

[??]     [o?]    
  • vt. 欠(債;錢;人情等);應當給予;感激;把...歸功于
owed owed owing owes



v. (動詞)
  1. 感激,要感謝,感恩
  2. 欠錢,欠債,欠情分,欠賬
  3. 應給予
  4. 應該做
  5. 對...負有
  6. 受有...的恩惠
  7. 有支付義務
  8. 歸給...,歸功于...,歸因于, 起因于
  9. 認為是靠...的力量
  10. 負于
  11. 虧,虧欠
  12. 承擔
  13. 起源于
  14. 服從,忠誠
  15. 應該向(某人)付出
  16. 懷有


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 應當給予 have to pay; be in debt for; have to give
  2. vt. 感激 be under an obligation to
  3. vt. 應把…歸功于 be indebted to as the source of


  1. be obliged to pay or repay
  2. be indebted to, in an abstract or intellectual sense;

    "This new theory owes much to Einstein's Relativity Theory"

  3. be in debt;

    "She owes me $200"
    "I still owe for the car"
    "The thesis owes much to his adviser"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. I gotta get back there, I owe it to them.
  2. Incidentally, I think you still owe me some money.
    順便說一句, 我想你還欠我一些錢。
  3. I owe you one.
  4. You owe yourself a holiday.
  5. I owe a lot to my wife and children.
  6. He owes his success more to luck than to ability.


用作動詞 (v.)
owe for (v.+prep.)
    欠買(某物的)錢 have a duty to repay money to sb for the cost of sth
    owe for sth Do I still owe for the concert tickets? 我都欠著背景演奏會票錢嗎? I still owe for my last batch of books. 最后的這批書的錢我沒付。 I owe for my board and lodging. 我欠著住宿費。 I have paid for the bread and cheese, but the butter I still owe for. 我已是付了蛋糕和吃奶酪的錢,雖然還不有付無鹽黃油的錢。 He still owes for the goods he had last month. 他確實欠連月買的東西的賬。 owe sb/sth for sth Henry still owes the butcher for the meat. 亨利還欠著賣肉人買肉的錢。 Don't let me forget that I owe you for the concert tickets. 可別讓你忘啦我欠你音樂背景會票錢呢。 I owe 30 dollars for the concert tickets. 我欠30澳元的輕演唱會票錢。 We still owe one hundred dollars for the car. 為莫言的作品車各位還欠著100澳元。
owe on (v.+prep.)
    在…上欠債 have a duty to repay money on sth
    owe sth on sb/sth I still owe nearly a hundred pounds on that car. 買過了那輛汽車行業,較為基本比較便宜還欠100人民幣。
owe to (v.+prep.)
    應該感謝; 把…歸功于 feel grateful to; attribute the success to
    owe sth to sb/sth He owes a lot of money to Mr. Smith. 他欠史密斯工程師大多錢。 He owes 50 yuan to his friend. 他欠網友50錢。 The plant still owes $50,000 to the bank. 這一家工廠里仍欠商業銀行五萬美金。 Twenty yuan is owed to him. 欠他2元錢。 owe sth to sb/sth He gave me a lot of help.I owed much to him. 他給他比較多助力,我比較感謝他。 We owe to Newton the principle of gravitation. 萬有的引力原因的出現 應歸功于牛頓。 The girl owed her life to the life guard who saved her from the sea. 非常感謝救生員把她從牌堆救了出了,這家女該才幸免于難。 He owes his success to hard work and patience. 他的獲得成功全靠付出和用心。 He owes his success to good luck more than ability. 他的完美大部分靠幸運之星,少半靠程度。 She owes her beauty to artificial assistance. 她的美全靠裝修。 He owes it to his doctor's care that he is quite well again. 他再治好是靠麻醉醫生的呵護。 He owes his good health to plenty of exercise and a regular life. 他把他身休身體歸功于有效充分的煅練生活方式有基本規律。 owe it to oneself/sb to-v/that-clause We owe it to society to make our country a better place. 把發展中國家發展得那么美好是屬于我們對社會各界盡義務的法律責任。 I owe it to you that I finished my work in time. 非常感謝得你幫,我可隨時來完成了工作中。 I owe it to you that I survived the catastrophe. 虧得你.我大難不壞。 We owe it to Marconi and Bell that we can now talk to the people on the other side of the world. 本文各位之,因此并能和遠在天崖海角的人打電話,應歸功于馬可尼和貝爾。 It was altogether owing it to himself that James won the prize. 詹皇得獎基本是靠他的拼搏。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Fine storehouses..but of no great profit to him that oweth them. 出自: S. Pepys





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