

[pe?d?]     [pe?d?]    
  • n. 頁;頁碼;侍從
  • vt. 給 ... 標頁碼
  • vi. 翻頁
pageful paged paged paging pages



n. (名詞)
  1. 聽差,服務員,男侍者
  2. <罕>青年侍從
  3. 專頁,專欄
  4. 侍童,小聽差,小侍從
  5. 佩奇(音譯名)
  6. 【印】一頁版面
  7. 【計】網頁
  8. 王室侍從官員
  9. 佩基(音譯名)
  10. <書>時期
  11. 大事件
  12. <書>記載,記錄
v. (動詞)
  1. 喊叫尋找,侍者叫名找(人)
  2. 侍候,給...當聽差,給…當侍從
  3. 給...標頁數,標記...的頁碼
  4. 【無線電】用無線電訊號與(某人)聯系
  5. 廣播叫(人)
  6. 翻閱,瀏覽
  7. 用傳呼機傳呼
  8. 翻…的書頁
  9. 逐頁處理


n. (名詞)
  1. [C][U]頁; 張 one side of a sheet of paper in a book, magazine, etc.; this sheet of paper itself
  2. [C]〈文〉重要事件 sth which might be written about in a book, etc., such as an important event or period
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 標記…的頁數,翻頁 number the pages of (a book, newspaper, etc.); turn aside pages
  2. vt. 喊出名字以尋找 call aloud for (sb who is wanted for some reason), especially through a loud-speaker


  1. one side of one leaf (of a book or magazine or newspaper or letter etc.) or the written or pictorial matter it contains
  2. English industrialist who pioneered in the design and manufacture of aircraft (1885-1962)
  3. United States diplomat and writer about the Old South (1853-1922)
  4. a boy who is employed to run errands
  5. a youthful attendant at official functions or ceremonies such as legislative functions and weddings
  6. in medieval times a youth acting as a knight's attendant as the first stage in training for knighthood
  1. contact, as with a pager or by calling somebody's name over a P.A. system
  2. work as a page;

    "He is paging in Congress this summer"

  3. number the pages of a book or manuscript



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. There are several faults in the page of figures.
  2. Open your German readers at page 28.
  3. The page number is shown at the foot of the page.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. When the book is ready for printing,someone has to page it up.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. He tore the sheet in his hurry to turn over the page.
  2. Absorbed, she licked her index finger absently each time she turned a page.


用作動詞 (v.)
page over (v.+prep.)
    借助…呼叫 call sb by sth
    page sb over sth They said they would page him over the public address system. 他說他要借廣播電臺系統找出他。
page up (v.+adv.)
    排好頁碼 put into numbered pages order
    page sth ? up When the book is ready for printing, someone has to page it up. 書付印前,要人排好頁碼。 These papers are all out of order—will you page them up for me? 以上雜志全變了——請你一定要替我要它們之間排好頁碼可以嗎?


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • As a page, Wart had learned to lay the tables..and to bring meat from the kitchen. 出自: T. H. White
  • Turning over the pages of a book I have been reading. 出自: C. Isherwood
  • They saw the morning paper, the headlines on the front page. 出自: J. Frame
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