

[l?d?]     [lɑ?d?]    
  • n. 小屋;巢穴;門房;傳達室;支部
  • v. 存放;臨時住宿;安頓;提出(報告、抗議等)
lodged lodged lodging lodges



n. (名詞)
  1. 小屋;山林小屋
  2. 巢穴,窩
  3. 門房, 門衛室
  4. 旅舍
  5. 傳達室
  6. 帳篷
  7. 地方支部
  8. 看守人的小屋
  9. 集會所
  10. 印第安人的棚屋
  11. 洛奇(音譯名)
  12. 草屋
  13. 支部會員們
  14. 支部會員聚會處
  15. (秘密會社的)地方組織
v. (動詞)
  1. 刺進
  2. 打在
  3. 正式提出(報告、抗議等)
  4. 嵌入,進入
  5. 存放,寄存
  6. 投宿,寄宿,留宿,借宿
  7. 暫住,暫時棲身于…, 臨時住宿
  8. 使住宿,供給…臨時宿處,租房間給…住,為(某人)提供住宿
  9. 豎立
  10. 停留
  11. 倒伏
  12. 將…射入
  13. 容納
  14. 租住,寄住
  15. 卡住
  16. 固定
  17. 向當局提出聲明
  18. 作為…的容器
  19. 進入又卡住(與in連用)
  20. 安頓


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 供以臨時住處 supply sb with a room or place to sleep in for a time; receive as a guest
  2. vt. 向當局提出聲明 place a statement, etc. with the proper authorities
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]鄉間小屋,旅舍 country house or cabin for use in certain seasons


  1. English physicist who studied electromagnetic radiation and was a pioneer of radiotelegraphy (1851-1940)
  2. a formal association of people with similar interests;

    "he joined a golf club"
    "they formed a small lunch society"
    "men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today"

  3. small house at the entrance to the grounds of a country mansion; usually occupied by a gatekeeper or gardener
  4. a small (rustic) house used as a temporary shelter
  5. any of various Native American dwellings
  6. a hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers
  1. be a lodger; stay temporarily;

    "Where are you lodging in Paris?"

  2. put, fix, force, or implant;

    "lodge a bullet in the table"
    "stick your thumb in the crack"

  3. file a formal charge against;

    "The suspect was charged with murdering his wife"

  4. provide housing for;

    "We are lodging three foreign students this semester"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. We drove to our lodge on the lake for the summer.
  2. Yet the beaver lodge remained sturdy and strong.
  3. He makes his house, or lodge, by piling a great mass of sticks and roots in a big cone on a solid foundation at the bottom of the pond and weighting them down with mud.
  4. They were immediately admitted into the lodge.
  5. He put the keys in the porter's lodge.
  6. On this occasion the lodge sent a carriage.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. You can lodge the valuables in the bank.
  2. The bullet became lodged in her spine.
  3. I lodged at a friend's house.
  4. They lodge tourist during summer holidays.
  5. Where we were to lodge was the problem .
  6. We will be very glad to board and lodge you.
  7. The army can lodge their tents in the fields.
  8. If you wish to lodge a complaint, you'd better get on to the manager.
  9. I would like to lodge the protest.
  10. We have to lodge a claim against you for inferior quality.
  11. The buyer has the right to lodge a claim on the defective goods.
  12. You could lodge a claim with the ship owner or with the insurance company.
  13. We reserve the right to lodge a claim for loss.
  14. It is too late to lodge any objections.


用作動詞 (v.)
lodge against (v.+prep.)
    對(某人或某事)提出(控訴) place (sth such as a complaint) officially against (sb or sth)
    lodge sth against sb Several leading citizens have lodged complaints against the city councilors for their mishandling of public money. 百姓中的三位頭臉動畫人物就市參議員過度使用公款的事對他倆提出了哭訴。
lodge at (v.+prep.)
    住(旅館);寄宿 be a paying guest at (a place such as a hotel of sb's house)
    lodge at sth I shall lodge at the inn for two nights. 讓我在這店小店鋪住倆個網上。 I lodged at Mr. Smith's. 我寄宿在史密斯叔叔家。 When the boy first went to university, he lodged at Tom's. 那同學剛升大學專業時,寄宿在湯姆室內。 When he went to New York, he used to lodge at a friend's house. 當他去波士頓時,他常住人口在大家家。
lodge in (v.+prep.)
    使固定在,停留在 (cause to) become fixed in (sth such as part of the body)
    lodge in sth Is there anywhere that I can lodge in the village tonight? 我村有我明天過夜的平臺嗎? Some of the students lodge in their college halls. 有很多小學生們住在實訓基地的小學生們學生宿舍里。 lodge sb in sth She lodged them in her own home. 她讓寶寶們留宿在本人的店里。 The shipwrecked sailors were lodged in the school. 哪一條失事的漁船的水手被留宿那兒所報校里。 lodge in sth The bullet lodged in the wall. 火箭彈打入了墻里。 A pebble lodged in his shoes. 塊鵝卵石進來了他的鞋里。 A small chicken bone lodged in his throat, and had to be removed by a doctor. 一個一塊塊雞骨骼卡在他的咽喉里,不了不許大夫拿出來來。 A piece of metal has lodged in a sensitive part of the nervous system, making the man unable to move his arm. 方面彈片流進了他中樞神經設備的特別敏感關鍵部位,使其胳臂不要動。 This story had lodged in his memory. 這一個童話故事在他我的記憶已深深地扎了根。
lodge with (v.+prep.)
    向…提交… place (sth such as a complaint) in the keeping of (an official or officials)
    lodge with sth When we go to the countryside, we lodge with my uncle's house. 咱們去鄉間寄住在我姐姐家。 lodge sth with sb/sth She lodged a complaint against him with the authorities concerned. 她向有關的臺灣當局起訴他。 The chief witness was allowed to leave the town only after lodging a sworn statement with the police. 核心論目擊證人向抓獲發送宣過誓的證詞后,才可撤離市鎮。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
形容詞+~ 名詞+~


  • Quarries having their own lodges capable of supplying ready-made such simple features as doorways. 出自: H. Braun
  • You lodge your horses more magnificently than yourself. 出自: Lytton
  • The old Christopher Inn, where the..boys were lodged. 出自: M. Cox
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