

[l?v]     [l?v]    
  • v. 活著;居住;過著
  • adj. 活的;直播的;現場的;帶電的;燃燒著的;當前的
  • adv. 現場
liveness lived lived living lives



v. (動詞)
  1. 活著,活
  2. 居住
  3. 生存
  4. 生活,過日子
  5. 實踐,經歷
  6. 享受人生
  7. 繼續存在,繼續活
  8. 未婚同居,姘居
  9. 以食…為生
  10. 過(...的生活)
  11. 度過
  12. 做人,處世
  13. 存留,留存
  14. 表現
  15. 實行
  16. 銘記
  17. 以…為生
  18. 使活現
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 活的,有生命的
  2. 未爆炸的
  3. 燃著的
  4. 通著電流的
  5. 實況播送的
  6. 真的
  7. 活生生的
  8. 活潑的,有精神的,生氣勃勃的
  9. 目前大家感覺興趣的
  10. 當前的
  11. 能開動的,傳動的,動力發動的
  12. 隨時可用的
  13. 含乳酸菌的
adv. (副詞)
  1. 現場,從現場,以直播方式


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 活,生存 remain alive
  2. vi. 居住;住 have one's home;dwell
  3. vi. 繼續存在,留存 remain in existence;survive
  4. vt. 以某種方式生活 conduct one's life in a specified way
adj. (形容詞)
  1. [A]活的,有生命的 having life
  2. 真正的 actual
  3. 燃燒著的 (of lighted coal or wood) still burning
  4. 帶電的 carry free electricity which can shock anyone who touches it
  5. 有爆炸力的;隨時可用的 not yet exploded or lit;ready for use
  6. 當前重要的 of interest or importance at the present time
  7. 現場直播的,實況轉播的 (of broadcasting) seen or heard as it happens
adv. (副詞)
  1. 實地,從現場,以直播方式 broadcast, played or recorded at an actual performance, etc. without being edited


  1. actually being performed at the time of hearing or viewing;

    "a live television program"
    "brought to you live from Lincoln Center"
    "live entertainment involves performers actually in the physical presence of a live audience"

  2. exerting force or containing energy;

    "live coals"
    "tossed a live cigarette out the window"
    "got a shock from a live wire"
    "live ore is unmined ore"
    "a live bomb"
    "a live ball is one in play"

  3. possessing life;

    "the happiest person alive"
    "the nerve is alive"
    "doctors are working hard to keep him alive"
    "burned alive"
    "a live canary"

  4. highly reverberant;

    "a live concert hall"

  5. charged with an explosive;

    "live ammunition"
    "a live bomb"

  6. elastic; rebounds readily;

    "clean bouncy hair"
    "a lively tennis ball"
    "as resilient as seasoned hickory"
    "springy turf"

  7. abounding with life and energy;

    "the club members are a really live bunch"

  8. in current use or ready for use;

    "live copy is ready to be set in type or already set but not yet proofread"

  9. of current relevance;

    "a live issue"
    "still a live option"

  10. charged or energized with electricity;

    "a hot wire"
    "a live wire"

  11. capable of erupting;

    "a live volcano"
    "the volcano is very much alive"

  1. not recorded;

    "the opera was broadcast live"

  1. inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of;

    "People lived in Africa millions of years ago"
    "The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted"
    "this kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean"
    "deer are populating the woods"

  2. lead a certain kind of life; live in a certain style;

    "we had to live frugally after the war"

  3. continue to live through hardship or adversity;

    "We went without water and food for 3 days"
    "These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America"
    "The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents"
    "how long can a person last without food and water?"

  4. support oneself;

    "he could barely exist on such a low wage"
    "Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?"
    "Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day"

  5. have life, be alive;

    "Our great leader is no more"
    "My grandfather lived until the end of war"

  6. have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations;

    "I know the feeling!"
    "have you ever known hunger?"
    "I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict"
    "The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare"
    "I lived through two divorces"

  7. pursue a positive and satisfying existence;

    "You must accept yourself and others if you really want to live"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. People cannot live without air.
  2. After she died he had nothing to live for.
  3. He's a tramp and used to living rough.
  4. Where do you live?
  5. Many elderly people live an idle life.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. The cat is playing with a live mouse.
  2. It wasn't a recorded show, it was live
    這不是錄音表演, 這是現場轉播。
  3. A live band is always a good draw at a party.
  4. The electrician killed the live circuit.
  5. We cooked the steak over live coals.
  6. Pollution is still very much a live issue.
用作副詞 (adv.)
  1. The landing on the moon was telecast live.


用作動詞 (v.)
live after( v.+prep. )
    在(某事結束或某人死后)繼續存在 continue or last after the end of sth or death of sb
    live after sb/sth The good he did will live after him. 他過世做的好的趨勢將永留才世。 The acts of good men live after them in our memories. 中國好人謝世后,孩子 的習慣言談較長地落在咱們的記性里。 His reputation will live long after his death. 他將英名永存。
live among( v.+prep. )
    在…中生活 make one's home in an area populated by (a certain kind of people)
    live among sb After living among the natives for twenty years, the painter forgot his own language and civilized ways of life. 那名大畫家在當地的群體中活動了20年,,不知道她的語言英文,并還記得了文朋的活動辦法。 I lived among the Masai people for many years, but I failed to learn their language. 我想去馬薩依族些人里家庭生活了多年的,但沒法學到你們的語言的。
live and learn
    活到老,學到老;不經一事,不長一智 learn sth new;learn by experience
live and let live
    待人容忍;待人寬容如待己 accept one's behaviour;be tolerant
live apart( v.+adv. )
    分居 (of a married person or pair) live separately although remain married
    live apart After their worst quarrel,Jim and Mary wondered if they should live apart for a time to try to improve their relationship. 吉姆同瑪麗大吵大鬧好幾回場后來,用戶思考會不理應離婚一段話準確時間以改變的聯系。 live apart from sb After Jane had been living apart from Fair for six months, she decided to return to him. 簡和費爾兩地分居6十一個月后,選擇變回他在生活中。
live at( v.+prep. )
    住在 have one's home at
    live at sth No one lives at the corner of the street now, it's all shops and offices. 現如今也沒有群體那叫一個大街上上住了,一邊都專賣店和辦事人組織機構。 I lived at 29 Celebration Street,Nairobi, for many years. 你在內羅畢儀式街29號住了越來越許些。 When the house was damaged by fire, we had to live at the Grand Hotel for several weeks. 毛坯房被焚毀了,我們公司只可以在格蘭德賓館里住了一個禮拜一。 We then lived at Norwood Road, but now we live at Fleet Street. .我越來住在諾伍德路,但如今住在航隊街。
live beyond( v.+prep. )
    住在遠于或過了(某處)的地方 have one's home in a place further distant than (somewhere)
    live beyond sth The farmer's family live(s) beyond the next valley. 已過下其中一個深谷那就是哪個種植戶的家。
live by( v.+prep. )
    以…謀生 earn one's living by (doing) sth
    live by sth/v-ing They live by honest labour. 孩子們靠誠實勞動力生存。 He was never serious with any trade. He lived by his wits. 他對哪幾行都不會認真細致,他靠小聰明能干過黃道吉日。 He lives by begging. 他以乞討糊口。 The people in that small town are very poor;they probably live by taking in one another's washing. 哪一個產業園規劃上的民眾很貧困,這些概率靠相愛的人相幫而為活。
live down( v.+adv. )
    使人忘記… cause people to forget or forgive (sth bad or foolish in one's past) by improved behaviour, directing their attention elsewhere, etc.
    live sth ? down It will be difficult to live down this humiliation. 不好我忘了這么的屈辱。 After his release from prison, he vowed to live down his crimes. 獲釋后,他誓死悔過自新,讓人忘掉他的罪刑。 It will be a long time before you live down that foolish mistake. 你一般改正出錯,也得 好長一段話時,朋友才會忘不掉你那愚昧無知的過去式。 Twenty years later, his family are still trying to live the scandal down.20 年上前了,他的想開仍在的努力使人能們不記得一件性丑聞。
live for( v.+prep. )
    為…而生活,以…為生活目的 remain alive for (a length of time);have as one's main reason or interest in life
    live for sth Both boys just live for football. 那2個孩子很想著足球隊。 She lives for her work. 她執意想不開自個兒的任務。 I live for the day when I retire. 我熱愛著離休的那個天。 He says that he has nothing to live for since his wife died. 老爺子說,自的妻子過逝后,他已沒得生活中我的快樂作文可談。
live in1( v.+adv. )
    住在學習或工作的地方 live in the same place as where one works or studies
    live in The servants live in. 仆人們寄宿在寵主家。 Where can we find a cook who will live in? 現代哪家能雇到愿在用工方搬來宿的大師傅? Jack decided to live in during his freshman year at college. 杰克取決大時而住校。 Did you live in or live out when you were at college? 你上中學時是住校就是走讀? Students of this college are expected to live in. 你這個職業技術學院規定要求中小學生住校。
live in2( v.+prep. )
    住在(某地);存在于…;為…而生存 make one's home (in a place or building);be able to exist in sth or because of sb
    live in sth I've been living in this city since my family moved here twenty years ago. 自20年以前我家有遷到這里英文近一年來,我直住在這點城市地區。 I'd like to go to the country and live in a small way. 我認為去農材過簡樸、擁有安靜的日子。 She indeed lives in a fool's paradise as she always dreams about making a huge fortune overnight. 她總是想頃刻間大發橫財,那就是一點想入非非。 live sth in sth What a wretched life they lived in the workhouse! 孩子 住在濟貧門前,過的過日子真慘不忍睹! In the summer camp, children live the life of the collective. 在夏令營里,幼兒們過全體人生。
live it down
    忘記;原諒 forget;forgive
live it up
    〈非正〉縱情歡樂;奢侈浪費 enjoy oneself (through excessive spending〔indulgence〕)
live off( v.+prep. )
    以…為食;以…為生 eat (certain food);make a life by depending on sb/sth
    live off sb/sth They live off the land. 你以農企業產品為食。 These animals with long necks live off the leaves of tall trees. 這個長頸哺乳動物以偉岸花草樹木的樹葉子為食。 Thousands of waterfowl breed round the lake and live off the fish. 數以千計的水鳥在湖旁繁衍,靠魚來經營。 He lives off fruit and nuts. 他靠水果品種和吃堅果、干果確保生命值。 Since he lost his job, he's been living off his parents. 不久失業者過后,他一只靠爹媽人生。 I live off the money from my first book. 我靠出1、書得到的錢過活。 I don't know how she manages to live off her painting. 我不想不曉得她咋能以畫面養家糊口。 The family was in such difficult straits they were living off welfare. 這家里人境地是胎兒窘迫,唯有靠褔利救助過生活。
live on1( v.+adv. )
    繼續活著;繼續存在 continue to live;continue to exist, often for a long time
    live on Now our monthly income is more than enough to live on. 現在,我國每個月的的純收入除開達到工作,以及太多。 He's ninety, but still he lives on. 他90歲了,還健在。 The boy lived on for a week after the heart transplant. 二尖瓣移栽介入手手術,這同學還活半個個禮拜一。 The old people died but the young ones lived on. 中老年人結業了,但時尚人都延續的生活。 He lived on in spite of the accident. 盡量出了問題,他亦或是活了了。 He will die, but his fame will live on after him. 他總之會故去,但他的口碑會在他人死之后立即傳揚。 The composer's works will always live on. 那名編曲家的作品展終究滯留天地間。 This custom will live on for centuries. 一種民風民俗壞習慣而且還會傳誦一些新世紀。 The scientist's name will live on from generation to generation. 這時科學合理家的好名字將流芳百世。
live on2( v.+prep. )
    以…為食;靠…為生 eat (certain food);live a life depending on (sb/sth)
live out( v.+adv. )
    度過(某一段時間);過(某種生活) live to the end of (a period of time);live a certain sort of life
    live out The servants live out. 仆人找不到鏟屎官家寄宿。 Some of the students have rooms in their college, but most have to live out as there isn't room for them all. 非常初中生住在化妝學校里,但有絕大多數初中生都受得了在校園內,這是由于校園內包容下不來大部分初中生。 Students can live out if they wish. 比如學習們能夠,這些 可在學員外寄宿。 live out sth He is seriously ill.I'm afraid he cannot live out one more week. 他已病入膏肓,看來活找不到7天了。 I doubt if she'll live out the winter. 我認為她有沒有能熬過此種冬。 Don't bother me,O.K.?Just let me live out my life in peace and in private. 別驚擾我了,好不行?讓我就讓人安云南安寧寧地過后半輩子吧。 My family lived out the earthquake, but our house was destroyed. 各位這家在地震來臨中劫后余生,但樓房卻毀了。 Her success enabled her to live out her wildest fantasies. 她的成功的使她獲得構建自己的的狂想。
live out of( v.+adv.+prep. )
    從…取食 take one's food from (a container such as a tin)
live over1( v.+adv. )
    重新過(某種日子) relive (sth)
    live over sth The old man keeps living over his memories. 那名老父常伴一個重走已往的感受。 live over If I had my life to live over,I'd do the same again. 若果我要重新凈化活一個的情況,我仍要會那樣做的。
live over2( v.+prep. )
    住在高于…的地方 make one's home on top of or at a higher level that (sth such as a place)
    live over sth The owners live over the shop. 董事長們住在商家的腦殼疼。
live through( v.+prep. )
    經歷過;經歷…而未死 remain alive during and in spite of (difficulty);experience
    live through sth He has lived through two world wars. 他的經歷過三次全球大作戰。 He had lived through the worst years of the depression. 他的經歷過大蕭索期間內最努力的那半年。 They lived through the long famine. 他倆經過了慢長的饑荒而未死。 Can he live through the night? 他能獲得過今宵嗎? I couldn't live through another day like that. 照這種就讓天也熬下不去去了之后。 I don't think he'll manage to live through another bad winter. 我因為他不許再熬過其中一個嚴寒了。 I don't know how I lived through the last week, waiting for the result. 不解道我是怎樣才能在稍候數據灶性過上一場周的。 He was among the few who managed to live through the experiences in the enemy prison camp. 的生活出走戰俘聚焦營的人很多,他是當中的其中一個。
live to( v.+prep. )
    活到 live as long as (a certain age)
    live to sth Many people have a wish to live to old age. 越來越很多人想長命。 My grandfather lived to a great age. 我奶奶活到高令。 He lived to the ripe age of 90. 他活到90高令。 Not many people live to a hundred. 太少人活到一百二歲。
live to oneself
    離群索居 live alone without the desire for company;not try to be friendly
live together( v.+adv. )
    住在一起;(通常指異性)同居 exist at the same time or in the same place;live as if married
    live together Now they are living happily together with the Han. 現如今自己和漢族人人舒適地衣食住行在分著。 I hear Jane and Bill are living together. 聽起說簡和比爾接下來未婚同居了。 How long have they been living together? 大家 就已經 交往多長了? Increasing numbers of young people choose to live together rather than to marry. 變的更越大的成年人選澤未婚先孕發生關系而是不成家。
live under( v.+prep. )
    在…的控制下生活 be controlled by (a power)
live up to( v.+adv.+prep. )
    實行;履行 put (one's faith, principles, etc.) into practice
live well( v.+adv. )
    過道德的生活 live in a moral manner
live with( v.+prep. )
    自重,保持自尊心 keep self-respect
    live with sb She lived in the village with her grandparents as cheerful as a lark. 她同外公母我們一起住在小村極為快活。 Dogs and cats cannot live with each other in the same house. 貓和狗可以之間生活水平在一幢房層里。 The girl with whom he had been living for two years suddenly packed her bags and left. 這女孩和他同居生活了四年,忽然間收拾撿行李車走碰掉。 live with sb/sth It was very difficult when she first lost her hearing, but she has learnt to live with it. 她原本丟掉嗅覺的時期,感到高興是非常困境,如果現在她己經很快適宜了。 Powerful nations must learn to live with each other in peace. 綜合國力不得不學好溫馨搞好關系。 Whether you like it or not, you will have to live with the new tax law. 不在你都喜歡程度,你得吸收新企業所得稅法。 I don't like the noise of these jet aircraft, but I've learnt to live with it. 我令人討厭這個噴氣客機會發出的躁音,但我已直到學員學會去一成不變它了。 I don't like the winter, but we all have to live with it. 我不會熱愛冬天天,但我們的還不都得過嗎? You must live with the fact that you are no longer as strong as you were. 你應該認可,你早已經不和前往這樣的話身強力壯了。 You have to live with the fact that you've lost all your money. 你不可不接收你忘了全部的錢整個觀點。 It's hard to live with the knowledge that you are a failure. 你指導你已失敗,這便是就很難受的。 live with oneself Would he be able to live with himself later? 他后還能保證同情心心嗎?
live within( v.+prep. )
    住在…內 live inside (the limit of an area)
    live within sth If you live within the city border, you pay higher taxes. 若是 你住在鄉下,就得收取較多的稅款。 They live within easy reach of London. 他倆住在離英國倫敦不遠的方面。
live without( v.+prep. )
    在沒有…的情況下生活;少…也可以生活 find it possible to go on existing in spite of lacking (sb/sth)
    live without sb/sth She tried for a little while to live without him but couldn't. 她曾一時的想著退出他只身生存,但出現 那真是過不止去的。 Plants can't live without moisture. 沒了水分侵入,綠植的不可以生長的。 We can live without clothes, but food and drink are essential to life. 如果沒有外套衣服人們就可以生存模式,所以蛋白質食物和水是能維持活力必切勿少的。 We may live without books, music, and art, but our lives would be poorer. 未書藉,未樂器音樂,未藝術類,我們公司也會活去,但這樣的工作就愈發貧乏了。
用作形容詞 (adj.)
live wire
    生龍活虎的人,精力充沛而有生氣的人 sb who is energetic〔enthusiastic〕


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作形容詞 (adj.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞
用作副詞 (adv.)


  • We had got used to Father looking like a live scarecrow. 出自: P. Theroux
  • She had only two more years to live. 出自: H. Bailey
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