

[la?]     [la?]    
  • v. 躺下;位于;在于;平放;存在;延伸;說謊
  • n. 謊言
lay/lied lain/lied lying lies



v. (動詞)
  1. 撒謊,用謊騙使得...
  2. (事物)造成假象
  3. 證明...不實
  4. 平臥,躺
  5. 被平放
  6. 處于某種狀態
  7. (比賽中)占名次,位于
  8. (抽象事物)存在,在于
  9. 被埋葬
  10. 展現,伸展
  11. 隱蔽
  12. 停泊
  13. 被儲存
  14. (風)保持某一方向
  15. (軍隊)設營
  16. 【律】可立案,可受理
  17. <古>過夜,投宿,住宿
n. (名詞)
  1. 謊言,假話
  2. 假象,造成錯覺的事物,欺騙行為
  3. 對謊言的斥責
  4. 狀態,位置,方向
  5. (鳥、獸的)棲息處,巢穴,隱藏處
  6. <英>躺,躺著的一段時間
  7. 【高爾夫】球位


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 躺,臥 have one's body in a flat position along the ground or other surface;be at rest
  2. vi. 平放 be resting flat on sth
  3. vi. 位于 exist in
  4. vi. 處于 remain, or be kept in the stated condition
  5. vi. 展現,伸展 show, spread out to view;extend
v. (動詞)
  1. vi. & vt. 說謊 make a statement that one knows to be untrue
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]說謊 an untrue statement purposely made to deceive


  1. a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth
  2. Norwegian diplomat who was the first Secretary General of the United Nations (1896-1968)
  3. position or manner in which something is situated
  1. be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position
  2. be lying, be prostrate; be in a horizontal position;

    "The sick man lay in bed all day"
    "the books are lying on the shelf"

  3. originate (in);

    "The problems dwell in the social injustices in this country"

  4. be and remain in a particular state or condition;

    "lie dormant"

  5. tell an untruth; pretend with intent to deceive;

    "Don't lie to your parents"
    "She lied when she told me she was only 29"

  6. have a place in relation to something else;

    "The fate of Bosnia lies in the hands of the West"
    "The responsibility rests with the Allies"

  7. assume a reclining position;

    "lie down on the bed until you feel better"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. If you feel unwell, go and lie down.
  2. My home town lies low in a hidden valley.
  3. The fundamental way out lies in reform and openness.
  4. The novel is lying on the table.
  5. The truth lies between two extremes.
  6. Our land lies between these trees and the river.
  7. I promise never to lie to you from now on.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He degraded himself by cheating and telling lies.


用作動詞 (v.)
lie about〔around〕 (v.+adv.)
    到處散放;閑著不干事 be strewn about; idle around
    lie about〔around〕 I wish you wouldn't just lie around all day. 唯愿你就懨懨無所諸事。 Don't leave your tools lying about. 別把設備一天到晚亂丟。 My dog just lies around all day and doesn't even bark when strangers knock on the door—he's not even worth his keep. 我的狗天天午睡,也在較為陌親人叩門時也是叫——不非常值得養它了。
lie back (v.+adv.)
    躺,倚靠 recline;lean backwards against some support
    lie back Just lie back and enjoy yourself here. 在里靜養時間靜養時間,快活地看看吧。 He lay back in the comfortable chair. 他靠在最舒服的木椅子上。
lie before (v.+prep.)
    展現在…的面前 unfold before one's eyes
    lie before sb/sth The valley lay before us. 懸崖能夠在他們收眼底。 A vast expanse of golden crops lay before us. 你們腦子里展示出出整個片杏米黃色的果樹。 Since you are young, life still lies before you. 你要低齡,衣食住行的路還長呢。 My duty to my family lies before my own interests. 我的家責任義務比我的自己的既得利益更必要。
lie behind1 (v.+adv.)
    存在于過去;已成為往事 exist earlier;be past
    lie behind of sth Memories lie behind of all that has happened. 人們都不要忘了從前時有發生過的東西。
lie behind2 (v.+prep.)
    是…的原因 be the reason or explanation for sth
lie beyond1 (v.+adv.)
    處于更遠的位置;存在于未來 be in a position further away;exist in the future
    lie beyond I have only ever seen as far as the next valley, and have no idea what lies beyond. 是我遠只到過下其中一個山間,致于更近處怎么能樣我還不都清楚了。 We can make plans for the next year, but who can tell what lies beyond? 你們需要推行2019年的工作規劃,但難道得準此后會再次發生哪些情況下呢?
lie beyond2 (v.+prep.)
    超過…的承受力 be greater than or too much for sth
lie by1 (v.+adv.)
    停泊,停航 stop;come to a rest
    lie by We shall have to lie by because of the storm. 這是由于刺激性暴風霜雨雪,咱們沒法不停航。
lie by2 (v.+prep.)
    處在…旁邊 take a position to sth
    lie by sb/sth It's so pleasant to lie by a warm fire. 呆在暖烘烘的火爐子身邊真夠恬適的。
lie down (v.+adv.)
    逃避(職責),不好好干 evade;fail to do one's duty
    lie down You had better go and lie down. 你依舊去躺一下吧為好。 I had already lain down when he came in. 他過來的之后,我逐漸躺下了。 The doctor says that Mary must lie down and rest an hour every afternoon. 婦科醫生說瑪麗時刻中午要躺下休班個天。 I get terrible headaches but it helps if I lie down in the dark for a while. 我偏頭疼得強勢,如果是在暗處躺一會兒,那就是大是作用的。 She lay down for half an hour. 她休班了半h。 The dog lay down. 這句話狗睡時了。 lie down I hope you don't expect me just to lie down and take his insults. 我祝愿只要你會讓我包容他的侮辱了。 Does he expect us to take such an insult lying down? 誰說他期待人們豁達忍耐怎樣的欺侮嗎? The man will not lie down under such treatment. 這一個人不心甘受這樣的的處理。 We have no intention of lying down under these accusation. 公司不情愿接收許多數落。 lie down on the job If Ade keeps lying down on the job, he'll soon be fired. 但如果艾德很久不挺好干,用不下來何時他就可以被辭退。
lie heavy on (v.+adj.+prep.)
    不舒服,煩惱,痛苦 cause discomfort, trouble, distress in
lie in1 (v.+adv.)
    分娩,待產 remain in bed to give birth to a baby
lie in2 (v.+prep.)
    在于 rest with
lie off (v.+adv.)
    在附近停泊;停止工作 keep a short way from the shore or another ship;stop working
    lie off The ship is now lying off, ready to load up. 這艘船現如今在旁邊停泊,超時裝貨。 As soon as he makes a little money, he lies off and spends it. 他賺點錢就止住工做,把錢花完。
lie on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    松勁;不求進取 relax one's efforts;make no further efforts
lie over (v.+adv.)
    延期處理,擱延 be left for action at a future time
    lie over We arrived there too late for the morning cars. We had, therefore, to lie over a day. 我們的到在那里太遲,沒趕到早大巴,既然延誤整天。 Let the matter lie over until the next committee meeting. 將這事擱延至理事會會上次聯席會議。 The decision must lie over until the next executive meeting. 這些決定務必留到第一次執委還會議探討。
lie to1 (v.+adv.)
    停泊 be moored or anchored
    lie to The ship was lying to outside the harbour. 這艘船停泊在海港外。
lie to2 (v.+prep.)
    位于 exist in
    lie to sth To the east of China lies Japan. 德國地屬我們東北側。
lie up (v.+adv.)
    退隱,躲起來 stay in hiding or avoid being noticed
lie with (v.+prep.)
    是…的責任 be sb's duty or responsibility
    lie with sb/sth It lies with you to accept or reject the proposal. 認可就是禁止該建議全由你作主。 It lies with the police to prove that the prisoner actually stole the jewels. 該由警官來否認該犯人著實盜竊案了首飾。 The fault does not lie with the government officials. 這如果不是中央政府干部的出錯。 The job of ensuring an equal sharing of national wealth lies with the government. 以確保均分享賺錢部委財運是政府機構的管理職責。
用作動詞 (v.)
lie about (v.+prep.)
    隱瞞 conceal;cover up
    lie about sth Many women lie about their ages. 不少婦人在我們的借款人年紀故障上不樂意說看笑話。 Age is one thing, but how do you lie about your height? 年限行謊報,也是你如果隱瞞事實他的身高體重呢? She lied about her past. 她捏造了我們過去式的成長經歷。 She lied about what had happened. 她對發生了的事撒了謊。
lie into (v.+prep.)
    騙取(某人的)信任;騙(某人做某事) make sb believe or do sth
    lie sb/oneself into sth/v-ing Be on guard against those who try to lie themselves into our confidence. 要警醒某些視圖用彌天大謊來獲取自己相互信任的人。 He lied himself into office. 他靠哄騙手法擁有工作職務。 He lied me into lending him my car. 他騙感情各類汽車借出去了他。
lie out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    靠撒謊擺脫(困境) leave difficulty by deceiving
    lie oneself/sth out of sth She succeeded in lying herself out of trouble. 她獲得成功地用謊話使自個克服了困局。 He lied his way out of trouble. 他以假話使我自己挽救了陷入困境。
lie to (v.+prep.)
    (向…)撒謊 make a statement that one knows to be untrue to
    lie to sb The witness lied to the jury. 見證人誤導了陪審團。 It is wrong to lie to the parents. 對爸爸媽媽不誠實是腳本錯誤的。
用作名詞 (n.)
as far as in me lies
    盡我所能 try one's best
tell a lie〔tell lies〕
    說謊 make a statement that one knows to be untrue


用作動詞 (v.)
~+形容詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
副詞+~ ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • I had committed some fault and told a lie about it. 出自: J. Cary
  • The horizontal lie of the chalk beds. 出自: S. Baring
  • A stretcher on which lies a drunken woman. 出自: Scott Fitzgerald
  • The long white forenoons of childhood, as I lay ill or convalescent. 出自: Day Lewis
  • The boy lay asleep..in his teak bunk. 出自: G. Greene
  • The train was very full, he said, though Myatt knew he lied. 出自: G. Greene
  • It seems so terrible to lie to him..about things which just aren't true. 出自: I. Murdoch
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