子下令(表示歡迎)
  15. 滾邊,鑲花邊,裱花(用裱花袋把糖霜等裱在糕點上),緄邊
  16. 鳴囀
  17. 縮孔
  18. 吹水手長的哨子傳遞命令


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]管子,管道 tube through which liquids or gases can flow
  2. [C]煙斗,一煙斗的煙絲 narrow tube with a bowl at one end, used for smoking tobacco; amount of tobacco this can hold
  3. [C]管樂器,音管 wind instrument consisting of a tube with holes that are covered and uncovered by the fingers to make musical notes
  4. [P]風笛 bagpipe
  5. [C]水手長吹的哨子 (sound of a) whistle used by a boatswain
  6. [C]鳥鳴,鳥鳴聲 song or note of a bird
  7. [C]大酒桶的量,大酒桶 (contents of a) cask which can hold about 105 gallons of wine
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 以管輸送 convey water, etc. through pipes
  2. vt. & vi. 用笛子吹奏; 鳴囀,唱 play a tune on a pipe; (a bird) whistle sing
  3. vt. 傳送 transmit sth by wire or cable
  4. vt. 吹哨子下令(表示歡迎) call or give orders, or welcome onto a ship by blowing a pipe
  5. vt. 緄邊,鑲花邊 ornament sth with piping


  1. a tube with a small bowl at one end; used for smoking tobacco
  2. a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc.
  3. a hollow cylindrical shape
  4. a tubular wind instrument
  5. the flues and stops on a pipe organ
  1. utter a shrill cry
  2. transport by pipeline;

    "pipe oil, water, and gas into the desert"

  3. play on a pipe;

    "pipe a tune"

  4. trim with piping;

    "pipe the skirt"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Water is spouting out of the pipe.
  2. The workers are laying pipes under the road.
  3. The plumber went down to the cellar to fix the leaky pipe.
  4. He rammed the tobacco into his pipe.
  5. The snake rose out of the backet and began to follow the movements of the pipe.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. The people in the village used to pipe water .
  2. He would pipe away on his flute all day and night.
  3. The woman piped her disapproval.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. He would pipe away on his flute all day and night.
  2. Wind began to pipe around the tall building.


用作名詞 (n.)
pipe dream
    幻想,白日夢 unattainable ambition〔desire〕
put that in one's pipe and smoke it
    不管你喜歡不喜歡,你都得接受 you have to accept that, whether you like it or not
用作動詞 (v.)
pipe away (v.+adv.)
    用管道排除或輸送 remove; carry (sth) away through a pipe
    pipe away They've been piping away all morning. 兩人另一凌晨都是吹奏。 pipe sth ? away The waste water is piped away to a special place. 廢氣經由熱力管道排往相應的時間。
pipe down (v.+adv.)
    〈口〉安靜下來 be quiet
    pipe down He shouted at us to pipe down. 他高聲要我們靜下去。 “Oh, pipe down!”he called. 他叫著“閉上嘴!” Pipe down!You are disturbing the neighbours. 很安靜點,你們之間吵到相鄰的人了。 Though several people in the audience yelled to him to pipe down,John kept interrupting the speaker every few minutes. 哪怕部分現場觀眾叫喚要羅伯特肅靜,但他還是視品對演講稿者打岔。 Would you fellows pipe down?I want to hear what he has to say. 大家哪些老兄安安靜靜出來了,咋樣?我不想介紹他如果說甚么。
pipe into (v.+prep.)
    用管道把…輸入 bring sth into a place through pipes
    pipe sth into sth They piped oil into storage tanks from ships anchored offshore. 這些人從瀕海處拋錨停泊的船隊上管道網卸料油于貯存罐體。
pipe up (v.+adv.)
    開始(大聲)講話 begin to speak, especially in a high voice
    pipe up I love to hear the boys pipe up in church. 我喜歡聽男生們在大教堂里演唱。 Once she piped up to a different air—a kind of country love song. 有顆次她改唱了一大支不一樣的曲調——一類村屯情歌。 pipe sth ? up Suddenly the band piped up a military tune. 忽然間,爵士樂隊奏起一首歌軍樂。 pipe up Everyone was afraid to talk to the police, but a small child piped up. 人人人都不敢同巡警講話稿,但是一個小朋友子無故大喊講了的時候。 Mary is so shy, everyone was surprised when she piped up with a complaint at the club meeting. 瑪麗很拘謹,她在俱樂會議主持稿問出各自的不滿足,使很多人有驚喜。
pipe with (v.+prep.)
    用…給…緄邊; 用…裝飾… ornament (sth) with (sth)
    pipe sth with sth She piped the skirt with blue silk. 她用藍綢子給牛仔裙緄邊。 The shoulders of his uniform were piped with signs of his rank. 他工作制服肩膀上佩有數字代表軍銜的標志圖案。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • He brought a pipe cut out of a reed on which he taught me to play. 出自: P. Farmer
  • The Shepherd..Sits piping to his Flocks. 出自: J. Thomson
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